Vos prénoms de Vampire et de gothique

26 Juin 2007
2 877
The Great Archives determine you to have gone by the identity:
Persephone d'Angoulême
Known in some parts of the world as:
Kiku of Slovakia
The Great Archives Record:
A wretched creature who haunts taverns looking for fights, excuses to draw blood

j'aime pas trop ma description par contre.

gothique : Beautifully Chaotic
8 Août 2006
6 507
1 161
5 344
The Great Archives determine you to have gone by the identity:
Giselle Beau Pre
Known in some parts of the world as:
Lodemai of The Steely Moon
The Great Archives Record:
A child of the Moon Goddess - Cold, determined, but of the light in the night.

et en gothique : Deranged insanity
31 Octobre 2006
1 414
3 849
The Great Archives determine you to have gone by the identity:
Selene Deshoulières
Known in some parts of the world as:
Isis of Bats and Shadows
The Great Archives Record:
Slipping amongst the shadows, flitting between dark places, always quiet.

Gothique : Twisted Temptation
12 Août 2007
1 227
3 029
chevilly la rue
The Great Archives determine you to have gone by the identity:
Claudia Vigée-Lebrun
Known in some parts of the world as:
Leto of Maramures
The Great Archives Record:
Born of blue blood, drinks only from the bluest of throats. Imagines itself sophisticated.

en gothique: devil's plaything
9 Septembre 2007
3 669
a naaaaaan
mon nom gothique c'est Asshole's Revenge
c'est horrible mdr!!:d

Sinn pour le nom vampire :

The Great Archives determine you to have gone by the identity:
Sultana of The Far North
Known in some parts of the world as:
Kimi of Gypsies
The Great Archives Record:
A traveller of travellers, of good humour but dangerous.

par contre j'adore la description
15 Octobre 2005
1 574
4 874
Metz. Ville d'origine : Cahors (46)
nom gothique : Heart of Darkness (j'adore)

nom vampire :
The Great Archives determine you to have gone by the identity:
Victoria Mare
Known in some parts of the world as:
Kiku of The Night
The Great Archives Record:
Adrift in the night, hiding from the sunlight. This one moves from place to place, never settling.


Mon nom gothique : black stain

The Great Archives determine you to have gone by the identity:
Sorceress of The Arctic
Known in some parts of the world as:
Curse of Bats and Shadows
The Great Archives Record:
Slipping amongst the shadows, flitting between dark places, always quiet.

j'adore, mais c'est dommage, je déteste le froid, alors l'arctique ...
3 Juin 2007
4 724
The Great Archives determine you to have gone by the identity:
Chastity Mare

Known in some parts of the world as:
Consort of Wraiths

The Great Archives Record:
A needy and violent spirit.

Heart of Darkness

Sa sonne bien mon prénom de gothique j'trouve même si sa me serviras jamais ^^
9 Janvier 2008
1 577
The Great Archives determine you to have gone by the identity:
Sorceress of The Ghastly
Known in some parts of the world as:
Scourge of The Tormented
The Great Archives Record:
A soul in torment and tumult - hell of their own making!

Et mon nom gothic: Spydr's mate


A mon tour... :d

Nom Vampire :
The Great Archives determine you to have gone by the identity:
Angelique Vigée-Lebrun
Known in some parts of the world as:
Leto of The Flesh
The Great Archives Record:
A sensual one who knows the flesh - and knows the blood. (Niark Niark Niark :whistle: )

Nom Gothique :
Deadly Desire
11 Mars 2008
11 466
2 187
8 034
The Great Archives determine you to have gone by the identity:
Sultana of India
Known in some parts of the world as:
Tigress of The Crows
The Great Archives Record:
Intelligent, knowing, wise and shrewd. This winged one was cast from the firmament. :yawn:

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