The Great Archives determine you to have gone by the identity:
Empress of Persia ( Impératrice de Perse huhu ^^)
Known in some parts of the world as:
Wraith of Beggars and Lepers (wraith ? des mendiants et des lépreux 'oué bof bof ) :errf:
The Great Archives Record:
Amongst the lowest of the low you will find this one travelling. (Parmi le plus bas du bas vous trouverez celui-ci le déplacement. ???)
Goth name:
Angelic Disgrace
The Great Archives determine you to have gone by the identity:
Empress of Persia ( Impératrice de Perse huhu ^^)
Known in some parts of the world as:
Wraith of Beggars and Lepers (wraith ? des mendiants et des lépreux 'oué bof bof ) :errf:
The Great Archives Record:
Amongst the lowest of the low you will find this one travelling. (Parmi le plus bas du bas vous trouverez celui-ci le déplacement. ???)
Goth name:
Angelic Disgrace