Darren Criss

23 Mars 2011
3 125
2 360
1 654

4 Juillet 2010
3 777
2 669
2 544
J'en profite, je viens de voir ça sur Tumblr :

1. I speak fluent Italian.
2. My second name is Everett.
3. I would love to work together with Bruno Mars.
4. I did audition for the part of Finn and song a number of the Little Mermaid.
5. My curls are real.
6. My mom is Filipino.
7. I play drums, violin, guitar, pan flute, violin, harmonica, mandolin, didgeridoo and piano.
8. I played Harry Potter in A Very Potter Musical and A Very Potter Sequel.
9. I have a crush on Hermione Granger.
10. My favorite color is purple.
11. When I was a child I made a cartoon character called Iclemyer. (ahah il sait bien mentir, c'était son ami imaginaire et il a même appelé son compte youtube comme ça :cretin:)
12. During interviews I can’t hold my hands.
13. I love eating green apples. (Darpple ?)
14. I love the beach, sushi and little animals how are cute. ("puppy puppy puppy puppy... a book ?!")
15. My mom thinks I eat too fast.
16. Once I give a girl where I had a crush on, a serenade at her house

EDIT : Aaah mais pourquoi Darren n'est pas resté danser avec eux :yawn:
23 Mars 2011
3 125
2 360
1 654
  • He originally auditioned for the role of Finn.
  • He went to University of Michigan and graduated in 2009.
  • Darren can play the piano, guitar, digeridoo, panflute, violin, cello, drums, mandolin, ukulele, kazoo and harmonica.
  • Darren won the 2010 Greggy Award for role of Blaine on Glee.
  • Darren has a Bachelor in Fine Arts in performance and acting from the University of Michigan.
  • Darren’s brother, Chuck Criss, is a member of the Freelance Whales.
  • He wrote every song for Team Starkid’s ‘A Very Potter Sequel’ and Starship. He co-wrote with AJ Holmes on A Very Potter Musical.
  • Darran has a ‘cool crush’ on co-star Heather Morris.
  • Didn’t go to his senior prom because he was grounded.
  • Hermione Granger is his fictional crush.
  • His favorite Filipino dish is Tocino.
  • Wrote his first song, Human, when he was fifteen.
  • Likes good people that play evil characters.
  • Had a small cameo role in Katy Perry’s Last Friday Night music video, playing a character named Aaron Christopherson (a parody of his own name) along with fellow Glee co-star Kevin McHale.
  • His trademark accessory is his hot pink sunglasses.
  • His favorite baseball team is the San Francisco Giants.
  • His biggest fear is turning into an inanimate object.
  • Once he had a dream that he was in a concert, but the concert sounded like his alarm clock.
  • First guest mentor of “The Glee Project”.
  • He celebrated 24th birthday in Chicago with his fellow Starkids.
  • He describes himself as a ho-hum random guy, and ‘not just some floozy’.
  • One of his favorite colors is purple, because it is the color of creativity, and roman nobility. He also enjoys color combinations such as blue and orange together.
  • Before the Glee audition for Blaine Anderson, he cut his hair so he would have a better chance of getting the part.
  • If he could see the world in one color, it would be pink, because then mean people wouldn’t look so mean.
  • He can speak and sing in Italian. Video
  • He created his own cartoon character as a child, who he named Iclemyer.
  • He loves the fans of Starkid and Glee equally.
  • Likes to use the words ‘beautiful’, ‘organic’ and ‘genuine’ a lot.
  • He used to live in Hawaii.
  • He likes to put Campbell’s Mushroom Soup onto chicken and rice.
  • He used to perform every Thursday at an Italian resturant called Maggiano’s.
  • His height is between 5’6” and 5’9”. (There is some conflict on this matter.)
  • His name on twitter is @DarrenCriss, and his picture is pink glasses.
  • Has been made a full-time series regular for season 3.
  • He unexpectedly kissed co-star Chris Colfer at their last stop on the Glee European Tour in Dublin.
  • He is known for his triangular eyebrows.
  • His animagus would be a chameleon like Pascal in “Tangled”.
  • During interviews he can’t keep his hands still (he always moves them).
  • He likes green apples.
  • He likes beaches, sushi, and small animals… who are nice.
  • His vocal range is a tenor. (Source)
  • He is straight, though growing up he had a lot of gay friends and he himself was into “girly things” like musical theater.
  • He went to a college-preparatory high school, is a San Franciso native.
  • He won a Teen Choice Award for Breakout TV Star in 2011.
  • He will play the role of J. Pierrepont Finch in the Broadway Musical “How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying” from January 3, 2011 through January 22, 2011.
  • Darren can speak many languages, such as Italian, which was his major in college, and some Japanese (was his elective language in college), German, Portuguese and French (his three European Language electives at the University of Michigan) and Filipino (specifically, Cebuano) since he’s Half-Filipino.
  • He notoriously forgets the lyrics to his own songs.
  • He “swears like a sailor”.
  • He doesn’t change the lyrics of songs as he sings them to make them gender-appropriate (as shown by Coolest Girl )
  • He wears glasses.
  • He’s “not into labels”.
  • When he meets people he doesn’t forget them.
  • He considers himself to be an actor who attempts to sing, as his degree is in acting.
He's so fluffy I'm gonna die :lunette:




En plus il nous montre qu'on peut être sexy avec une doudoune...

23 Mars 2011
3 125
2 360
1 654
Coucou en plus j'ai trop d'humour et je prend le temps de faire des dessins plutôt que de signer des autographes bêtement.


4 Juillet 2010
3 777
2 669
2 544
Je révise en écoutant Dress & Tie de Charlene Kaye et Darren, c'est fou ce que ce morceaux est cool :jv:

Aussi, j'ai trouvé un playbill de Darren Criss à moins de 10$ frais de port compris (à la base j'en cherchais un de Daniel mais je n'en ai pas vu :erf:), vu que sur ebay il sont a plus de 10$ sans fdp, que sur le site de H2$ ils sont à 10$ mais ils ne livrent pas en France et que sur le site des Playbill de Broadway ils sont à 10$ mais les fdp sont de 40$, je l'ai acheté :shifty:
(oui quand il y a une quelconque réduction quelque part, je ne résiste pas :sweatdrop:)

Donc je devrais bientôt être en possession de ça :
4 Juillet 2010
3 777
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2 544
Il y a enfin des vidéos :d Très mauvaise qualité mais bon on ne s'en plaindra pas :
et ici à partir de 1:20 (la mieux ;))
il y en a d'autre je crois, mais ce sont les trois meilleures...

Et ici, toute la bande sont est dispo !

Et ceci est venu ce rajouter à la liste de mes nombreux fond d'écran <3

(JoMo il est quand même tout mignon à avoir mis un noeud pap' et avoir apporté des fleurs pour la première :jv:)
23 Mars 2011
3 125
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1 654
Aaaah merci pour les liens ! J'espère qu'il y a aura quelques passages filmés pour la télé, j'adorerai le voir danser !

Sinon une vidéo ici, il est vraiment trop adorable

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