Le meilleur d'Omegle !

18 Avril 2008
4 754
Un peu partout en fait
Je reviens sur ce que j'ai dit ...
Omegle n'est plus ce qu'il était , sur 20 conversations 19 ont commencé par "f or m ?" ce qui est assez énervant !
Et celle qui reste a commencé par " kill all niggas i hate them all" ce qui est assez sympa quand on est black dans la vie de tous les jours.
Je parie qu'il venait des USA, mais j'ai pas eu le temps de lui demander... il m'avait bombardé d'insultes entre temps !
26 Avril 2010
3 764
Stranger : 1:horny boy 2: normal boy 3:horny girl 4:normal girl

You: 5: horny snail ;)

your conversational partner has disconected.

J'en ai sauvegardé quelques unes, je reviendrai.^^


You: Hi ! hope you're not a "horny guy" (again !)

Stranger: hello

You: How are you ?

Stranger: fine

You: I'm fine too ! even if you didn't ask.

Stranger: - -

Stranger: sorry

You: I forgive you. Ain't I really, really kind ?

Stranger: ^-^

Stranger: i'm sorry for my poor english

You: It's alright, I also forgive your for that. I decided to forgive everything today.

Stranger: haha

Stranger: where are you from?

You: I'm French.

You: Usually people disconnect when I tell them I am French :-/

You: I don't understand why.

Stranger: cool ,i like french

You: Where are you from ?

Stranger: france

Il a tout compris !!! :cretin:


Up encore, j'ai testé le fameux Justin Bieber...

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Official messages from Omegle will not be sent with the label 'Stranger:'. Strangers claiming to represent Omegle are lying.

You: hey

You: Are you Justin Bieber ?

You: omg, i hope you're not !

You: if justin bieber finds me, he's gonna eat me !

You: my parents will be so sad

You: and i haven't finished my homeworks !

Your conversational partner has disconnected.



J'ai un nouveau fan ! J'ai tout déchiré !

Stranger: Do you have a penis?

You: Yes, it's in my fridge.

Stranger: DUDE


Stranger: FINALLY

2 Août 2010
2 214
OK j'ai rien compris à la conversation que je viens d'avoir :P

You: hi

Stranger: hey

Stranger: are you from?

You: france

You: and you ?

Stranger: wow

Stranger: china

You: why wow ?

Stranger: chink fag

Stranger: i fucking hate Chinese

Stranger: My favorite country is France

You: but you are chinese ...

Stranger: oops wrong person

You: so you are Chinese but you don't like Chinese ?

Stranger: lol

Stranger: nigga you don't even know what just happened

Stranger: i h4xed j00

You: yeah I didn't understand a shit
7 Décembre 2007
7 534
14 798
6 154
You: Hi :)

Stranger: whats up

You: I'm looking for some funny people

Stranger: Im drunk

You: great

Stranger: and looking for more drunkards

Stranger: and we can drink....over the internet

You: why not

Stranger: shot?

You: I've got vodka

Stranger: tequila? Cheap vodkda?


You: tequila salt and lemon

Stranger: with a squirt of piss

You: why randy moss ?

Stranger: did you see his "snatch" a few ticks ago

You: no sorry

Stranger: do you even watch football

You: sometimes

You: only with beers actually

Stranger: fuckin ay

Stranger: or bears

Stranger: ever watched a football game with a grizzly bear?

You: not but it could be funny

Stranger: I did once and it broke my fucking television

You: obvioulsy

Stranger: and then it tried to eat me so I stabbed it with a spork

You: grizzly don't like football

Stranger: the cool ones do

You: so I have to do that

You: where can I find a grizzly ?

Stranger: At your local zoo

You: I'll call them

Stranger: ive got the number...1 800 GrizzSex

You: waw sex with a grizzly, it must hurt

Stranger: If you had to have sex with any animal what would it be?

You: I think it could be fun with a pink floyd

You: and hurtless

Stranger: i guess

Stranger: no fun if it doesnt hurt at some point

You: a goose ?

Stranger: wtf thats weird

You: I love beaks

You: maybe you have a beak

You: I accept all instead swans, I hate them

Stranger: maybe

Stranger: Im going to smoke a cigg

You: after sex cig ?

Stranger: no drunk cigg

You: I prefer the after sex drunk one

Stranger: so does Jesus

You: I didnt even know that

Stranger: well...as they say you learn something new everyday

You: yes and my life would be better now

You: but I'm wondering if sex would be better with a pink floyd or a goose

You: or a toucan, big beak

You: I think you fell asleep on your keyboard

You: or you're calling the zoo

You: so I have to go
7 Décembre 2007
7 534
14 798
6 154
C'est un festival ce soir !

You: bouhou

Stranger: hello

You: bouhouhou

Stranger: holooloo

You: You want to marry me ?

Stranger: yes

You: we could speak the bouhouholooloo together

Stranger: yes we can

You: so great

You: are you a bouloo boy ?

Stranger: bouho !

You: oh you frightened me :sad:

You: dont bouho ! me like that

Stranger: dont be bohou

You: I feel be(ouhou)tter

Stranger: wrong spell bohoolo

You: you are hard with bohoo me

Stranger: you two

You: will you buy me boohoo cupcakes?

You: for our booweddinghoo

Stranger: give me some

You: I've only got bohoo taste

You: is it goohood for you ?

Stranger: yehhodlo

Stranger: youholo?

You: yehooloo

You: but you don't answerhooloo me

You: are you a boohooloo boy ?

You: or a hoolooloogirl maybe

Stranger: yhololo

You: I accept boohooboth

You: I'm a free boohoo

Stranger: meholool 2

You: so boohoo you are

You: I'm looking for a bohoo dress

Stranger: boyholo

You: fine hooloo

You: we could live in booloo world

You: with rainbowlooloo and whitebooloo cloudsbooloo

Stranger: okohoool

You: and a booloocat

You: or a hooloodog if you prefer

Stranger: choose!holo

You: pinkbouhoucatloo

You: I want a bouhou one

Stranger: okoloolo

You: I'm afraid I ve to gohoo

You: I workloloo tomorrox

You: so goohood night to youloo
22 Janvier 2010
2 940
17 874
5 744
Stranger: hey

You: Luke,i'm your father


You: Yes

Stranger: but how?!

You: Hum thats a looong loong story my child

You: but Leila is your sister

Stranger: wtf dude

Stranger: we like.... well


Stranger: hey


Stranger: pfft we both know im the better jedi

You: :O

You: You killed me

You: You wanna make me cry?

Il répond plus
27 Octobre 2010
2 754
2 898
3 234
Rah zut j'ai pas gardé mes trucs moi.

Bon, en tout cas vous m'avez p'têtre eu parmis les fous une fois pasque :

je parlais avec un type trop sympa qui s'apellait Flo je crois. Puis Internet coupe, et là c'est le drame. Du coup après, je le cherchais partout en mettant FLO? FLO? FLO? ...

et à un moment, un mec, il me fais "Yes!" et moi, naive que je suis je fais "Omg, I've found you ! I'm so happy" et là, il dit, "No, I was just kidding" et il se barre. Et j'étais, genre, FOREVER ALONE.

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