Le meilleur d'Omegle !



You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: Hallo!

You: hello :)

Stranger: Are you willing to bow down to the AWESOME Prussia now?

Stranger: Well?

You: no ,France Kicking your ass ! ahah

Stranger: HAH!

Stranger: Shows what you know! I-I'm too awesome!

Stranger: But you wouldn't know anything about that, ja? ; D

You: I'm too Wonderful !!

Stranger: Tsk. Denial.

You: i wanna know if u want

Stranger: Know what? I know everything.

You: wowwwww You are Jesus ?

Stranger: Heh. Close! I'm the awesome Prussia. Take note of this already, ja? But you can also call me GOD.

You: ok !! I'm Dark vador !

Stranger: More like Dork Vader, amiright?

You: I'm your father Father of god ! ahaha

Stranger: Haha! You wish!

You: yes *-* I'm Chuck Norris !

Stranger: Tch! Oh yeah? And I'm lame and un-cool.

Stranger: ....Which I'm NOT by the way

You: so tell me what you know dear Jesus !

Stranger: D-did you not hear me?! I'm GOD. I'm the godly Prussia!

Stranger: My knowledge is too awesome for you.
24 Octobre 2005
3 293
4 964
Est-ce que j'ai parlé avec la Corée du nord?....



You: hi
Stranger: hello
Stranger: im claud
Stranger: by name andU
You: i'm père nowel
Stranger: wow
You: yeaah
Stranger: i like ur name
You: me too
You: i like my name !
Stranger: wonderful
Stranger: so are u on face book
You: yes, of course !
You: you have to look on santa claus!
Stranger: in ******** ****** on facebook (bon j'vais pas dire son vrai nom quand même^^)
Stranger: and u?
You: Santa Claus ! do you understand when i'm talking?
Stranger: yeah
Stranger: im ******** ****** on facebook
Stranger: so show mi urs
You: I have understand! i tell you i am santa claus ! like OH OH OH!
Stranger: ok
Stranger: so are u m/f
You: hermafrodite!
You: m and f, a mixture

Your conversational partner has disconnected
3 Février 2008
3 724
Livry Gargan
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: näytä tissit
You: are you my father ?
Stranger: yes
You: =)
You: Daddy !
You: where's mum ?
Stranger: i ate her
You: o_O
You: was she good ?
Stranger: taste was a bit dusty
You: ha...
You: too bad...
Stranger: yes

(j'suis faaaaaaan d'Omegle !)
11 Novembre 2008
2 344
saint joseph
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: hey

You: hi!

You: Hum... how old are U ?

Stranger: oh 20

You: oh... me too!

You: girl/ Boy??

Stranger: really cause u kno some people ly about they age

You: lol... ok... fine... I'm six years old...

You: I confess

Stranger: how do i kno u not a Stalker

You: you don't!

Stranger: your 2 young 4 the computer

You: you think??

You: Ok...

You: Ok I'll tell you everything: I'm Santa Claus and I'm looking for new elves.

Stranger: no really how old r u

You: do you want this job??

Stranger: no lolz

You: why??

You: It's a good job, you know?

Stranger: thats just so stupid

You: really?

You: You will not have gift for next christmas...

Stranger: okkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk lolz

You: too bad for you!

Stranger: yeah 2 bad for me

You: I had prepared a great thing especially for you

Stranger: wat

You: too bad!!!!!!!!!

Stranger: why

Stranger: ;(

You: Oh... no... you will not know it!

You: It's too late bad kid!!!!

Stranger: wat

Stranger: im 20 sweetie

You: and so??

You: You are always a kid!

Stranger: how old r u

You: don't you think?

You: I'm too old to tell you my age

You: Santa claus is eternal... so I'm too old...

Stranger: wat is it its just over the computer

You: What?

Stranger: come on please

You: I am santa claus... not GOD!

Stranger: tell me please
You: loooooooooool!

My god... j'ai honte! Alors, j'étais en train de discuter avec un mec plutôt sympa et jai fait une bourde...
Moi: If I say you "simpson" what do you reply?
Lui: I would say thanks for telling the thruth.

J'ai compris qu'il me remerciait pour être honnête... alors j'ai dis mais de rien! Je t'en pris... -_- Quelle idiote!


Je déterre le topic! :d

Je viens de me faire une petite session Omegle, ça fait du bieeen!

En moins de 4minutes, j'ai eu 7contacts à qui j'ai posé la même question, et ils sont tous partis dans la seconde : Are you justin bieber? :yawn:
Il les fait fuir je vous dis!
21 Avril 2007
4 834
Arwen je me suis permise d'essayer le coup "Justin Bieber" et en effet...radical ! :puppyeyes:

Je ne vais que très rarement sur Omegle mais je dois avouer que c'est un bon moyen de parler anglais sans avoir peur de dériver. Par contre c'est presque vexant quand la personne n'est pas aussi bizarre que tu le croyais et te coupe dans ton élan...

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: Hey!

Stranger: hello!

You: how are u?

You: where u from?

Stranger: pretty hungry

Stranger: you?

You: I can be your sandwich

You: england

Stranger: oh

Stranger: that's sexy

You: I know

Stranger: tuna sandwich?

You: tuna is too dry

Stranger: and you're wet?

You: wet like a dirty salmon

Stranger: jesus christ

Stranger: sounds delicious

You: because I AM delicious honey

Stranger: are you male or female?

You: a female pinky salmon

Stranger: well that's awkward

You: so you don't like fishing?

Stranger: no

Stranger: not really
26 Août 2006
4 724
Coupe du monde quand tu nous tient.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: hi

You: hey

Stranger: asl?

You: stranger

Stranger: lol

You: ah

You: always that question !

You: asl asl asl ?


Stranger: lmfao

Stranger: i could throw you a curve ball

Stranger: what is your stance on the current progressive post-modernist poetry scene?

You: oh my god

You: i'm not fluent in english

You: so i don't really understand what you wrote

Stranger: haha well if you had answered asl then i probably would've figured you aren't a native speaker

You: but i'm sure you make fun of me

Stranger: see how it's a useful question

You: haha

You: fucking question

Stranger: but i would know where you were from

You: if you were american or british , i think you will hate me

Stranger: german?

You: no

You: i'm not iraqi either if you wonder

Stranger: iranian?

You: i'm european

Stranger: french?

Stranger: im english so i hate everyone

Stranger: well

You: yeeees

Stranger: nearly everyone

You: french

You: escargot

Stranger: meh not so bad

You: smelly cheese

Stranger: you guys just suck at football and war

You: haha

You: football you 're right

You: but war ...

You: i'm sorry

Stranger: yo, we are WAY better at war than you

Stranger: we saved you

Stranger: twice

You: haha

You: american saves us !

You: you too

Stranger: pffft the americans are glory hogs who never arrive on time

You: anyway !

You: no wars today in european

Stranger: this is true

You: so we should be happy !

Stranger: you must be kind of choked about the world cup though eh?

You: humm

You: what did you hear about the french team ?

Stranger: that they had a revolt, anelka flew home and they didnt get into the last 16. and that they sucked (they did i watched) and then the coach got fired

Stranger: and replaced

You: wouah

You: shame on us XD

Stranger: lol you didnt know?

You: a team which refuses to train

You: i knew that

You: i'm in france

Stranger: that was the revolt

You: yep

Stranger: haha

You: that sucks

You: but it's just football

You: and you lost too , remember ?

Stranger: they can't help it though, it's in their blood. you did do it twice to your monarchy

You: So you shouldn't make fun of us

You: XD

Stranger: yeah but we got knocked out by a really good team

You: you're so funny

Stranger: haha

You: ''it's in theur blood''

Stranger: england were shit though

You: their*

Stranger: they didnt deserve to do well

Stranger: they're all idiots and paid too much

Stranger: and we have a manager who needs a translator

Stranger: absolute rubbish

You: oh

You: doesn't your manager speak english ?

Stranger: no, it's fabio capello. does that sound english?

Stranger: he's useless

Stranger: AND they kept him

You: really ?

You: don't make the same mistake !

Stranger: exactly

You: we kept our coach one more year

You: and now ...

Stranger: exactly!

You: !

Stranger: right

Stranger: its 2:30am because im in canada

Stranger: im afraid i must sleep

Stranger: g'night chap

You: bye bye :)

Stranger: bon nuit

Stranger: :P

Stranger: lol

You: bonne nuit *

You: :P


Stranger: hahaha

Your conversational partner has disconnected.
18 Septembre 2009
3 919
1 992
5 184
Stranger: Hey, what's up. I'm the brawny man. I'm here to share my love and happiness like a glow to the world.
You: sounds interesting
Stranger: yeah, it is quite intriguing at first glance
You: yes
You: and much better that the regular asl
Stranger: that's what i'm going for i guess
Stranger: though i raelly can't help it
Stranger: i'm the brawny man
You: love it
Stranger: thanks.
You: welcome
Stranger: i'm actually 26/male/wisconsin speaking of asls
You: 22/female/ from france but currently in nyc
Stranger: ah what are you doing in nyc? studyin?
You: internship
Stranger: cool
You: kind of
Stranger: which field
You: translation
Stranger: do you like it?
Stranger: is that your passion in life
You: no
Stranger: what's your passion
You: travelling
You: what's urs
Stranger: haha awesome
Stranger: writing
Stranger: but traveling is up there
You: what do u write abt
Stranger: i have a mobile job luckily
Stranger: i write love sonnets to girls i meet on the internet
You: write one to me then
Stranger: only if we like each other
You: ok
Stranger: i like you so far
You: thank u
You: same here
Stranger: well then
Stranger: i think it's destiny that omegle set us up together
You: what can we do against fate
Stranger: exactly
Stranger: we might as well surrender to the love
Stranger: and give in to our passions in a night of unforgettable eroticism
You: hmmm
You: sounds interesting
Stranger: not interesting
Stranger: orgasmitrating
Stranger: i invented that word just for you
You: is that a word ?
You: ahah
You: love it
Stranger: and i even anticipated your question before you asked it
Stranger: i'm on my game right now
You: u r good
Stranger: i know
Stranger: you're falling in love....(hypnotizing)
You: totally
You: cant resist
Stranger: you're done
Stranger: what's your name, lover of mine
You: maylis
You: what's urs
Stranger: dan
Stranger: hi maylis
You: hi dan
You: nice to meet u
Stranger: you as well
You: (sounds more official)
Stranger: and now that we've got that out of the way
Stranger: when can i take you away from NYC and bring you on a life of adventure and romance
You: is right now possible ?
Stranger: let's do it
Stranger: *flies off in a cape*
You: there is a rooftop available for ur landing
Stranger: awesome
Stranger: make th ebed ready for my landing
Stranger: why not have a quick one before we disembark
You: yes, to give some energy for the long trip
Stranger: exactly
Stranger: it doesn't rob you and i of energy
Stranger: rather it sustains us
Stranger: we reverse the laws of conservation of energy
You: definetly
You: and give us something to talk/think about during the trip
Stranger: yeah
Stranger: the next time we can find a bed
Stranger: will be a frequent topic of conversation
Stranger: what do you look like?
You: regular size, light brown hair, green eyes
You: some say i look like melanie laurent
Stranger: i'm the brawny man. six feet tall, brown hair green eyes
Stranger: i'll google her
Stranger: ah she's beautiful
Stranger: score
You: what do u look like
Stranger: see above
You: aah right
You: green eyes... i always fall for green eyes men
Stranger: well you're in love then
Stranger: i'm here
Stranger: time to forget all past broken relationships and empty promises
Stranger: the one has arrived
You: i knew it
Stranger: omegle did it for you
Stranger: on a random satudrday night
You: what could i ask for more
Stranger: you couldn't
Stranger: now it's just your job to seduce me
You: hmm
You: hard to seduce the brawny man... i mean u must have hundreds of beautiful women falling for u
Stranger: but that doesn't mean you'll get off easy
Stranger: just you
You: right.
You: well can i use my french accent to seduce u ?
Stranger: haha major points for the french accent
Stranger: is there any way i can hear it?
Stranger: skype or something
You: hmm not that fast brawny man
Stranger: no worries
You: u will have to imagine it for the moment
Stranger: my email is ;;;;;;;;;; just in case my computer locks up though
Stranger: i'll imagine the stereotypical beautiful french woman speaking with a thick french accent
You: ahaha
Stranger: i'm sure you're fine with that
You: i dont have a thick french accent
Stranger: ah
Stranger: well that's ok
You: but it's french enough
Stranger: it's still a weak point for the brawny man
You: i'll be working on that then
Stranger: haha
Stranger: no just be you!
Stranger: just bring it with you on our dates
Stranger: we'll be good
You: perfect then
You: i'll bring my french looks as well
Stranger: haha
Stranger: i like you, you're seducing me quite well
Stranger: embracing the "french woman" theme - smart choice
You: well i am who i am
Stranger: same with me
You: cant deny my origins
Stranger: brawny man style
Stranger: wisconsin american!
You: awsome
Stranger: i know
You: never meet anyone from wisconsin before
Stranger: well we haven't met
Stranger: not officially
Stranger: but yeah that's me
You: true
You: so what it's the best thing in a wisconsin man
Stranger: i can't speak for all of them
Stranger: but i like to think my zest for life puts me above the rest
Stranger: you won't find me wallowing in self pity ever
You: that's very good to know
You: i dont like this kind of people
Stranger: me neither
Stranger: if we'd ever make it well together we'd have to be happy and positive
Stranger: and have fun
Stranger: and adventures
You: i am all about adventures
Stranger: you and me can have lpenty then
Stranger: we'll be explorers
You: which place first ,
You: ?
Stranger: they could write stories about the adventures we'll have
Stranger: caribbean
Stranger: let's find lost pirate treasure
You: i want to wear a cool pirat outfit then
Stranger: you can wear whatever you want my love
Stranger: and i'll be indiana jones
You: aaah now u r killing me with my number 1 fantasy
Stranger: hah
Stranger: uh oh
Stranger: you shouldn't have told me that
Stranger: now i know YOUR weak spot
You: ahah
You: but there is so much u dont know yet abt me
Stranger: true
Stranger: but i want to know
Stranger: i want to know all about you
7 Juillet 2008
4 704
You: hi !
Stranger: hey
You: how are you today ?
Stranger: very well thank you, and you?
You: oh ! the weather is too hot but great !
You: where are you from buddy ?
Stranger: Wales how about you?
You: I'm french.
You: did you watch the world cup ?
You: (excuse my bad english by the way)
Stranger: no I have stayed away from it as best as I can, not really into football and your english is perfect
You: Oh thanks. Yes i'm not really into football too but you know it was for conversation haha. What are you doing in life ?
Stranger: haha yes i understand, I am an art student at the moment, what do you do?
You: oh very good. I have a lot of friends who are art students and i always wanted to do cinema but now, i'm law student in paris
Stranger: wow very different, film and law, how are you finding your studies?
You: well, cinema is really my passion, i love it but law, you know, it's for the security, the parents (i know it's very very bad). But i sware it, one day, i'll do what i love to do !
Stranger: aww thats kind of sad but its great that you respect your parents enough to do that. One day if you are ment to follow your passion, the oppertunity will be there
You: yes i know but i'm a little superstitious too. I think that if it's my destiny i will have an opportunity that i will cannot refuse. It's totally stupid. What kind of art are you studying ?
Stranger: its not stupid at all, Its a great way to look at it, I'm studying fine Art but I specialise in photography
You: oh thank you. I'm probably an eternal dreamer. Photography ? That's so cool too ? What do you prefer : numeric or argentic (hope that is the way to say it in english)
Stranger: I dream a lot too, its not a bad thing. Yes I love photography, I think I know what you mean, numeric is digital?
You: yes, it's a very good quality but sometimes is sad to think taht dreams are only dreams ... Yes that's it !
You: and argentic is when you develop your photographies, you know in a room with red light
Stranger: True about the dreams but if you want something enough, you can make it happen, Yeah I have a digital camera and use that a lot but I also love dark room photography, We have a darkroom in my uni (the red light room) I am in there a lot :)
You: yes, you're very optimistic ! that's great, i love it. Yeah, i always admired that way of making photography, digital is good too but dark room photography is so true. My father has a leica camera but we didn't use it for a long time.
Stranger: I really just like all aspects of photography, Leicas are good, only used one once, never had one of my own...yet
You: for sure. It's your passion. I recently saw the Peter Henry Emerson exibition in the "musée d'orsay". I was breathless. What a beautiful job you will do !
You: seriously some photos were like impressionism paintings.
Stranger: he is really good, i love his work, I would give anything to create images like that, maybe one day
Stranger: anyway it has been very nice speaking to you but it is late and I should be getting some sleep
You: yes. It was. Have a good night and I hope one day i will see YOUR exibition in the musée d'orsay even i will never know it !
You: good luck
Stranger: i hope that too, i also hope one day you will follow your passion, I will go and watch your films
Stranger: good luck to you too, good night
You: thanks ! goodbye
Stranger: xx
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

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