Lyrics Test

4 Juin 2006
3 629
1 304
5 124
J'ai l'impression de vous sortir toujours les mêmes groupes [trichez pas hein:P ] Y'a un semblant de thème cette fois.
And the cotton, Lord,
Cotton?s high, Lord, so high.
Your daddy?s rich
And your ma is so good-looking, baby.

My mother was a tailor
She sewed my new bluejeans
My father was a gamblin' man

When the morning gathers the rainbow
Want you to know I'm a rainbow too
So to the rescue, here I am

Take a trip join me in the sun
But not really though,
Cause I ain't having fun

And I know, I know, I know, I know, I know
I know, I know, I know, I know, I know
I know, I know, I know, I know, I know
I know, I know, I know, I know, I know
I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know,
Hey I ought to leave the young thing alone

Every time I hear you laughing
Hear you laughing
It makes me cry

*chut* winds blue and freezin'
Comin' from northern storms in the sea
Love has been lost, is that the reason?

All that is wrong
All that I feel for or trust in or love
All that is gone

You tell me that I could be happyy
but I'm not ??? (?)
16 Septembre 2006
2 311
4 904
Angers Cedex
Je relance le jeu avec une nouvelle liste!

1. BIP when you notice the stripes, the dirt in your fries.
Hope it's right when you die, old and bony.
Dawn breaks like a bull through the hall,
Never should have called
But my head's to the wall and i'm lonely.

2. But
what about me
I don?t really see
How things will improve
If all you want is to BIP
But what about them
You play mother hen
To a gaggle of gangling youth
All you want is to BIP

3. BIP lay across my big brass bed
Whatever colors you have in your mind
I'll show them to you and you'll see them shine.

4.I do believe it's true
That there are holes left in both of our shoes
If the silence takes you
Then I hope it takes me too
So brown eyes I hold you near
Cause you're the only song I want to hear
A melody softly soaring through my atmosphere

5. I'd rather be a sparrow than a snail
Yes I would, if I could, I surely would
I'd rather be a hammer than a nail
Yes I would, if I only could, I surely would

6. For a minute there...
I lost myself.. I lost myself
Oh for a minute there,
I lost myself.. I lost myself


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