Chapitre 18
Look," said Hermione patiently, "it's always you who gets all the attention, you know it is. I know it's not your fault," she added quickly, seeing Harry open his mouth furiously. "I know you don't ask for it.. . but - well - you know, Ron's got all those brothers to compete against at home, and you're his best friend, and you're really famous - he's always shunted to one side whenever people see you, and he puts up with it, and he never mentions it, but I suppose this is just one time too many. . .
Heureusement qu'elle est là Hermione, elle comprend tout.
He thought he could have coped with the rest of the school's behavior if he could just have had Ron back as a friend,...
On sent toute sa détresse ici, c'est horrible. Je le comprend tout à fait*! Mais on sent aussi sa fierté.
Snape est gros con*!
Mais là c'est quoi la raison*? Il n'a aucune raison d'être mauvais avec Hermione, genre du dis un truc pareil à une ado*! Et puis, il aurait dû punir Draco aussi*!
Chapitre 19
La dispute est horrible*! Et puis le pauvre Harry, il se retrouve encore tout seul*! Ça doit pas être évident, en plus il apprend pour les dragons et tout...
Chapitre 20
But as he looked around the Great Hall at breakfast time, and thought about what leaving the castle would mean, he knew he couldn't do it. It was the only place he had ever been happy. . . well, he supposed he must have been happy with his parents too, but he couldn't remember that.
Il y a beaucoup trop de chapitres dans lesquels on se sent mal pour Harry dans ce tome*!
Harry looked at him in disbelief. He was sure Cedric wouldn't have asked that if he had seen the dragons himself. Harry wouldn't have let his worst enemy face those monsters unprepared - well, perhaps Malfoy or Snape...
Je trouve que cette réflexion montre bien qu'Harry reste un ado.
?Well, now we know what to do next time I can't manage a spell," Harry said, throwing a rune dictionary back to Hermione, so he could try again, "threaten me with a dragon
En plus il garde de l'humour.
"Now, don't panic," she said, "just keep a cool head. . . . We've got wizards standing by to control the situation if it gets out of hand. . . . The main thing is just to do your best, and nobody will think any the worse of you. . . . Are you all right?"
McGonagall est trop géniale

Bon tout le passage avec le dragon c'est trop bien*! Et dans la tente avant aussi, on ressent bien la tension.
Et le meilleur moment du livre*:
Hermione, followed closely by Ron
"Harry," he said, very seriously, "whoever put your name in that goblet - I - I reckon they're trying to do you in!"
Ron grinned nervously at him, and Harry grinned back Hermione burst into tears.
"There's nothing to cry about!" Harry told her, bewildered.
"You two are so stupid!" she shouted, stamping her foot on the ground, tears splashing down her front. Then, before either of them could stop her, she had given both of them a hug and dashed away, now positively howling.
But Harry didn't care, he wouldn't have cared if Karkaroff had given him zero; Ron's indignation on his behalf was worth about a hundred points to him.
Et moi je suis comme Hermione j'ai un peu pleuré aussi...
Je lis le chapitre du jour ce soir, bon aprem