Right this second

30 Octobre 2014
1 345
2 314
If I hear one more "y'all" I'm gonna scream haha! (not here but irl).

Ok so after waiting 6 long weeks for the internet to finally start working at my place, it turns out that after ONE night it is, again, not working ... seriously ? I didn't even have time to enjoy it :gonk:
If I hear one more "y'all" I'm gonna scream haha! (not here but irl).

Why so? It's a very useful word!

(I use y'all irl a lot) (and ain't) (and a lot of other words like that) (I like them) (a lot) (don't be mean to those poor lil words they're doing their best! :tears: )
Dernière édition :
30 Octobre 2014
1 345
2 314
@AprilMayJune Sorryyyy (it was meant as a joke) (My friends use it aaaaaalll the time, sometimes in every sentence, and one day I realised I was actually about to use it too, just cause I'm a parrot :ninja: ).

There has been one new addition to our group lately and while I like the guy, sometimes he makes me uncomfortable and he can also be cocky :stare: Point is, we are supposed to meet later, but I don't think I wanna be alone with him.
@Ohana ha no worries, it's okay :d

I think it makes sense that the way your friends speak end up having an influence on you. You wouldn't be the first one to have a vocabulary (or an accent) that changes to look more like the people you often talk to. And I can understand you not wanting to see specific changes your language :happy:
30 Octobre 2014
1 345
2 314
@AprilMayJune You're absolutely right ! I find it amazing to see how we adapt to the people around us, even with the way we speak ! (My best moment was when I came back from Canada :ninja: )

I borrowed a book called "Getting things done: the art of stress-free productivity". As you can imagine I haven't read it yet :yawn:, otherwise I wouldn't be on the forum !
@Ohana Yeah! I spent six months in Georgia, and by the time I came back home my dad told me I had a southern accent :yawn: (I kinda miss it, too - I love the sound of southern english) (it's too bad living in the South is such a terrible idea, I love the place)

"Getting things done: the art of stress-free productivity"


I've bought a book about how to deal with procrastination, but I've been procrastinating reading it :yawn:


L'étrange odeur de mon poing dans ta gueule
1 Juillet 2011
15 760
150 491
7 124
Just listening to this song :

A couple of years ago, one of the comments said (not the exact thing, it was a long time ago :vieux:) "Oh, our friend is trying to help that woman? We'll just continue to play along!!:rockon::rockon:"

I found it very funny :rire:
13 Juillet 2011
2 954
20 900
5 694
@hellrosa. Part of me doesn't want to believe in the full moon thing because I don't understand it. :lunette: But it's also true that I don't sleep well on a full moon… Well. I mean, I regularly have insomnia, so it's not unusual in itself. But after hearing so much about insomnia linked to full moon I started to check the moon. Sadly, i'm not thorough enough to tell with 100% certainty if I happen to have insomnia every full moon, but it does seem like it!
I actually should really keep an "insomnia journal" to check when and how they occur. Because most of my sleepless nights are stress-related but I also have insomnia that's excitement-related and now that you mention it, I'm a bit curious as to whether this type happens every full moon or not. :hesite:
1 Mars 2018
Do you sleep well around full (or new) moon time? Personnally, I'm – most of the time, & since I was a child – full of energy & I have trouble to fall asleep. Too much excitement! What about you?

Yes, I have noticed that the full moon has an exciting effect on me. Maybe not necessarily full-blown insomnia though (my sleeping habits and schedule are always fucked anyway).
I only started to notice this about a year ago, when I started becoming more and more interested (or even fascinated) by the moon, for no particular reason. I really like to look at the moon, whether full or not. And I noticed I was more restless during the full moon. I have looked it up and it seems a lot of people believe that full moon is a time when unexpected, sometimes dangerous things can happen, because it has an effect on animals and people (sometimes even making them crazy). I think it's mostly a superstition, but there must be a physics-related reason why it can have a slight effect. It's interesting.

(not related) I feel sleepy now. I haven't slept enough last night.

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