Let's speak English !



Lulla.by a dit :
You, naughty girl !! :P Don't you know the british sex-appeal ? ( Think to Jude Law, Robbie Williams, lalala :P ).
Jude Law, I agree, but obbie Williams is really not a good example ! He's vulgar and silly, I really hate him ! But Ewan McGregor, youhou, he is so, so, so handsome. But less than Hugh.


19 Avril 2006
3 495
4 924
Cinq-étoiles a dit :
Hugh Grant is so high :P Just as Clive Owen.

Don't you mean he's hot ?
because "to be high" means to be stoned, under influence of drugs... And I didn't know that part of Grant's life...:P
28 Septembre 2006
1 030
4 934
TildaMath a dit :
As for me, I would say that him is what we can call a charismatic actor, isn't he?

I'm totally agree too. Especially in one of his first movie ("Le dernier jour"), he is really so cute


Ah Hugh Grant ! Prime Minister :P ! Love Actually... best film ever ;) ! The scene in which he dances is fantastic... Jump ! For my love ! Jump in ! And feel my touch...
20 Janvier 2007
2 869
( So you can drool on your keyboard )

I was going to say that Hugh Grant's immense sex appeal seemed quite overrated to me but... yeah, damn hot indeed. XD

And I wish I could improve my accent too. I guess the only solution is to go abroad, which is sure not going to happen soon. Sometimes when I'm doing the washing up and absolutely sure no one could be hearing, I talk to myself in English, haha. And sometimes, I happen to think that I am quite good. Until I hear a real english-speaking person. But listening to music actually helps a lot.
It's the oral understanding I need to improve most, same as mindalajinka in fact. I tend to mishear words more often than most normal people and I have a few very embarassing anecdotes about that. Plus the fact I am going deaf...

Cool topic anyway.


19 Avril 2006
3 495
4 924
Well, about the accent... You can ask any english speaker in the world, he/she will always tell you your french accent is sooooooooooooo cute and wonderfull and blablabla, and nobody will laugh about that...
So, I keep my "french touch" without being ashamed... (kinda proud actually :P )
28 Septembre 2006
1 030
4 934
Xad a dit :
Well, about the accent... You can ask any english speaker in the world, he/she will always tell you your french accent is sooooooooooooo cute and wonderfull and blablabla, and nobody will laugh about that...
So, I keep my "french touch" without being ashamed... (kinda proud actually :P )

It is just what I try to explain to my english teacher when she tells me that I've got an awfull accent!!


I'm fed up with my boyfriend and his stupid ideas or rather his friend's ideas *sigh*

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