La preuve, quand j'étais ado j'ai même appelé mon chien comme ça!
Allez, voici un petit poème qui prouvera encore mieux mon amour Nirvanesque :
The LoveBuzz is About a Girl called Polly who wants a cracker dipped in Big Cheese. At School, she meets a Negative Creep called Mr Moustache who calls her a Downer. So she goes to get some Lithium to calm down from Floyd the Barber. She likes him because he always says 'Come as you are' and turns her pussy to a Moist Vagina. Coming out of his Heart-Shaped Box shop, she generally feels like she's On a Plain. But one day coming back home, she sees that There's Something in the Way which Smells like Teen Spirit; it's a bunch of Territorial Pissings drinking some Pennyroyal Tea and Bleach, looking Dumb. They apparently have Tourette's and keep shouting 'Stay Away' and 'Rape me'. That's when Polly's friend France's arrives and explains they have been acting this way since the Man Who Sold the World Blew their mind, like an Aneurism. So the girls said Nevermind, nothing's real : it's all In Utero.
(Comment ça ça ne va pas bien dans mon crâne?!!!):