@Antigonedream / @Djinn / @Chocapiix / @MayuraTama / @de.w
Bon je suis nulle en terme techniques et définitions, du coup j'ai fait une petite recherche à partir de ces deux épisodes de l'ermite Moderne:
Ce qu'on ne veut plus voir dans la Japanimation partie 1
Ce qu'on ne veut plus voir dans la Japanimation partie 2
Puis ensuite de ce topic :
Faire la difference des "Deres" (Tsundere, Yandere, Kuudere, Yangire, Dandere.)
Et ce site :
Double Standard Abuse Female On Male: Anime & Manga : http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/DoubleStandardAbuseFemaleOnMale/AnimeAndManga
Gender Dynamics Index : http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/GenderDynamicsIndex
(je précise que là je n'ai fait QUE du copier coller)
La Tsundere : est un terme japonais utilisé pour définir une personnalité qui est au premier abord, distante, hautaine, voire pimbêche, puis qui devient affectueuse et tendre par la suite.
La Kuudere : Le Kudere est tout franchement le plus drôle des personnages dans un Manga, Anime ou autre dans le sens ou c'est une personne aux apparences froides, silencieuses et sérieuses (Exemple parfait : Un ninja) qui révèle en fait une nature très innocente douce et attentionnée, plutôt maladroite et idiote
La Yadere : est un terme japonais utilisé pour définir une personnalité qui est au premier abord affectueuse et tendre mais qui à un moment devient dérangée voire psychotique
La Yangire : Alors là c'est la fête on mélange le Dere du Kuudere avec le Yan du Yandere on obtiens une personnalité Gentille, timide et maladroite qui est en fait facilement enrayable et qui sur le bords deviens capable de tuer pour passer ses nerfs.
La Dandere : La timide qui ne se confies qu'a un seule personne, son confident aussi Timide et maladroite que la Yangire (Sans sa seconde nature) et qui n'adresse la parole qu'a très peu de personnes. C'est le moins connu car le plus négligé.
La Himedere : A character that demands to be treated like royalty by his or her loved ones and may or may not actually be royalty.
Cute and Psycho : They are cute, sweet, innocent and extremely huggable. Incidentally they are also varying shades of violent, unstable, and downright insane.
Cute and Psycho is a trope that describes characters who are genuinely cute in both appearance and mannerisms but have a completely batshit crazy side. Sometimes there are distinctly different sides which may be shown equally, but other times they are mostly one or the other, the Killer Rabbit displaying moments of sweetness and relative-sanity or The Cutie showing hints of a dark psychotic nature. Often there is some kind of Dark and Troubled Past, or Split Personality to justify how the two aspects of the person can both be genuine, but other times no explanation is revealed.
The primary difference between this trope and the Yandere is that the Cute and Psycho character is not driven by an obsessive need to possess a friend or lover. Their motivation, if they have one, can vary immensely. They also don't necessarily have to be provoked to enter their Psycho-state, but can switch for reasons observers would be hard-pressed to determine.
All Women Are Lustful : The Distaff Counterpart of All Men Are Perverts: Women will do anything for sex, and men are the cerebral ones.
This is a Cyclic Trope, having been popular historically, especially in ancient Greece. Back then, this trope actually replaced All Men Are Perverts: it was assumed that women were too sex-crazed to say no to sex, while men were supposed to hold back for the sake of propriety; being too sexual with women was an insult to a man's virility. Although mostly a Forgotten Trope and/or Discredited Trope today, this trope made a comeback in the early eighties with the sexual tigress in which beautiful sexually adventurous women are the ones who pick up guys and initiate sexual encounters.
Sometimes, a Good Bad Girl doesn't care about the social stigma with putting out, and her whoring is portrayed positively and a rite of passage or personal growth. That is not this trope. This trope would shrug its shoulders and say: Well, she's a woman, what do you expect, of course she's trying to get her baby cannon stuffed for all she can! And if the guy isn't willing? Well, that's just too bad. No Guy Wants to Be Chased, but what are you going to do? My Girl Is a Slut, and my fish are wet.
In order for this trope to apply to a modern work, women have to be depicted as man-chasers by default. Not just one in particular; that's simply Really Gets Around (for "generic" promiscuity) or a Man-Eater (when the woman picks up and then discards lovers like tissue paper). Women in general would say I am a woman, I can't help it! It has to be socially expected from women that they'll do anything for the next ride on the trouser rocket. Not as a positive statement about women's sexual empowerment. Not because it's in a world where men and women happily engage in the hanky-panky and the nasty together. A world where women are the ones thinking with their crotches, and men are the ones thinking with their brains.
Both this trope and All Men Are Perverts have mostly been portrayed from a male perspective, at least in influential works (which tend to focus on male characters). So whereas All Men Are Perverts tends to be a form of Self-Deprecation, All Women Are Lustful tends to be more hostile; when this trope is active, every woman is often assumed to be The Vamp unless proven otherwise.
Contrast All Women Are Prudes and compare All Men Are Perverts. And Everybody Has Lots of Sex is when both genders more or less equally go for casual sex.
The Vamp :
A classic character type, the beauty who uses her feminine wiles to undermine a moral and upright man, for evil purposes. She's evil and sexy, a liar and a sneak, and uses the good guy's sympathy against him, often with a sob story about her mother and some hospital bills or a Wounded Gazelle Gambit.
Unlike the Femme Fatale and the Mad Scientist's Beautiful Daughter, she is rotten to the core, and will never be swayed from the path of darkness by love. (In eras where Make Up Is Evil applies, expect her to paint when no other woman does.)
Mad Scientist's Beautiful Daughter : A traditional character, although something of a Discredited Trope these days: a Mad Scientist almost always has only one child — a beautiful but innocent girl in her late teens or early twenties, who loves her father dearly, and whom he has kept cloistered away from the world. Sometimes she has some small doubts about his goals or methods.
When the question of how a shriveled ugly man has a gorgeous daughter comes up, the response is sometimes "she looks like her mother". Or sometimes because he looked better in his youth.
When the Mad Scientist is a good guy, the Daughter is not nearly so cloistered, although she is still a prime candidate as a love interest. Sometimes she ends up The Chick or The Smart Girl in a Five-Man Band when a team relies on the Scientist for their Phlebotinum. This latter version is more common nowadays.
Gold Digger : This is a character who hooks up with a partner, known as a Meal Ticket or Sugar Daddy, specifically to mooch off of said partner's money and status (usually in exchange for sex.)
We use "she" because the digger is usually female in modern shows, but not always, and often MUCH more attractive than her partner. Often Distracted by the Luxury quite easily. Generally stunningly beautiful, to explain her success. Often a blonde whose hair is dyed. The golddigger who is deluding herself about her looks is a rarity.
Action Girl : The Action Girl is a female fighter who can go toe to toe with her male counterparts without breaking a sweat. Damsel in Distress? Not this time. She doesn't sit around waiting to be rescued. She's headbutting her jailer and breaking herself out, if they even manage to kidnap her in the first place. She proves, with her very being, that girls aren't only not helpless, they're strong. But not just "any girl with a fight scene" can be considered an Action Girl. An Action Girl is usually Badass, and routinely and reliably gets in on the combat. And what's more, she wins.
Because of Double Standards, and their effects on Real Life society most works draw on, true Action Girls are less common than male Badasses. If you want to get more into the why of that, check out the Gender Dynamics Index or our very own Action Girl Analysis page. The short version however, is the concept that Men Are Strong, Women Are Pretty and females should Stay in the Kitchen. For a very long time, females who did something outside of waiting to be rescued by men were unusual and rare. Even now, women aren't automatically assumed to be able to fight and protect themselves the way men are. Society has progressed since then and Action Girls are popular and more common than ever, but girls still haven't completely caught up with boys when it comes to expectations in media, hence the continued existence of this trope.
That being said, one must watch out for the dreaded Faux Action Girl. With the popularity of the Action Girl increasing, creators are trying to slip them in for more appeal without actually giving them a chance to show themselves off. The "Action" part of the character is left as an Informed Attribute, with characters constantly playing up how much of a badass she is, and yet when it comes to facing the music, she proves otherwise by being a Damsel in Distress or suffering the effects of being on the wrong end of a Curb-Stomp Battle, assuming she gets any action at all. Basically she can talk the talk, but she can't walk the walk. Oh, and if she's on the right end of a Curb-Stomp Battle, she's a Dark Action Girl.
Sometimes an Action Girl can start off well, but derail into a Faux Action Girl or a full-on Damsel in Distress over time, with no adequate justification for it. This is known as Chickification.
When the Action Girl is mixed with the Smurfette Principle trope, she is called a "minority feisty."
Compare the Action Girl with her Evil Counterpart, the often far-more-aggressive Dark Action Girl, and the more mundane versions You Go Girl and Plucky Girl. Not to be confused with Affirmative Action Girl, who is just a girl added to the cast in an adaptation or new season to balance out the gender ratio, no matter what role she actually plays (though, often, the girl is an Action Girl herself).
Not to be confused with Action Girl, a comic series about an action girl.
Action Girl: Anime
Analysis: Action Girl
Faux Action Girl : This breakaway from the Action Girl, but not the actual thing whose "action" aspect is more of an Informed Attribute if anything else. She's established from the very beginning as a powerful, capable heroine, but never does anything or ever succeed in being heroic. She has a well-grounded reputation as a strong fighter in her field, but always fails miserably in the line of battle. Her talents and skills are well known to fellow characters, but for some strange reason they're never seen by the viewers, outside of perhaps a Day in the Limelight episode.
Her status only exists as an established reputation and depends heavily on Genre Blindness; she never acts like the modern heroine she's supposed to be. Sometimes, the only way she qualifies as anything more than the Damsel in Distress is if you Take Our Word for It. If the writers are feeling merciful, however, the Faux Action Girl can be relied on to actually defeat her share of Mooks - or, in rarer cases, a female enemy.
The key to identifying a Faux Action Girl is the disproportionate hype - whether she's overrated or under-performing. Also note that context does play a role; for example, in a show full of incompetents who think they're tough fighters, it doesn't matter if a female character behaves the same way. It is also possible to have a female character who doesn't fight or isn't as capable as some others for perfectly justified reasons. A Faux Action Girl is much less powerful or competent than comparable male characters and true Action Girls for no logical reason. Strangely, villainesses are rarely Faux Action Girls, but there are exceptions.
The Worf Effect used too many times on a legitimate Action Girl may turn her into a Faux Action Girl.
Please note that a Faux Action Girl is someone who already has a reputation as a fighter. If she is just a captured girl then she's a Damsel in Distress. If she gets rid of the Distress Ball, she's just a Badass in Distress. If she has just started fighting and doesn't have the experience/fame handy still, she's likely Skilled, but Naive or a Naïve Newcomer, and there's still room to see if she can grow into a real Action Girl or not. Merely because an Action Girl is captured does not automatically entail her transformation into a Faux Action Girl; generally it is down to the nature of her kidnap/capture and how she deals with this circumstance in contrast to her other informed feats.
The characterization usually involves a form of Informed Ability: Most of these girls have big reputations and great past exploits. More or less the Distaff Counterpart to Miles Gloriosus and Fake Ultimate Hero.
If much of the show's screentime is dedicated to showing the girl in question training and practicing only to lose when it counts, that's not this trope. That's Hard Work Hardly Works, and it can hit anyone who is not The Hero.
Also contrast with Chickification, in which the producers take a character who is shown to be a legitimate Action Girl and make her incompetent. See also Standard Female Grab Area, the standard weakness of a Faux Action Girl, even though showing her drugged while her back is turned would make more sense.
Like the Standard Female Grab Area and White Magician Girl, this trope is often caused by writers who want females in their action show, but are unwilling (or not allowed) to show a woman being hit by a man. In many cases, the Faux Action Girl will suddenly develop into an actual Action Girl when faced with a female opponent (because a Cat Fight is just fine), only to return to Faux status as soon as that fight is over.
Bon je loupe surement encore pleins de trucs mais http://tvtropes.org est vraiment très très très complet
édit : Je rajoute
Dark Action Girl
Dark Magical Girl
Magical Girl
édit bis :
Love Interests :
Bon je suis nulle en terme techniques et définitions, du coup j'ai fait une petite recherche à partir de ces deux épisodes de l'ermite Moderne:
Ce qu'on ne veut plus voir dans la Japanimation partie 1
Ce qu'on ne veut plus voir dans la Japanimation partie 2
Puis ensuite de ce topic :
Faire la difference des "Deres" (Tsundere, Yandere, Kuudere, Yangire, Dandere.)
Et ce site :
Double Standard Abuse Female On Male: Anime & Manga : http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/DoubleStandardAbuseFemaleOnMale/AnimeAndManga
Gender Dynamics Index : http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/GenderDynamicsIndex
(je précise que là je n'ai fait QUE du copier coller)
La Tsundere : est un terme japonais utilisé pour définir une personnalité qui est au premier abord, distante, hautaine, voire pimbêche, puis qui devient affectueuse et tendre par la suite.
La Kuudere : Le Kudere est tout franchement le plus drôle des personnages dans un Manga, Anime ou autre dans le sens ou c'est une personne aux apparences froides, silencieuses et sérieuses (Exemple parfait : Un ninja) qui révèle en fait une nature très innocente douce et attentionnée, plutôt maladroite et idiote
La Yadere : est un terme japonais utilisé pour définir une personnalité qui est au premier abord affectueuse et tendre mais qui à un moment devient dérangée voire psychotique
La Yangire : Alors là c'est la fête on mélange le Dere du Kuudere avec le Yan du Yandere on obtiens une personnalité Gentille, timide et maladroite qui est en fait facilement enrayable et qui sur le bords deviens capable de tuer pour passer ses nerfs.
La Dandere : La timide qui ne se confies qu'a un seule personne, son confident aussi Timide et maladroite que la Yangire (Sans sa seconde nature) et qui n'adresse la parole qu'a très peu de personnes. C'est le moins connu car le plus négligé.
La Himedere : A character that demands to be treated like royalty by his or her loved ones and may or may not actually be royalty.
Cute and Psycho : They are cute, sweet, innocent and extremely huggable. Incidentally they are also varying shades of violent, unstable, and downright insane.
Cute and Psycho is a trope that describes characters who are genuinely cute in both appearance and mannerisms but have a completely batshit crazy side. Sometimes there are distinctly different sides which may be shown equally, but other times they are mostly one or the other, the Killer Rabbit displaying moments of sweetness and relative-sanity or The Cutie showing hints of a dark psychotic nature. Often there is some kind of Dark and Troubled Past, or Split Personality to justify how the two aspects of the person can both be genuine, but other times no explanation is revealed.
The primary difference between this trope and the Yandere is that the Cute and Psycho character is not driven by an obsessive need to possess a friend or lover. Their motivation, if they have one, can vary immensely. They also don't necessarily have to be provoked to enter their Psycho-state, but can switch for reasons observers would be hard-pressed to determine.
All Women Are Lustful : The Distaff Counterpart of All Men Are Perverts: Women will do anything for sex, and men are the cerebral ones.
This is a Cyclic Trope, having been popular historically, especially in ancient Greece. Back then, this trope actually replaced All Men Are Perverts: it was assumed that women were too sex-crazed to say no to sex, while men were supposed to hold back for the sake of propriety; being too sexual with women was an insult to a man's virility. Although mostly a Forgotten Trope and/or Discredited Trope today, this trope made a comeback in the early eighties with the sexual tigress in which beautiful sexually adventurous women are the ones who pick up guys and initiate sexual encounters.
Sometimes, a Good Bad Girl doesn't care about the social stigma with putting out, and her whoring is portrayed positively and a rite of passage or personal growth. That is not this trope. This trope would shrug its shoulders and say: Well, she's a woman, what do you expect, of course she's trying to get her baby cannon stuffed for all she can! And if the guy isn't willing? Well, that's just too bad. No Guy Wants to Be Chased, but what are you going to do? My Girl Is a Slut, and my fish are wet.
In order for this trope to apply to a modern work, women have to be depicted as man-chasers by default. Not just one in particular; that's simply Really Gets Around (for "generic" promiscuity) or a Man-Eater (when the woman picks up and then discards lovers like tissue paper). Women in general would say I am a woman, I can't help it! It has to be socially expected from women that they'll do anything for the next ride on the trouser rocket. Not as a positive statement about women's sexual empowerment. Not because it's in a world where men and women happily engage in the hanky-panky and the nasty together. A world where women are the ones thinking with their crotches, and men are the ones thinking with their brains.
Both this trope and All Men Are Perverts have mostly been portrayed from a male perspective, at least in influential works (which tend to focus on male characters). So whereas All Men Are Perverts tends to be a form of Self-Deprecation, All Women Are Lustful tends to be more hostile; when this trope is active, every woman is often assumed to be The Vamp unless proven otherwise.
Contrast All Women Are Prudes and compare All Men Are Perverts. And Everybody Has Lots of Sex is when both genders more or less equally go for casual sex.
The Vamp :
A classic character type, the beauty who uses her feminine wiles to undermine a moral and upright man, for evil purposes. She's evil and sexy, a liar and a sneak, and uses the good guy's sympathy against him, often with a sob story about her mother and some hospital bills or a Wounded Gazelle Gambit.
Unlike the Femme Fatale and the Mad Scientist's Beautiful Daughter, she is rotten to the core, and will never be swayed from the path of darkness by love. (In eras where Make Up Is Evil applies, expect her to paint when no other woman does.)
Mad Scientist's Beautiful Daughter : A traditional character, although something of a Discredited Trope these days: a Mad Scientist almost always has only one child — a beautiful but innocent girl in her late teens or early twenties, who loves her father dearly, and whom he has kept cloistered away from the world. Sometimes she has some small doubts about his goals or methods.
When the question of how a shriveled ugly man has a gorgeous daughter comes up, the response is sometimes "she looks like her mother". Or sometimes because he looked better in his youth.
When the Mad Scientist is a good guy, the Daughter is not nearly so cloistered, although she is still a prime candidate as a love interest. Sometimes she ends up The Chick or The Smart Girl in a Five-Man Band when a team relies on the Scientist for their Phlebotinum. This latter version is more common nowadays.
Gold Digger : This is a character who hooks up with a partner, known as a Meal Ticket or Sugar Daddy, specifically to mooch off of said partner's money and status (usually in exchange for sex.)
We use "she" because the digger is usually female in modern shows, but not always, and often MUCH more attractive than her partner. Often Distracted by the Luxury quite easily. Generally stunningly beautiful, to explain her success. Often a blonde whose hair is dyed. The golddigger who is deluding herself about her looks is a rarity.
Action Girl : The Action Girl is a female fighter who can go toe to toe with her male counterparts without breaking a sweat. Damsel in Distress? Not this time. She doesn't sit around waiting to be rescued. She's headbutting her jailer and breaking herself out, if they even manage to kidnap her in the first place. She proves, with her very being, that girls aren't only not helpless, they're strong. But not just "any girl with a fight scene" can be considered an Action Girl. An Action Girl is usually Badass, and routinely and reliably gets in on the combat. And what's more, she wins.
Because of Double Standards, and their effects on Real Life society most works draw on, true Action Girls are less common than male Badasses. If you want to get more into the why of that, check out the Gender Dynamics Index or our very own Action Girl Analysis page. The short version however, is the concept that Men Are Strong, Women Are Pretty and females should Stay in the Kitchen. For a very long time, females who did something outside of waiting to be rescued by men were unusual and rare. Even now, women aren't automatically assumed to be able to fight and protect themselves the way men are. Society has progressed since then and Action Girls are popular and more common than ever, but girls still haven't completely caught up with boys when it comes to expectations in media, hence the continued existence of this trope.
That being said, one must watch out for the dreaded Faux Action Girl. With the popularity of the Action Girl increasing, creators are trying to slip them in for more appeal without actually giving them a chance to show themselves off. The "Action" part of the character is left as an Informed Attribute, with characters constantly playing up how much of a badass she is, and yet when it comes to facing the music, she proves otherwise by being a Damsel in Distress or suffering the effects of being on the wrong end of a Curb-Stomp Battle, assuming she gets any action at all. Basically she can talk the talk, but she can't walk the walk. Oh, and if she's on the right end of a Curb-Stomp Battle, she's a Dark Action Girl.
Sometimes an Action Girl can start off well, but derail into a Faux Action Girl or a full-on Damsel in Distress over time, with no adequate justification for it. This is known as Chickification.
When the Action Girl is mixed with the Smurfette Principle trope, she is called a "minority feisty."
Compare the Action Girl with her Evil Counterpart, the often far-more-aggressive Dark Action Girl, and the more mundane versions You Go Girl and Plucky Girl. Not to be confused with Affirmative Action Girl, who is just a girl added to the cast in an adaptation or new season to balance out the gender ratio, no matter what role she actually plays (though, often, the girl is an Action Girl herself).
Not to be confused with Action Girl, a comic series about an action girl.
Action Girl: Anime
Analysis: Action Girl
Faux Action Girl : This breakaway from the Action Girl, but not the actual thing whose "action" aspect is more of an Informed Attribute if anything else. She's established from the very beginning as a powerful, capable heroine, but never does anything or ever succeed in being heroic. She has a well-grounded reputation as a strong fighter in her field, but always fails miserably in the line of battle. Her talents and skills are well known to fellow characters, but for some strange reason they're never seen by the viewers, outside of perhaps a Day in the Limelight episode.
Her status only exists as an established reputation and depends heavily on Genre Blindness; she never acts like the modern heroine she's supposed to be. Sometimes, the only way she qualifies as anything more than the Damsel in Distress is if you Take Our Word for It. If the writers are feeling merciful, however, the Faux Action Girl can be relied on to actually defeat her share of Mooks - or, in rarer cases, a female enemy.
The key to identifying a Faux Action Girl is the disproportionate hype - whether she's overrated or under-performing. Also note that context does play a role; for example, in a show full of incompetents who think they're tough fighters, it doesn't matter if a female character behaves the same way. It is also possible to have a female character who doesn't fight or isn't as capable as some others for perfectly justified reasons. A Faux Action Girl is much less powerful or competent than comparable male characters and true Action Girls for no logical reason. Strangely, villainesses are rarely Faux Action Girls, but there are exceptions.
The Worf Effect used too many times on a legitimate Action Girl may turn her into a Faux Action Girl.
Please note that a Faux Action Girl is someone who already has a reputation as a fighter. If she is just a captured girl then she's a Damsel in Distress. If she gets rid of the Distress Ball, she's just a Badass in Distress. If she has just started fighting and doesn't have the experience/fame handy still, she's likely Skilled, but Naive or a Naïve Newcomer, and there's still room to see if she can grow into a real Action Girl or not. Merely because an Action Girl is captured does not automatically entail her transformation into a Faux Action Girl; generally it is down to the nature of her kidnap/capture and how she deals with this circumstance in contrast to her other informed feats.
The characterization usually involves a form of Informed Ability: Most of these girls have big reputations and great past exploits. More or less the Distaff Counterpart to Miles Gloriosus and Fake Ultimate Hero.
If much of the show's screentime is dedicated to showing the girl in question training and practicing only to lose when it counts, that's not this trope. That's Hard Work Hardly Works, and it can hit anyone who is not The Hero.
Also contrast with Chickification, in which the producers take a character who is shown to be a legitimate Action Girl and make her incompetent. See also Standard Female Grab Area, the standard weakness of a Faux Action Girl, even though showing her drugged while her back is turned would make more sense.
Like the Standard Female Grab Area and White Magician Girl, this trope is often caused by writers who want females in their action show, but are unwilling (or not allowed) to show a woman being hit by a man. In many cases, the Faux Action Girl will suddenly develop into an actual Action Girl when faced with a female opponent (because a Cat Fight is just fine), only to return to Faux status as soon as that fight is over.
Bon je loupe surement encore pleins de trucs mais http://tvtropes.org est vraiment très très très complet

édit : Je rajoute
Dark Action Girl
Dark Magical Girl
Magical Girl
édit bis :
Love Interests :
Dernière édition :