Mon Dieu si elle savait que ses enfants regardent une série qui parle d'homosexualité (sachant qu'elle est totalement contre le mariage gay)...Considering you play a gay guy on Glee, it's funny that Michele Bachmann wanted a photo with you at this year's Time 100 event.
Darren Criss: I never let my politics supersede my manners. She came up with her husband and they were sweet as can be. She was like, "My kids love the show. I don't watch it myself, but I'd love it if you could sign these postcards." It dawned on me that she didn't know what the hell Glee was.
Has there been a most surreal moment during your meteoric rise?
Darren Criss: It was at Prince Azim of Brunei's birthday party in the middle of the English countryside. He's a fan of Glee. I never thought I would meet Mariah Carey, but I really never thought I'd be introduced to her by Whitney Houston. She's like, "Hey, baby, this is Mariah." I'm like, "I know. I'm Darren. I don't know what I'm doing here."
Marghost;2828928 a dit :Et Brian fait 1m70 je crois, ce qui voudrait dire que finalement Darren a une taille plutôt normale... (et qu'il est plus grand que Daniel)
MardyBum;2832113 a dit :Petit Darren devient très grand.