Le meilleur d'Omegle !

12 Mai 2008
4 884
Je sors d'une magnifique conversation avec un anglais de 20 ans

D'abord une il m'a écrit un poème XD
Stranger: I'll write a poem about you, but give me some facts about yourself first
You: ok so i'm 18
You: girl
You: from paris (france)
Stranger: Yes haha
You: and i'm eating an enourmous cup of nutella right now
Stranger: Excellent
Stranger: girl after my own heart
Stranger: What a woman
Stranger: Nutella queen from France
You: hahaha
Stranger: Your countrys all about romance
You: true a kiss under the eiffel tower what else ?
Stranger: does the eiffel tower not piss you off
Stranger: like 'oh god..its THAT thing again'
Stranger: Im english btw.
Stranger: Nutella queen from france, she dwells from the land of romance, where people wear gowns and dance, like a wonderous cinderella, but you are the girl who just eats nutella.
You: NIIICE !!
You: first time somebody writes a poem about me XD
Stranger: haha
Stranger: you can keep that
You: sure i will print that and fix it to the wall
Stranger: you'd better
You: how old are U ? british gentlemen
Stranger: I am 20, nutella queen
You: cool actually i felt bored when i came on omegle now i ve a big smile
You: thanks
Stranger: haha
You: even if you're a stranger
Stranger: I am glad to oblige
You: hehehehe
Stranger: I am a handsome, poetic stranger though

Ensuite on a parlé cuisine XD
You: U msut break lot of hearts in your country you casanova
Stranger: not necessarily, sometimes my heart gets broken too
You: we are on winter holiday here ... for 2 weeks but all my friends are skiing except me
Stranger: Ive been in this position before
Stranger: Im just a terrible skier! No point haha
Stranger: it is snowing here in england
You: hahaha i don't care i'm happy because i'm not the queen of the mountain but nutella is enough for me :P:P
You: i dont need them !!!
Stranger: it is rather delicious
Stranger: especially on crumpets
You: yes do u know french pancakes
You: crepe
Stranger: Ah yes
Stranger: theyre delicious
You: yes they are
Stranger: I would die for a nutella crepe right about now
You: hehe u kno what my daddy made crepes yesterday too bad for U
Stranger: Haha
Stranger: Well Im british
Stranger: I have to make do with crumpets and cornflakes and tea
Stranger: as Im sure you know
You: yes a basic stereotype about england
Stranger: indeed
Stranger: but I live by it
Stranger: we have the best stuff

Ensuite on a parlé Skins
You: i watch the british serie Skins Do u know this serie ?
You: it's very nice ^^
Stranger: Skins
Stranger: I love sins
Stranger: *Skins
Stranger: whos your favourite?
You: my favorite
You: first cast
You: or second
Stranger: hmm
Stranger: first
You: i find cassie awesome !! ^^ she is odd
Stranger: I love cassie
Stranger: shes beautiufl
You: she was my favourite beyond any doubt yes she is and her style ... ^^ Wow
You: maxxie was very sexy but that s just physic ^^
Stranger: Haha
You: what about you
Stranger: Second series?
Stranger: cassie and chris
Stranger: were my
Stranger: faves
You: you cried when he died
Stranger: haha
Stranger: no I didnt
You: his funerals were ... original
Stranger: Yes skins is always odd
You: seasons 3&4 I love Cook even if he is often a bastard ^^ (especially with girls)
Stranger: cooks an ace character
Stranger: are you up to date in paris?
You: we have 4 episodes of the 4th season on the internet
You: why
Stranger: I was just wondering as the latest episode was shown in england last night
You: yes in france there isn't any channel which broadcast this serie we have to watch it on the internet :sad:
You: actually that s better cause i cant imagine cassie or cook speaking french heheh
You: it would be a disaster
Stranger: Haha subtitles surely
Stranger: you speak english brilliantly though MEILLEUR COMPLIMENT QU'ON PUISSE ME FAIRE :d

De l'Australie, des vertues d'internet et des limites de mon anglais ...
You: yes subtitles ! thank you i hope travelling in england (or australia my dream XD) to improve my english
Stranger: my best friend just moved to australia
Stranger: so therefore i hate it for stealing her away from me haha
You: XD how she'll stay there
You: * long
Stranger: 6 months : O
Stranger: its a university thing
You: pretty long time i'm jealous hehehehe
Stranger: we always have skype
You: yes fortunately imagine if we were at the time of carrier piegons or telegraphs :X
Stranger: haha
Stranger: we'd be screwed
You: sure we are lucky actually without internet we couldn't speak right now so thank you internet ^^
You: today i met 2 indians
You: 1 russian and 1 english (you) ^^
Stranger: haha fascinating
Stranger: I have met
Stranger: wait for it
Stranger: 5 french people
Stranger: every single person on omegle today has been french
You: yes i think it s because americans are sleeping XD
Stranger: haha
Stranger: of course
Stranger: What are you doing this evening then?
You: i don t know ^maybe I should work (I have a very important exam in 4 months ^^) U know the test at the end of high school
You: i ve forgotten the english name
Stranger: haha oh dear!
Stranger: no that was right
Stranger: I understan
Stranger: *understand
Stranger: well yours truely will be performing poetry at an english pub this evening
Stranger: to lovely drunken people
You: Didn't understand :sad: :sad:
Stranger: I will be going on stage
Stranger: to read poetry
Stranger: I hope that's clearer
You: ahhh okayy yes !!
You: (I'm french i've limits XDXD)

Et enfin je lui raconte une anectode marrante et on se quitte :d
You: english pubs are all the rage in paris their are more and more here
Stranger: Haha really
Stranger: What are they like?
You: I remember 2 years ago it was rugby world cup in paris XD and i saw lots of british ppl wearing kilts and completely drunken ahead pubs
Stranger: Awww
Stranger: how funny
You: and i remember with my friend we disguised to look like english
Stranger: : D how did you do that?
You: it was the final between english team and south africa
You: my friend had an english flag tatoo on her cheek
You: hahah
Stranger: awww
Stranger: not permanent I hope!
You: so english ppl came and they started to speak in english but we didn't get a word so we were forced to avow that we were french
You: no fortunately ^^
Stranger: Aw!
Stranger: how funnt
Stranger: *funny
Stranger: well Im afraid I have to set off now
Stranger: and get my evening under way
You: okay no problem XD was a pleasure to meet you
Stranger: and you, my dear
Stranger: remember to keep your poem ; )
You: so the nutella queen salute you :d
Stranger: The british poet salutes you back!
Stranger: au revoir ; )
You: au revoir
Stranger: xx
You: Bisous (kiss in french)
Stranger: I'll remember that
Stranger: :
Stranger: :)
Stranger: x
14 Janvier 2009
1 724
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: hii

Stranger: hey

You: asl?

You: french 18 f

Stranger: 16 f uk

Stranger: i hate u frogs

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Huum ok (je mange meme pas de grenouilles v_v)
30 Août 2008
2 374
Omegle, on y trouve des gens biens, mais j'ai du mal à me faire à cette interface... Avoir une conversation super intéressante pendant 1h avec une chinoise, un américain ou autre et devoir fermer la page et perdre cette personne pour toujours, c'est quelque chose de difficile pour moi...
30 Août 2008
2 374
Lokelani.;1394337 a dit :
Exactement pareil ... Et même sentiment pour ChatRoulette.

Moi, ChatRoulette ça me fait peur ^^
J'y ai été une fois en masquant ma webcam juste pour voir comment ça marchait. Et seule j'ai pas envie d'essayer. Y'a trop de bistouquettes ;)
14 Janvier 2009
1 911
1 874
La Sauve
You: hi there
Stranger: hi
Stranger: mniam mniam
You: yummie
Stranger: lubie mokre cipki
You: ouiii d'accord
You: bonsoir
Stranger: bonyorno
Stranger: grazzie
You: de nada
Stranger: ssij
Stranger: mojego pytonga
Stranger: :d
You: moi aussi
You: :)
Stranger: yes
Stranger: hehehe
You: mais où vivez vous ? dans quel univers parallèle ?
Stranger: 4 d
You: 5 e
Stranger: now 4 d
Stranger: :)
You: touché
Stranger: ehhehh
Stranger: do drank
Stranger: merde
You: oh!
Stranger: właśnie oh
Stranger: :d
You: skol ofenstru
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

I won! :d
3 Août 2008
2 154
Okay, donc, ils aiment pas les Français, je crois mdr

Stranger: Don't you DARE say "asl"!

You: LooL

You: You hate the "asl people", huh ?

Stranger: Yes I do.

You: You're my friend

Stranger: I want too slice them up and throw them in too the sea or something

You: Waw, you're awesome !

Stranger: Where are you from? :) You do not seem like a nice person

Stranger: XD

You: LooL I'm a crazy french girl !!

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Non, vraiment les Français, c'est pas leur truc, c'est pas leur délire lol
3 Août 2008
2 154
Il faut que je reposte, il le FAUT, je ne sais pas si vous avez déjà élucidé ce mystère du "im french" puis tu te fais kicker, mais je pense avoir trouvé! C'est dû à "notre réputation" de "gens sales" [ouais j'insiste sur les guillemets quoi]. Mais apparemment c'est l'image que nous avons outre frontirèes !

Stranger: heyy

You: hii

Stranger: asl?

You: Arrete Superman Là ?

Stranger: smelly french!!
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Euuuh voilà quoi...
30 Août 2008
2 374
À chaque fois que j'ai dit que j'étais de Paris, ou de France, on m'a toujours bien répondu : "OOOOh I love PARIS! Such a romantic city !" Mais à chaque fois, j'aime bien casser le mythe en disant que le métro pue, et que les gens sont stressés et méchants :)

Par contre, pour le smelly French, je ne sais pas d'où ça vient.. Peut-être à cause du fromage ?
18 Avril 2008
4 754
Un peu partout en fait
Je ne me suis jamais fait nexter sous prétexte que j'étais française pour le moment !

J'ai discuter très très longuement avec un américain (c'est un euphémisme je crois qu'on détient un record), et pour le moment si j'ai bien compris les étrangers reprochent à la France leur attitude de gros péteux prétentieux (ce qui n'est pas faux du tout).
20 Mars 2008
2 274
Sylvestre et les américains de la world company des guignols nous surnomment " les fromages qui puent" ... Pff, quel cliché!
21 Septembre 2008
1 478
3 194
Moi aussi ça m'arrive tout le temps qu'on me ferme la conversation parce que je suis française ou on me lance des "vannes".
Souvent j'ai le droit au "mangeurs de grenouilles" (et d'escargots), au " I hate french ppl", un allemand m'a dit qu'on étaient des losers parce qu'ils nous avaient botté les fesses pendant la guerre, un américain m'a dit que le français était une langue de gay, on m'a aussi dit "french people = aids ", etc...
Puis ca arrive qu'on me réponde "sucker!!" à un "I'm from France" puis hop déconnecté :]

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