Le meilleur d'Omegle !

28 Janvier 2009
1 649
Stranger: Hello

You: Hi

You: bazinga ?

Stranger: Get off this site, it's mine.

Stranger: No mine.

You: Noooooooo

Stranger: Yes

You: It's mine

Stranger: MINE!

Stranger: LIAR!

Stranger: Die and join my corps!


Stranger: You belong to Agent Orange

Stranger: MINE!

Stranger: This disconnect button. I want it.

Stranger: MINE!


12 Novembre 2008
2 169
Alors j'ai essayé et je vous poste une partie d'une conversation très drôle (qu'une seule partie sinon c'est trop long)
You: thanks
You: i'm god
Stranger: oh nice to meet you im a god too
Stranger: what god r u?
You: you love me ?
You: the god of you
You: and you ?
Stranger: i am
Stranger: the god of
Stranger: i dont know
Stranger: you?
You: okay it's good for me
You: now
You: what do we do ?
You: by the way
You: i'm french
You: so i can kill some frenchies
You: what do you propose ?
Stranger: lets kill brits and form an alliance from the filipinos of spain
You: oh yyeees
You: that's good
You: but we kill them with mcdo or nuclear bomb ?
Stranger: i dont know man
Stranger: we kill them with ketchup
You: oh yeah but what kind of ketchup ?
Stranger: thomas
Stranger: thomas
You: i love your ideas
Stranger: im straight
You: du ketchup de thomas. nice


Hotch;1373405 a dit :
Je sais que la probabilité de tomber sur une mad' est faible mais qu'est ce que ce serait drôle si ça arrivait !

Il m'arrive meme d' ecire "Are you a Mad?" pour voir mais ça marche jamais :sad:
28 Janvier 2009
1 649
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: hi

You: Hello

Stranger: liscence and registration please

You: Get off this site, it's mine.

You: basingaaaaaaaaa

Stranger: now now, dont make me use force

Stranger: please step out of the vehicle


Stranger: sir, resisting a police officer is not wise

You: really?

Stranger: I would have to take you down to the station

You: No airport

You: please

Stranger: im not a taxi

You: I think if

Stranger: now please spread your legs

Stranger: and turn around

You: neverrr

Stranger: now where did I put that polica baton?

You: you stop me ?

You: You are just crazy

Stranger: if you run i'll have to break out the 9mm

You: Ciao crazy stranger
30 Mars 2009
7 423
4 721
4 864
1. You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!


You: teleport ?

Stranger: ....abra contemplates using teleport

Stranger: but decides to stick around

You: he has flee ?


Stranger: wild stranger fainted....

Your conversational partner has disconnected.


2. You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: so tell me about your penis.
You: ohhh sorry i have only vagina
Stranger: thats sucks
Stranger: well
Stranger: if you want
Stranger: you can tell me about your vagina

C'est comme même bien grave ce truc.


Conversation n°1 : You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: heyy.
You: salut
Stranger: wtf?
You: bonjour
Stranger: can i fuck you ?
You: can u speak french ?
Stranger: haha.
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Conversation n°2 : You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: i like how u have to use what i sed to u bak at me sotht dunt affent me so go shuv ur dads dik up ur arse oo wait its already there and oo u jst basicly sed ur interested in me :S u are gay
You: que la force soit avec toi
Stranger: tu
Stranger: TU
Stranger: EST
You: May the force be with u Luke
Stranger: UNE
Stranger: CLOCHARD
You: tu es un français ?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
17 Janvier 2010
4 734
Stranger: hii

You: i knew it !

Stranger: what

You: you are unfaithful to me ! how could you dare !

Stranger: actually ,its a mistake.........plz forgive me

Stranger: i wont do it again

You: how can i !

You: you broke my heart !

You: i trusted you !

Stranger: i dont know that ..you are watchin me while am fuckin a whore...

Stranger: plz forgive me

You: ho !

You: should i ?

Stranger: from now onwards..i dont go to her

You: why her ?

You: you know that i don't like her

You: especially her ...

Stranger: seriously..i will look another girl...but not she

You: ho =(

You: lets stop here then ...

You: i'll still remember you ...

You: i loved you

You: you broke my heart

You: you are lucky i didn't break your face ...

Stranger: i'll get fevistick and attach ur heart...

Stranger: hope it will get attach as it is

Stranger: heyy still i love you....

You: what if it breaks again ?

Stranger: never...i promise...otherwise kill me...

You: no you did too much ...

Stranger: its love...

Stranger: u wont understand this

You: love caused me too much pain !

Stranger: i broke ur heart...see my ear drops ...its gonna a ocean

You: ho ! it's the first time someone tells me something like that ...

You: maybe a second chance ?

:rotate: Je m'éclate XD

28 Janvier 2009
1 649
Stranger: 18, female, lookin for guy to talk dirty to me to help me with my tight, wet pussy

You: May the force be with u Luke

Stranger: I like nerds. ;)

You: for wet pussy ;)

You: for your wet puss ;)

You: jesus forgive me

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