Right this second

24 Février 2012
1 164
En vadrouille
Hey !

I spend whole day speaking English but I know that I need to improve my skills, specially in conjugation !
As I am on my smartphone, I'm learning to use a qwerty keyboard as well ! :happy:

My bf didn't came back from his first job so I think I will have to work in the other one. But I didn't expected it so I didn't rest a bit. I know that it will be long but.. It's good money :erf:

See ya'
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Réactions : LilyEm et Rosenrot_
13 Juillet 2011
2 954
20 900
5 694
@Marrriiie : This is just a thread to speak English, native speakers or not! ;) But as far as I can tell, there are no native English speakers here. I guess it's just more interesting for non-native speakers to practise a bit of English!
Oh hey, I didn't knew we had something like that here. It's awesome. I wonder why this ECM isn't as popular as the spanish one. (Or is it ? I might just be blind.)

So hello everyone ! :hello: I fully intend to become a regular around here :coiffe:

And I really should do something of my day. Haven't done much outside of work and drinking coffee. Really should get myself moving. :supermad:

(Yes, hello, this is AprilMayJune and right this second I have nothing of interest to say :cretin:)
  • Big up !
Réactions : Rosenrot_
I just got a text from a very old friend (back from when we were kids) early this morning.

I can't text him back XD apparently my monthly plan doesn't cover out-of-country texts or something :hesite: and I don't really know how to reach him back. I'm probably going to have to go through skype :hesite: oh well.

And apparently he's in the States or so ? I don't know. I can't really decipher the number and figure out the country area code thingie. Anyways I'll have to tell him I can't really text him back anyways :yawn: Why won't he use my email address I wonder.

... maybe he thinks I'm still living in Georgia or something ? :dunno: Welp, that was the weird moment of the day. It was pretty tame for once.
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Réactions : Saucisson.

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