Right this second

31 Janvier 2012
1 613
1 264
Saint Didier en Velay
Right this second I'm still at work :S:annoyed:
:tears: I want to go home early... but I have to go to the supermarket first...
and my boyfriend play badminton tonight, so I will eat alone with my cat :erf:
11 Novembre 2014
Ok here is the big issue : i like La Laitière yogurts, you know, the chocolate cream in a little glass pot.
Thus now I currently have 18 glass pots. Do you have any idea of what I could do with this ? Lol. It's an invasion and I don't want to throw them away. They're like trophies.


La comtesse de la Miquetterie.
29 Juillet 2011
2 093
10 099
5 004
Me too, but I'm not sure to have enough time to participate often to this topic (I'm heartbroken). I have a lot of work today ! :crying:
Hello everyone ! Today is friday, and I don't wanna go to work. :lunette:

Tomorrow I'm going to see my brother, and Pineapple, and it's going to be quite nice :jv: we'll have lunch in a creperie, we'll talk as much as we can, and then he'll have to go to my parent's place because there's a birthday or something (I'm not invited to family reunions anymore :rire:) so me and Pineapple will just walk around and visit a museum and maybe go shopping for a while if it isn't too crowded. It's going to be a wonderful day, and I really can't wait. But first I have to go to work :yawn:

And welcome here @Miquette ! :bouquet: And good luck with your work! :)
31 Janvier 2012
1 613
1 264
Saint Didier en Velay
I'm still at work, but I think a lot about the next week-end : I will wear my wedding dress (it is too big, so I'll go to the dressmaker!)
and I have finished our wedding invitation and I'll send it today! (better late than never, the wedding is in 3 weeks! )

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