Hi folks ?
I'm more than deliciously pleased to see this topic finally had been finally opened !
I really appreciate the initiative, as an Erasmus student in Cardiff this year, I'm trying to make the most of my year by hanging around with Welsh, English, and british students on a broader basis.
My goal is nothing particular, but I'm still trying to improve at any occasion !
I've been told recently my accent didn't sound any french but russian

. Was quite puzzled by this statement, even more considering the large number of people who told me exactly the same !
Well, that's still a tiny victory in this long and not-so-rewarding quest : trying to get as close as possible to the accent you'd like to get !
On the other hand, an english friend told me in front of his buddies that when he was chatting with me on fb or texting he could think I was british sometimes ? You can't imagine how proud it made me !
All my apologies in advance for any slang words/phrases or sentences which may sound quite inappropriate on this topic.
As I mostly hang out with young british peeps, their vocabulary is not always shakespearian-like and I totally could happen to use it abusively as it's a lot more fun

(I, for instance, had the great pleasure recently to be taught there's a word to talk about a guy getting a blowjob while taking a poo. Gosh british can be so imaginative sometimes can't they ?

I've been quite under the influence of a welsh buddy recently, starting to use typically welsh slang as well haha... Awww that's not good...
Well, my main weakness might be that I totally suck at any kind of "academically-like" writing skill as talking is more entertaining to me
(Aaaaand, that's how I failed at this last semester module. Can't retake it unfortunately

Well, to put in a nutshell, I'm so glad to be able to chit-chat in english with you guys as I love speaking english so much *_*
Loads of love, chicks Xx ?