Right this second

30 Août 2011
1 118
4 824
tecumseh-sparrow-spivet;4720227 a dit :
I desperately want to go out tonight and I had two parties planned. But now the two of them are canceled and I don't know what to do with myself :gonk:

matie;4720380 a dit :
I, for instance, had the great pleasure recently to be taught there's a word to talk about a guy getting a blowjob while taking a poo. Gosh british can be so imaginative sometimes can't they ? :yawn: )

I totally wanna know this word :yawn:
12 Janvier 2014
1 038
1 082
@Risika Gotta ask my mate again then, I'll let you know when I'll get this precious information ! :yawn:

It's been 5 five days I haven't spoken a single word in French; Let's keep going :rockon:


It may be "blumpkin". How I love reading Urban Dictionnary ! Here is one of the words of the day : "sapiosexual".

Sorry for ruining your revision girls. :shifty:
Dernière édition :
28 Octobre 2013
2 235
8 314
1 584
I am soooo jealous of those who are abroad, I am still a little baby for my parents so I have to stay where they are :crying:
But one day I will be courageous and I will fly away from the parents' house :goth:

Ce contenu est réservé aux membres inscrit.es. Inscris-toi par ici.
17 Octobre 2013
1 214
For the first time since weeks I feel really well.
I saw a great show this afternoon, the weather was sunny, not too cold, not too hot, and I met a very nice person with whom I had a great conversation.
30 Août 2011
1 118
4 824
tom-chaton;4720441 a dit :
It may be "blumpkin". How I love reading Urban Dictionnary ! Here is one of the words of the day : "sapiosexual".

Sorry for ruining your revision girls. :shifty:

Thank you ! Next goal : put this word in a conversation :lunette:

(And my revision afternoon doesn't thank you for the UD, but I definitely improved my vocabulary :shifty: )
12 Janvier 2014
1 038
1 082
Sometimes I'm just wondering if I'm doing things right, if I can be good at anything particularly.
It feels like I'm running after time, but running away from something else at once, trying to live every intense thing I can experience before each opportunity is gone. I'm afraid it will just result for me in doing a little bit of everything without being consistent in anything.

The thought of it is especially dreadful to me, but I don't really understand it, not to mention I'm leaving Cardiff almost forever in two months, just at the right moment I was starting feeling really right and bonding with so many wonderful people.

All these thoughts make me want to cry.

This place has become meaningful and dear to my heart, as I changed so much this year and that I'm rather proud of the person I am now.

I just wanna curl up in my bed with someone to cuddle and tell me everything is gonna be okay.

Ce contenu est réservé aux membres inscrit.es. Inscris-toi par ici.


I have just paid for downloading music. Actually it seems like I have not even paid for music for ages. :hesite:
I bought the original soundtrack of the ballet documentary First Position (finally!). :puppyeyes:

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