Right this second

14 Décembre 2008
1 435
1 717
4 974
I'm trying to read a book in English for the first time of my life ! This is the book "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People" that my boyfriend has advised me to read number of times !
I only read 20 pages for now but it looks easy to understand, nothing too technical. My objective is to come to the end of it before the next weekend. And then I could write on my bucket list "read a book in English" as checked XD


Je suis faillible, mais je suis capable.
18 Août 2010
16 457
91 573
7 169
I just asked Siri if he could tell me joke. Here's his answer: "The past, present and future walk into a bar. It was tense."

So I replied "that was funny" and he said: "Yes... sometimes I do feel funny"

Earlier this day out of boredom I asked: "Do you have any girlfriend or boyfriend?" and Siri told me : "I can't answer that"
It's okay Siri, we've all been there :cretin:

This is too much fun I swear :cretin:
14 Décembre 2008
1 435
1 717
4 974
I am quite proud of myself, because my first reaction when I saw this topic was "ok it's the meeting point of Madz who are bilingual or fluent in English, I should not write on this topic". But after few seconds I thought then "f*ck, my English level is not that good but Madz are not going to judge me on my English, if you want to post there, just do it".
I like to see that as a (very) little step to become more self confident ...


"Ggeg gighphbh d'egff. Mibph."
21 Septembre 2014
12 397
89 480
5 324
I was kinda looking androgynous today, wearing my thick shirt, crazy hair floating around ... And right now I have a cup of not so warm tea in one hand, while working on a little secret project with my other hand. I've cut every possible connection with him, and I like this feeling: the need to work, do my thing, enjoying my evening loneliness. Even this little pain in my bones can't really bother me. I've missed it, having fun creating, even for something that small.
Hello myself, it's nice to see you.

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