Hello everyone! 
I dream the strangest dreams these days. Today I dreamed I was chopping up vegetables and nuts, and serving food for a demon, helped by her lieutenant who wanted me to stay long enough to save the "petites sophies" (girls who were copies of Sophie in Les Malheurs de Sophie) stuck in the demon world. It was a risky job but I kinda liked the demon and I sorta wish I could have chatted with her. And I think I was doing various tests for that demon because one of my friends tried to get revenge on their mom who wanted to kill them in the hospital. And I was in the hospital because I had a splinter in my eye? I was very upset about the splinter.
And none of that was a nightmare. So weird.

I dream the strangest dreams these days. Today I dreamed I was chopping up vegetables and nuts, and serving food for a demon, helped by her lieutenant who wanted me to stay long enough to save the "petites sophies" (girls who were copies of Sophie in Les Malheurs de Sophie) stuck in the demon world. It was a risky job but I kinda liked the demon and I sorta wish I could have chatted with her. And I think I was doing various tests for that demon because one of my friends tried to get revenge on their mom who wanted to kill them in the hospital. And I was in the hospital because I had a splinter in my eye? I was very upset about the splinter.
And none of that was a nightmare. So weird.