Right this second

Hello everyone! :paillettes:

I dream the strangest dreams these days. Today I dreamed I was chopping up vegetables and nuts, and serving food for a demon, helped by her lieutenant who wanted me to stay long enough to save the "petites sophies" (girls who were copies of Sophie in Les Malheurs de Sophie) stuck in the demon world. It was a risky job but I kinda liked the demon and I sorta wish I could have chatted with her. And I think I was doing various tests for that demon because one of my friends tried to get revenge on their mom who wanted to kill them in the hospital. And I was in the hospital because I had a splinter in my eye? I was very upset about the splinter.

And none of that was a nightmare. So weird.


Je suis faillible, mais je suis capable.
18 Août 2010
16 457
91 573
7 169
splinter in my eye

Ninja Turtles brought me here :ninja:
@Tératogène :rire:

@Anableps Good luck with the driving license tests ! I might have to pass them again in a few days too, and it stresses me out.

(But hey once I manage to pass it I will have a nice and shiny ID card with my correct name and gender on it!) (And also I'll be legally allowed to drive too) (that's a plus) (well at least for me) (hopefully I won't drive over anybody's dog) (or their grandma or something) ('cuz that wouldn't be so good) (yeah)
So I've spent the best part of the day watching the speeches of the various participants of the Democratic National Convention (here's me talking politics about my country, then!) and as a whole, it was pretty impressive. The assembly was pretty divided, and some people got booed a lot, especially when they clumsily asked for unity behind Hillary Clinton's candidacy. We had rallying cries of "no TTP" (trans-pacific partnership, a trade deal) "black lives matter" and the crowd chanted "bernie" several times too. The participants regularly evoked the importance of lgbtq rights, immigration reform, economic reform, and overall it seems like the the democratic platform has been pushed to the left a lot, which is a good thing. I got to hear Michelle Obama (that was cool but I didn't pay attention much), Elizabeth Warren (that was cool too, in an expected way), Cory Booker (which I know very little about but man did he do an awesome, electrifying speech) and of course Sanders which was the highlight of the day (go Sanders). I am disappointed that they haven't insisted more on the fact that a lot of congress and senate seats are up for re-election pretty soon, so we can potentially change things very fast.

Clinton's endorsement as the democratic candidate seems to have not been officially done yet, but it de facto is. One can still hope for a miracle, but I don't think we'll have Bernie Sanders elected. Oh well.

Overall this was reassuring. This is a very progressive platform for the DNC to adopt, and I was not expecting as much from a Clinton candidacy. I still don't trust Hillary Clinton, but eh why not, it makes voting for her more palatable, and staying alert afterwards will remain important, I suppose.

It was also a very different feeling than Trump's speech at his investiture (which we've also seen). Trump did nothing but fearmongering, pitting everybody against each other in us vs them groups, and comically being suddenly "for lgbt americans when it gave him an occasion to be "against" terrorism (but he really hates them both, really). The DNC had a lot of talk about how America is already great, in an objective way of describing things: there is a lot of wealth that is very badly distributed. There was none of the defeatist and despair-like talk we had with Trump.

And also, the "louisiana hot sauce" we bought for the tacos was pretty good, much better than the tapatio one my friend used to have (the tapatio is nice but it builds up and it gets uncomfortable at some point). She agrees that it's better too, so we might put in the extra cents to buy this one instead.

Overall, a great day! I had a great day. I'm happy :d

(Tomorrow there's going to be a talk from Bill Clinton, and it's the only one I intend to watch - no eight hours-long computer-tv marathon, I got things to do.)
18 Septembre 2015
4 778
26 268
3 904
I spoke 2hours with an Irish family (the mum is Irish, and her husband American) :puppyeyes:
In English :lunette: and the mum speak a little in France ("Ecoureuil" :puppyeyes:), she send me a messenger for tell me thanks for the shooting.
  • Big up !
Réactions : Yes
18 Septembre 2015
4 778
26 268
3 904
@Croquemitaine ahaha :yawn:

Infact, the mum has studied 1 years in Lyon, and she speak a little french :happy: just "Ecureuil" it's hard to pronounce. :yawn: but for me, tell "Squirrel" it's REALLY IMPOSSIBLE !!!!!!! When she said "Ecureuil" it's comprehensible, but when i say "Skureuil".......................... :cretin::cretin::cretin:
  • Big up !
Réactions : Croquemitaine
Odd things about english in the states !

Everybody call me "dude". It's not that they're transphobic or anything (I think they don't even know I'm trans), it's that everybody call everybody dude. Dude is slowly morphing into a genderless, masculine-is-the-norm kinda term. It's pretty unsettling, but I don't particularly mind: having people calling me dude means I'm treated like every other girl, and that's a good thing. But still. Everybody call me "dude".

People at work use a lot of french words as technical term. It's kinda hilarious to hear them talking about "gâteaux" with an american accent, putting the stress on the first syllable, and ending up with an odd, it's-a-bit-high-isn't-it voiced second syllable. They managed to make french sound even more posh than it already is.

(Also, I used to work baking american food for french people, and now I work baking french food for american people :lunette: )

There's a vegan neighborhood here. And under one of the STOP signs, somebody put a sticker that read "eating animals". So every day on my evening commute, our bus stop in front of the "STOP EATING ANIMALS" sign. That's cool :d

I'm pretty happy to be here.


Je suis faillible, mais je suis capable.
18 Août 2010
16 457
91 573
7 169
And under one of the STOP signs, somebody put a sticker that read "eating animals".
Speaking of funny stuff like this, I've been to Manchester's Gay Village recently with bae and there was a sign warning people they're being filmed. Said sign was displaying "Looking fabulous" :drama:

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