Right this second


"Wolves have no king"
6 Août 2013
2 850
16 248
5 664
Hi everyone :hello: ! I am so glad this topic is back, I followed it some time ago but did not dare to share my thoughts with you. But now that it's back, I'm gonna come here more ofter.

Random thought : I began meditation 3 days ago and I love it ! I meditate 12 minutes per day and I feel so peaceful right now (I'm so sad there is no meditating emoji on this forum XD). I also began to learn Swedish with Duolingo (an app that helps you learn new languages), and funny enough, it is very similar to English so I am not too lost :cretin:


"Wolves have no king"
6 Août 2013
2 850
16 248
5 664
@Sayress I can't blame your collegue as I am doing exactly the same thing (but at least, I work alone so it does not bother anyone else than me and my productivity :cretin:). I can understand you are pissed, though !

I just did a test to find out which kind of feminist I am, and apparently, I am a pro-sexe feminist... :sexe:(sexe equality and stuff)(Here is the test if you are interested, it is in French)
I came home from work and I am tiiired, as in "I can feel my brain struggling to think and I might be writing nonsense" kind of tired.

Pineapple is an absolutely wonderful spouse :jv: they're making dinner tonight!

@misspoire Tests :d I like tests! I tried it, and I got the féministe intersectionnelle result (which kind of came in as no surprise) (but still, fun)


Je suis faillible, mais je suis capable.
18 Août 2010
16 457
91 573
7 169
I just had my grandma on the phone.

The last time I talked to her, she said "don't go see you (girl) friend too often when you're in InternshipTown, you need to stay focused on your internship :P " and I thought, that means my mom told her about my girlfriend, even though I'm not sure how she introduced her to my grandma.

I was like, having some hopes or something, I don't know what I was thinking.

Tonight, she said hi and asked "what about a boyfriend? You didn't find one in CurrentTown? You know I'm curious. Find one in InternshipTown then"

This. Yeah. I should be used to it by now :goth: I feel a little stupid. I should have known my mom wouldn't tell her that way, she barely acknowledges us as a couple herself.

Anyway, I'm just a little sad :lol:

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