Right this second

Ada or ardor

Get out my hay
6 Septembre 2010
4 406
29 990
5 894
I'm so tired :gonk:. Since the beginning of my internship I sleep from 5 to 6 hours per night (my weekends are better).
It's been a month.

And I'm constantly hungry. I cooked rice noodle with peanut butter and scrambled eggs with potatoes (both were delicious :cretin:), and ate a yogurt. But I'm still hungry 2 hours later.

Ada or ardor

Get out my hay
6 Septembre 2010
4 406
29 990
5 894
@Jane Morgendorffer : Haha your spoiler:yawn:
Most of us here make mistakes, don't worry.

I only take it when I'm sick (I couldn't eat for a week in january), or when I'm slightly depressed (two weeks ago when I cried at work, I couldn't eat much neither).
I think it's because I try to save money on my lunch by not eating a sandwich each day, but houmous and bread if it's cheaper, it's still not enough. So I've been a bit hungry all the time. Cooking & bento are needed :happy:.
13 Juillet 2011
2 954
20 900
5 694
@Ada or ardor : Your internship experience + weird eating habits are reminding me of my last internship… :sweatdrop: I'm so glad it's over and I'm back to healthier habits overall. (Should I mention the fact that in this company, nobody (NOBODY) took a lunch break, but instead ate their meal in front of their computer? :lol:)
But yes to home cooking: it takes a bit of organization (organi–whaaaat?) but there are plenty of easy recipes you can prepare for 3-4 meals. My preference goes to pasta salads and quiches (if you have an oven). Sunday evening cooking for the week is kinda relaxing when you start getting into it. :happy:
It probably sounds a bit silly, but Buzzfeed's side website Tasty publishes a lot of easy and usually fairly cheap recipes (you can also find it on Facebook pages like "Tasty Miam" and others). It has a Pinterest-y feel to it, but like, actually doable? Most recipes are easier than it looks. I owe this discovery to @Etcheverry! :cretin:

Ada or ardor

Get out my hay
6 Septembre 2010
4 406
29 990
5 894
@Rosenrot_ : Thanks for your message, you somewhat coached me to go to the grocery store. And made me think about what I can do to improve my internship experience (my concern is : I'm too much on my own with nobody helping me or learning me things. They kinda say they never have time, but spend hours each week speaking about their lives :rolleyes:. I do like my colleagues, but I should raise that to them - in a positive way :lol:).

Side note : I'm the only one there eating in front of my computer :shifty:.

Thanks for the website, I'll check it out!
I'm on a crossroad around cooking, I'm not sure I ever cooked that much (it's been a week so let's take it easy :lol:). But it's too healthy. I want my food fat and tasty indeed :cretin: (bought some Mont d'or :puppyeyes:).

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