Right this second

13 Juillet 2011
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I don't know if you peeps have seen this new sensation on Netflix: The Curious Creations of Christine McConnell. She's like Bree Van De Kamp x Morticia Addams and I want her to be my trophy wife.
Half cooking show, half puppet show, it's honestly like nothing I ever watched! I highly recommend it if you want to treat your eyes to the most incredible cakes and a totally goth atmosphere. In her own words, her world is "where the strange and unusual are safe and welcome". I. LOVE .IT:

(She also has an Instagram account, because of course she is an Instagram star.)
13 Juillet 2011
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@charlotska : Now I really want to try to make naan! But I'm afraid the pans I own are not fit for this kind of baking. :hesite: There are so many cooking utensils I dream to buy, but I have so little money for it. :gonk:
  • Big up !
Réactions : Mimi Pinkerton


sauvage illettrée banlieusarde.
12 Juin 2008
4 689
Yo I have a few questions for y'all, I'm curious: how many other languages do you speak/write fluently apart from french and english ?

And which language(s) -if there's any- are you planning on learning and why? (Or you might actually be currently learning another language, and if so, wich one is it ?)

I'm thinking about starting studying spanish soon. I've been watching a shit ton of spanish series and movies for a little while now, and so I've been wondering; why the fuck not learn the language and get rid of this need for subtitles once and for all. I mean, that is literally the reason why I taught myself how to speak english, which was pretty successful. The thing I'm wondering now is how difficult is it to learn, compared to english.
19 Juin 2014
3 610
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Hi everyone,
All of you seems to be fluent in english, so I don't know if I'm at the right place.
I like the idea of an ECM in english (with many less people so maybe it could be possible for me to follow :yawn:), and I'd like to participate and be corrected to improve my english.
But if it's annoying for you I can totally understand and go on another topic.

In any case, happy new year :disco:
Dernière édition :
19 Juin 2014
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Thanks, and so please feel free to correct my mistakes, I wouldn't like to take bad habits in my writings.

Unfortunately I'm just fluent in French, and I'd love to be fluent in English.
A long time ago I learned Spanish at school, and I can understand mostly when one speaks slowly to me, but I'm not able to do a simple sentence anymore, so I answer in english :red:
I have to admit I'm a slow learner so I don't plan to learn an other langage for now, even if I enjoyed beginning Italian and German on Duolingo, but I let it down, after a while it was annoying just to do exercices on the computer.

Are you all fluent in English here ?
13 Juillet 2011
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@Croquemitaine It's such a depressing time of the year for so many people. :erf: I don't feel rested at all after the holidays with my family, so it's always hard to come back and realize holidays are over and I need to get back to work already. :ko: I'm grateful I had relatively little work this week so I had time to relax and do unproductive activities like reading this forum. :cretin:
Don't feel too guilty, every once in a while, you need a time off from trying to be productive. :fleur:

But if it's annoying for you I can totally understand and go on another topic.
Non of this nonsense! You're totally welcome and allowed to make mistakes. :happy:
13 Juillet 2011
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*shamelessly double-posting*

(and Latin, but well... not very useful in everday life :nerd:)

I saw this today: Report: Students Who Take Latin Have Better Chance Of Summoning Demon Later In Life
It made me reconsider my stance on Latin, and now I feel sad that I didn't take it more seriously when I was young. :erf: Think about how things would have been different for a lot of students if Latin teachers mentioned this… This is such a shame.

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