Right this second

22 Avril 2018
1 612
12 464
2 574
Canada is so nice, I went to Montréal in December it was great! And they speak French too though :lunette:
Yes, in fact my boyfriend and I would like to live in Quebec. If it's francophonic, I think it's always interesting to speak a fluent english to live and work there. It's a good opportunity to learn, also :)
Nice to read that you've like Montreal. I can't wait to discover it too (and I can't wait to leave France, above all :nerd:)
How long did you stand there?
9 Mars 2013
1 272
10 689
5 664
Hey there!

I'm so psyched: I finally got round to checking out a slightly alternative café in my town (it's somewhat out of the way but not a great excuse since it's my 3rd year in this place). Very friendly place, interesting beer (very noisy too, which I don't love)... And they offer English conversation workshops (well, it's a"grab a beer/other beverage of choice & introduce yourself to a stranger in English" type of thing). I'm really up for it. I think. I want to go either this week or the next & check it out. Although i've been thinking up excuses to nope out of it this week... I'm on the introverted side of the spectrum but do ok if there's a reason to talk & there's a cutoff line.
Will report about it!

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