Right this second

10 Octobre 2016
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@Rosenrot_ well if you insist :cretin: so:
In a bowl mash well 2 ripe bananas; then add one tbsp of nut butter or oil and one tsp of white or apple cider vinegar. Then add 200 g of flour (I used wholewheat but I guess you can use whatever, sometimes I do half wholewheat half chickpea flour and it makes a more fudgy like consistency), spices (I used cinnamon this time, but sometimes I add cocoa powder too) and 1 tsp of bicarbonate of soda (or baking powder). Mix well and add a bit of water, I would say like 1/2 a cup, to obtain a pancake-like consistency. At this point you can also add dried fruit, choc chips etc. Then put in a cake pan, add some seeds on top if you wish and bake at 200 °C for about 30 min! And enjoy :banana:
P-S it's not very sweet as there is no sugar but that's how I like it, so feel free to add some if you have more of a sweet tooth ;)

@Ignis Aurae you're making me hungry! I just made myself some caramel green tea :thé:
9 Mars 2013
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So i'd written i'd update my "English conversation workshop" asai'd attended. Well, i went tonight even though I was tired, hungry, not all that up for it, especially considering the snow.
But I made the effort, took a bus there and... The whole event was cancelled! XD and I was that close to not coming. Well, maybe I'd had a hunch rather than an acute bout of laziness as i'd thought. Egh.
Hogging the WiFi and sipping a panaché cause I'm rad. :lunette:

And on something completely unrelated:
Have any of you spent some time in the Netherlands? Are Rotterdam and Antwerpen worthwhile places to visit?
10 Octobre 2016
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Hiyall :hello: I've been feeling a bit low those days, I'm so stressed and tired and it's not gonna get better :tears: I have so much work to do for my masters, and an essay due in two weeks but I'm just so scared of it I can't seriously get myself to do all the readings for it :fear:my teacher said it might be better to ask for (another) extension as I don't have much time anymore, but I'm also so tired and depressed of not having a social life anymore, I just want to go out and party with my friends and not worry about anything :gonk:
Dernière édition :
10 Octobre 2016
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@mt thanks, a hug always helps :jv: it is crazy how my mood changes according to the environment though! Like when I'm alone in my room I get very depressed and unmotivated, but today I saw some friends in class and I'm currently at the library with another one, so I feel a bit better :) also it snowed earlier! But they said at the radio that tomorrow night is gonna be big snow night, probably on Thursday I will wake up to an all-white city :puppyeyes:
10 Octobre 2016
1 869
2 324
Hiya! Not much to say except that I'm tired and stressed for a change :lunette: but also I'm in the middle of my period so I decided I would take it easy this weekend! Also debating with myself if I should watch already the last episode of Sex Education, I loved it so much I don't want it to end :tears: and finally, the weather is nice and sunny so it's great, if I feel like it I might go for a walk, I have only 5 hours left until the sun sets though :lunette: hope you're all having a great weekend :cupidon:
9 Mars 2013
1 272
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Back from My Beautiful Boy. Tell me when Groeningen intends to shoot a light-hearted comedy. Since it's based on a true story, the tasteful sea of luxury in which the characters seemed to bathe unconcernedly was probably genuine jut I was vaguely irritated by it -i can't relate as much to the rich (but i promise i see them as fully-fleshed human beings). :cretin: I'm not sure i think much of the film, actually. It has a lot less of an edge than La merditude des choses. And i guess i prefer him hipsterish in Belgium (Alabama Monroe) rather than West Coast chic. It felt a bit... Bland in a weird way -given the subject matter.

Oh, and i finally met a moviegoer i hate more than people who sit in front of you & check/play with their phone/answer calls during a film: people who sit right behind you and drum their fingers against the hard plastic of the chair while scraping their fingers back and forth (back and forth, back and forth...:goth:) against the rough fabric of their jeans. I know it sounds totally innocuous but it was like death by a thousand papercuts.

I want to see The Favourite -wouldn't it be funny if I met them there ? :cretin: It wouldn't. :goth:

On a brighter, less petty note, I had instant noodles w/ a peanut butter/sriracha/powdered garlic/olive oil sauce (cheap lazy vegan©): it was a fiiiiine bit of homecooking though i say it myself.:coiffe:

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