Je me souviens de l'histoire de cette employée de chez Disney:
Si l'industrie du X a été prompte a réagir dans le cas de Stoya, le groupe Disney lui ne voit pas la nécessité de renvoyer un employé accusé de viol on parle bien d'une entreprise dont l'image repose sur l'innocence. C'est ahurissant.
Petit florilège:
"A certified counselor was insinuating that it was my fault that my coworker decided to rape me -- as if I should have known better than to interact with any man after dark. Not only that, but she was advising me to approach every interaction with a man as if he is a potential rapist, including every man that works at Disney World. If I react to a man with anything less than hostility after sundown, whatever happens is my fault."
"I told her that “no” means “no” whether it’s day or night. That was apparently too radical an idea for her, as she said nothing in reply. She continued to make excuses for my rapist. She asked where he was from and I told her, “France.”
She remarked that “cultural differences” were probably part of the problem, telling me that the French have a “different view of love” than we Americans do."
Non mais c'est juste inhumain et carrément dégueulasse, ah non mais bien le soutient aux victimes de viol aux States.
Et puisqu'on parle de l'affaire du viol de Steubenville, je crois qu'on peut désormais s'asseoir sur la notion de solidarité féminine après les propos gerbants de Serena Williams, oui je sais elle s'est "excusée" mais franchement le mal est fait, cela n'effacera pas les mots très durs qu'elle a eu envers cette jeune fille, je ne sais pas ce qui est pire, les insinuations sur le faits que la victime avait bu ou sur sa virginité.
Bref, stop la vision bisounours.