Tapez votre prénom dans Urban Dictionary, ça boostera votre ego

23 Août 2015
2 944
Oui ben je m'apelle Fanny, (je vous laisse chercher la traduction en anglais hein), et du coup, c'est pas ouf ouf comme résultat ahaha
(la dernière fois que je suis allée en Angleterre, j'ai pas donné mon vrai prénom au Starbucks du coup :shifty:)
Pareil :boire:
Mais moi, j'adore donner mon prénom aux anglais juste pour observer ce mélange de malaise et d'hilarité monter en eux, et voir quelle réaction ils finissent par choisir!

Sinon, sur urban dictionary:
1) British term for pussy
2) a retard
3) American term for ass
4) British term for assing
Que du bon, en somme! :rire:
"Slang for Crystal Meth."
Ok, ben..... ok.

"Tina, meaning "little one." Derived from Latin. Competitive - a leader, independent, strength, creative and original.
A refined intellectual, a woman who's studious, analytical and very research oriented . . .
Tina is a strong, determined woman.
#leader #independent #strong #creative #original "
C'est mieux.
28 Mars 2016
Hey, ils se sont lâchés pour moi ^^

"A cool girl, generally generous, smart, sexy, and funny, into expressing herself through music, art, and or acting. Fun to be around, and even though she may not know it, shes loved by everyone. People who hate her, hate her out of jealousy. She's very amazing, easygoing, a little bookish, but can also be very sexy when she wants to. Usually very happy and positive with a little ADHD, she is always ready to bounce back on bad times"
"A girl who seems innocent, but also knows how to have fun. XXs are usually beautiful, have slender and sexy bodies, extremely smart, and get all the guys."

Et ça reste du même acabit (ouais, j'ai XXé mon prénom). J'aimerais quand même comprendre l'intérêt de donner des définitions à des prénoms sans qu'elles soient basées sur son étymologie.
14 Juillet 2014

"A girl who makes the world keep spinning, she makes time move slower, she makes the clear skies at night that much better. She makes the sun that much warmer. She makes the birds sing louder. She makes your face smile. She's the moon of your life, the highlight of the skies at night. She shines when the stars do not. She's the love of your life.
"Jessica's strange man." "Naw she's just interesting."

Bordel, 'faut que j'envoie ça à mon ex ! :egyptian:
4 Août 2014
1 564
Boooum ego décuplé !
Sarah :
A very beautiful woman. Too beautiful for words. Shes absolutely stunning and perfect in every way. Her beauty will never be matched. Everything about her is beautiful. She has too many great features to name all at once, but her tummy is one of the cutest things in the world. At the same time, her hair is just gorgeous. Also, she has a cutest nose in the world. There are too many features to name. Shes very strong and independent. She will always have you smiling and keep you laughing. Shes just so silly. I don't know anyone that I care about more than her. Shes truly an original. I would fight for her. I would die for her. Shes my heart, my soul, my existence. Shes my everything. Shes me best friend in the entire world and I wouldn't rather anyone else to take her place. Shes the sweetest girl with a voice that could end a war with just one sentence. I tell her everything. Either good news or bad news, shes always there to support me. Shes knows everything about me and I know everything about her. All I want to do is make her happy. Even the image of her sad breaks my heart. Shes not the type of girl that you just pick up at a bar and bring home. She'll enchant you in every way possible. She'll leave imprints on your heart that will never go away. We've had too many wonderful memories to count. I never stop thinking about her. I love her. I love everything about her. Ive never been happier. There will never be another girl like her, trust me. Shes perfect.
Guy - Hey man, you know Sarah? What's she like?
Me - ...oh don't get me started
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11 Août 2015
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Alors il y a du positif comme du négatif, mais c'est amusant :happy:. Il y a quand même pleins de choses qui ne me correspondent pas, ils se sont vraiment lâchés sur les interprétations XD
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