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En fait je pense que des gens ont rédigé les définitions pour eux et leur potes/ leurs ennemis, d'où ces résultats qui pour certains sont sûrement le portrait de votre homonyme à l'autre bout du monde...
Caroline is the prettiest girl in the world. She is smart and funny and is usually happy, but she worries sometimes. She is a perfectionist, but that's part of her. She dreams and imagines and loves and is really sweet. She comforts you when you're sad or worried. She'll stand by you, no matter what. She's kind of judgmental, but that's only because she's overly protective. She cares about what she looks like or how she acts in front of certain people, but if you really know her, then she doesn't care if you think she's gay. Caroline is awesome and makes me laugh every single day.
Gotta love my Caroline! Heller! #bodacious#sweet#lovely#smart#funny#and happy.
Mon nom est soit une marque de céréales soit une insulte pour décrire une fille à la sexualité très active.
Du coup il fallait que j'ajoute ma propre définition
Edit : Pour les Fanny :
(14) Pure Sexyness, Unrivaled Beauty, A Face So Cute You Just Want To Pinch Her Beautiful Cheeks, Lips So Soft You Would Wish You Can Have Them But They're Mine And Only Mine.
(21) Someone who is very very very smart , a very funny and fun person to be around . A positive influence , has your back whenever . Don't backstab her because she won't do it to you . Speaks for what she believes in , not afraid . Didn't know what popusa meant at first . Roasting skills still in development
That's fanny , she's such a cool person
*mode j'me-la-raconte on*
14 définitions pour Emilie (rien que ça )
J'ai fait une petite sélection des meilleures morceaux :
"Emilie is the nicest person you will never meet. She is sexy,intelligent,brave,beautiful"
"Incredibly loud, obnoxious laugh" Tout à fait moi
"She can be dumb at times but she uses it as part of her charm"
"The most extraordinary, beautiful, complicated person you'll ever meet in your life" Merci
"this girl has got your back no matter what; she can shake her ass like no other; favorite foods can be found at McDonalds" Je pense que c'est la meilleure définition de moi-même
"An honorable person, extremely loyal to her many friends and family."
"All the guys want her, because of her funny personality." Ou pas...
"She's an honest and trustful person"
"You're fucking lucky if you marry her. You're even more fucking lucking if she choses to fuck you." Ca se passe de commentaires ....
"hot piece of ass"
An attractive and classy young woman who lives up to the simple beauty of her name.
Et celles d'après sont tout aussi cool, ça fait vraiment du bien à l'ego^^
Vous avez de la "chance", j'aurais aimé avoir une définition comme ça
Moi la mienne est assez naze et ne me correspond pas
Y a écrit Entre autres "hilarious" "love to have fun and party"
Rien sur les mecs
Juliette is a crazy, awkward, nerdy girl who is shy at first but ONCE you know her she becomes CRAZY!!!! She is a big fangirl. Juliette has a HUGE appitite, but is athletic, so doesnt get FAT. Juliettes are loyal and will never let their friends be sad for ONE MINUTE! She is a great person to have as a BFF. She is a huge party-girl, and is bouncing-off-the-wallsinsane!!!Don't get her mad, though. JUliettes are scary when they are angry!!! Juliettes are crazy, compassionate, happy, nerdy, athletic, fangirly, loyal, awesome people!!! You will always love a Juliette!