Le meilleur d'Omegle !



You: you're dead !

Stranger: I'm sorry!

Stranger: I din't mean to die!

Stranger: It was all the not seeing breasts that killed me!

You: shit !

You: your life may be so difficult !

Stranger: It is very difficult

You: how can you stay alive ?

Stranger: the interne

Stranger: t

You: waw, it's really an awesome invention !

Stranger: yes, but it does not have your breast

You: life is sometimes cruel !

You: and my breast is crying

Stranger: Crying?

Stranger: Give it some air

You: oh no !

Stranger: oh no?

You: air will kill my breast

Stranger: how does air kill your breast?

You: ah, its a good question !

You: it's like that my other breast was killed !

Stranger: Really?

Stranger: What heppened exavtly?

You: no, i'm kidding !

You: but now, my breasts are drinking tea and eating awesome cupcakes, we can't disturb them !

Stranger: I thought you only had one!?

You: You belive lies guy !

Stranger: You tell lies woman

You: just for fun ! ;)

Stranger: :O

Stranger: You should show me your breasts just for fun ! ;)

You: hey, i said you we can't disturb them !

Stranger: Hmmm

Stranger: Maybe if we ask nicely?

You: you can try, but caution, then they're have a break, they're not nice !

Stranger: Hmmm... what are they called?

You: ?! O_o

Stranger: I can't really greet them without having a name for them

You: oh, they called "one" and "two" ! ("one" is the left one) XD

Stranger: Hello, one and two! I'm so very sorry to disturb you

You: so sorry, they don't want to be disturb ! they have a nice party !

Stranger: Why wasn't I invited?

You: because it's private ! and you didn't ask me !

You: now, "one" and "two" will go to the jacuzzi !

Stranger: I think I might stalk them

You: why ?

Stranger: I feel like seeing them'

You: or not.
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Stranger: who is your idol?

You: my idole?

Stranger: yes

Stranger: singer or artist i mean
You: I love clint eastwood

You: and tolstoi

Stranger: wow

Stranger: do you know Twilight?


Stranger: Hi!

You: hi

Stranger: I'm Lady GaGa!

Stranger: Telephone debut Feb. 23

You: lol

You: madmoizelle?

Stranger: I'm GaGa!

Stranger: i'm famous

You: I don't know you sorry

Your conversational partner has disconnected.
29 Août 2009
1 564
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: Hi

Stranger: hey.

You: How are u ?

Stranger: Fine.

Stranger: I'm from pixieland.
Stranger: believe it or not.

You: Like Peter Pan ?

Stranger: yeah!

Stranger: how ever did you guess.

You: I love you ♥

Stranger: i know.

Stranger: Just like tinkerbell ahaha.

You: Tinkerbell is the best !

Stranger: Well, obviously ;D

You: You're the king of Pixieland ?

Stranger: Nah.

You: Oh :sad:

Stranger: I'm a pixie :d

You: Captain Cook dead ?

Stranger: yeah I killed him >)

You: YEAAH !

You: It's a bad personn

You: In France it's Capitaine Crochet

Stranger: ahh.

Stranger: well.

Stranger: He couldn't live, now could he

You: I can go with you in Pixieland ?

Stranger: Well.

Stranger: Are you a pixie.

You: I'm Wendy !

Stranger: But wendy grows up!

Stranger: hahaha.

Stranger: imma go now.

Stranger: Have fun there :d

Ce gars est génial ! ♥
7 Novembre 2009
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: Hello! I'm a 67 year old man weighing 432 pounds, will you be my gay lover?Hello! I'm a 67 year old man weighing 432 pounds, will you be my gay lover?Hello! I'm a 67 year old man weighing 432 pounds, will you be my gay lover?Hello! I'm a 67 year old man weighing 432 pounds, will you be my gay lover?Hello! I'm a 67 year old man weighing 432 pounds, will you be my gay lover?Hello! I'm a 67 year old man weighing 432 pounds, will you be my gay lover?Hello! I'm a 67 year old man weighing 432 pounds, will you be my gay lover?Hello! I'm a 67 year old man weighing 432 pounds, will you be my gay lover?Hello! I'm a 67 year old man weighing 432 pounds, will you be my gay lover?Hello! I'm a 67 year old man weighing 432 pounds, will you be my gay lover?Hello! I'm a 67 year old man weighing 432 pounds, will you be my gay lover?Hello! I'm a 67 year old man weighing 432 pounds, will you be my gay lover?Hello! I'm a 67 year old man weighing 432 pounds, will you be my gay lover?Hello! I'm a 67 year old man weighing 432 pounds, will you be my gay lover?Hello! I'm a 67 year old man weighing 432 pounds, will you be my gay lover?Hello! I'm a 67 year old man weighing 432 pounds, will you be my gay lover?Hello! I'm a 67 year old man weighing 432 pounds, will you be my gay lover?Hello! I'm a 67 year old man weighing 432 pounds, will you be my gay lover?Hello! I'm a 67 year old man weighing 432 pounds, will you be my gay lover?Hello! I'm a 67 year old man weighing 432 pounds, will you be my gay lover?Hello! I'm a 67 year old man weighing 432 pounds, will you be my gay lover?Hello! I'm a 67 year old man weighing 432 pounds, will you be my gay lover?Hello! I'm a 67 year old man weighing 432 pounds, will you be my gay lover?Hello! I'm a 67 year old man weighing 432 pounds, will you be my gay lover?Hello! I'm a 67 year old man weighing 432 pounds, will you be my gay lover?Hello! I'm a 67 year old man weighing 432 pounds, will you be my gay lover?Hello! I'm a 67 year old man weighing 432 pounds, will you be my gay lover?Hello! I'm a 67 year old man weighing 432 pounds, will you be my gay lover?Hello! I'm a 67 year old man weighing 432 pounds, will you be my gay lover?Hello! I'm a 67 year old man weighing 432 pounds, will you be my gay lover?Hello! I'm a 67 year old man weighing 432 pounds, will you be my gay lover?Hello! I'm a 67 year old man weighing 432 pounds, will you be my gay lover?Hello! I'm a 67 year old man weighing 432 pounds, will you be my gay lover?Hello! I'm a 67 year old man weighing 432 pounds, will you be my gay lover?Hello! I'm a 67 year old man weighing 432 pounds, will you be my gay lover?Hello! I'm a 67 year old man weighing 432 pounds, will you be my gay lover?Hello! I'm a 67 year old man weighing 432 pounds, will you be my gay lover?Hello! I'm a 67 year old man weighing 432 pounds, will you be my gay lover?Hello! I'm a 67 year old man weighing 432 pounds, will you be my gay lover?Hello! I'm a 67 year old man weighing 432 pounds, will you be my gay lover?Hello! I'm a 67 year old man weighing 432 pounds, will you be my gay lover?Hello! I'm a 67 year old man weighing 432 pounds, will you be my gay lover?Hello! I'm a 67 year old man weighing 432 pounds, will you be my gay lover?Hello! I'm a 67 year old man weighing 432 pounds, will you be my gay lover?Hello! I'm a 67 year old man weighing 432 pounds, will you be my gay lover?Hello! I'm a 67 year old man weighing 432 pounds, will you be my gay lover?Hello! I'm a 67 year old man weighing 432 pounds, will you be my gay lover?Hello! I'm a 67 year old man weighing 432 pounds, will you be my gay lover?Hello! I'm a 67 year old man weighing 432 pounds, will you be my gay lover?Hello! I'm a 67 year old man weighing 432 pounds, will you be my gay lover?Hello! I'm a 67 year old man weighing 432 pounds, will you be my gay lover?

You: Oh yeah !

Stranger: yes?

You: What's your name honey ?

Stranger: im greg

Stranger: old greg
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Oh bah non on aurait pu bien s'amuser ! :sad:


You: Hello !

Stranger: hi

Stranger: asl

You: I'm selling off brains, do you wanna buy one of them ?

Your conversational partner has disconnected.


You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Your conversational partner has disconnected.
29 Août 2009
1 564
You: Hi !

Stranger: ohhhh baby i be stuck to you like glue, baby, wanna spend it all on you, baby, my room is the g spot call me mr flinstone cuz i can make yo bed rock

You: Yeah !

Stranger: WOOOOOO

You: It's rock baby !

Stranger: like....YEAH

J'ai pas très bien compris XD
29 Août 2009
1 564
You: Hi ^^

Stranger: Suck my dick

You: No thank you

Stranger: Please

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Au moins ça à le mérite d'être clair. :ellipses:

Stranger: hi

You: Hi

You: How are u ?

Stranger: good and u?

You: Fine thank you ^^

Stranger: where r u from?

You: France and u ?

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

La France fait fuir beaucoup de monde j'ai l'impression :eh2:


You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: is your name kirk?

You: no, but i can lie you !

You: "hi, my name is kirk" !

Stranger: shame

Your conversational partner has disconnected

Mouhaha :rotate:

Stranger: are you horny girl?

You: i'm a hot girl dude ! ;)

Stranger: you have a cam?

You: why do you want to know that ? =p

You: but... how old are you ?

Stranger: 21

Stranger: let's chat in msn if you have a cam

You: hey hey, i'm sure you want to do something more, right ?

Stranger: just talking

Stranger: lol

Stranger: and later natually do something

You: do you like to be sucked ?

Stranger: sure

You: and...are you flexible ?

Stranger: hmmm

Stranger: yeah

You: i've any ideas, dude !

Stranger: what is that?

Stranger: can we just talk in msn?

You: first idea :

You: you're flexible, so you can suck you yourself !

You: enjoy your life !

You have disconnected.

Je suis perfide...
6 Mars 2008
1 168
4 974
Stranger: Hey, please pick one:

A) Guy looking for girl

B) Girl looking for guy

C) Girl looking for girl

D) Guy looking for guy

E) Guy (horny) looking for girl

F) Girl (horny) looking for guy

G) Lesbian (horny) chat

H) Gay (horny) chat

You: Um, H !

You: :)

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Oh, je suis déçue, ça avait l'air si intéressant pourtant :shifty:

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: Hey disconnect now if ur a gurl

You: No I'm not a girl

Stranger: kewl asl

You: But I'm gay.

Stranger: oh fucking hell

You: Yeah... I know.

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Sont fous les gens 8D
10 Juillet 2009
8 142
5 361
2 764
Attention, j'envoie du lourd.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi
You: Pfiouuuu
Stranger: u like twilight?
You: errmmm ... so so
Stranger: Edward turns bella into a vampire,and they have a baby . Jacob falls in love with the baby
You: lol
Stranger: muhahahaha
You: Jacob have a big big nose
You: and a mouth so special -c'est vrai !-
You: :s
Stranger: stranger?
You: exactly. stranger
Stranger: stop being strange please
You: what? -là, j'ai pas tout compris-
Stranger: u are a strange stranger
You: really? and why?
Stranger: well
Stranger: that what she said u know
You: [... la la la, je comprends rien ... ]
Stranger: u don't understand it?
Stranger: lol
You: nope! i don't speak very well english
Stranger: tu parle francais?
You: oui
Stranger: je ne comprend pas le francais
Stranger: C'est une merde
You: ah. pourtant tu à l'air de bien savoir écrire français
You: ( c'est toi la merde) -Hop, je me rebelle-
Stranger: merci, je pense...
You: mais tu parles français ou tu ne parles pas français? :O
You: ?
Stranger: je ne parle pas francais... je suis une putain
Stranger: tu comprends?
Stranger: compris*
Stranger: ...
Stranger: MDDRR?
You: Mort de rire = Laughing out loud = lol -attention, petit cours-
Stranger: ahnn lol or mdrr , c'est mon premier francais mot sur l'internet
You: mais tu vois que tu parles français !
Stranger: I don't speak french i just learned it once in a 8 hour class u know
You: huum, d'accord
Stranger: =)
You: and, so, tu es une putain.
You: very interesting job, no? -foutage de gueule, avouons-le-
Stranger: no, it'sboring
You: mad? -Période de doute, mmz ou pas? elle a du croire que je demandais si elle étais folle ^^-
Stranger: mon age est 54... tu comprends?
You: lol
Stranger: au revoir
You: c'est ça bye bye
Your conversational partner has disconnected

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