Petits bouts de paroles

29 Juillet 2006
7 239
2 733
6 044
"Je ne m'habitue pas aux choses qui finissent
Depuis tout petit c'est un peu mon vice (...)"

"Tu restes assez présentable
Tu pourrais peut-être te reproduire (...)"

"Je vais au square où il y a des enfants qui me ressemblent
Je les regarde et quand ils me sourient je tremble (...)"

Arnaud Fleurent-Didier, Ne sois pas trop exigeant


D?un chagrin, j?ai fait un repos
Au coin de moi, je nous regarde
Et on a tout pour être beau
Même si le temps nous retarde

Humain, c?est joli après tout
On travaillera nos rencontres
Pour unir les sages et les fous
Lire la même heure sur nos montres

Alors c?est rien, c?est la fatigue
Si on a peur encore du noir
Si on se cache, si on s?endigue
Dès demain, on retournera voir

On peut bien pleurer dans nos bras
Hier on se serrait les poings
J?ai pas senti qu?il faisait froid
Je reviens vite les copains

C?est pas la fin, c?est une pause
J?ai toujours eu envie des autres
De sourire à celui qui ose
De fou rire au moindre des nôtres

C?est juste casser la gueule au monde
Je sais on fait jamais assez
Je sais on en a bouffé de l?immonde
Et puis après ça va passer

Laissez vos lumières allumées
J?ai besoin de vous souvenir
Et si ce soir je vais pleurer
Ben demain je va revenir

Loïc Lantoine - La nouvelle


"There is something I wanted to tell you,
It's so funny you'll kill yourself laughing
But then I, I look around
And I remember that I am alone,
Alone, for evermore"

Morrissey - Come Back To Camden

"May the Lord have mercy on me since I kicked him in the teeth
I said bye bye sinning days - fare thee well
Could have stopped at number two but there was so much left to do
Does cheating on her send you straight to hell
Phone wakes me up at three, a naked body lies next to me
Who slipped her the mickey - bye bye

Lets all drink them away, we?ll try another day
Don?t know any other way - La la la

As for life number four - wasted in the arms of whores
Farewell to innocence, fare thee well
Smoked my fifth life into black clouds, not a stitch left to be proud of
Bye bye to these five lives, fare thee well

Six little lives, six dirty lives,
talking rubbish and scrapping through the night
Farewell innocence fare thee well

Lets all drink them away, we?ll try another day
Don?t know any other way - La la la

Seventh life making friends with God but he just wouldn?t call me back
Bye bye redemption, fare thee well
Eight lives count down the days, that colossal fall from grace
Back to Pentonville to be alone
One lonely life on its knees cursing all he sees
And praying down the barrel of a gun

Lets all drink them away, we?ll try another day
Don?t know any other way - La la la"

Dirty Pretty Things - 9 Lives

"The fights, they never end
Like the nights, they've taken me over
And yeah I get the fear
But I cannot be bothered

All this waiting is just hesitating for nothing
And the fault lines
And all the conjecture from both sides
Why oh why can't we change things
This is destroying me inside


You know you want to jump into the pit, back to life so sordid
We fell down dead but nobody saw it
I've got 20 faces and I talk in the tongues
I feel like the devil, what does the devil do?"

Dirty Pretty Things - Faultlines

This is where the truth begins
Where teardrops glance the sallow skin
You lose your will
And I can lend you mine

The westway wall?s
So tall and bleak
Reflect the words we dare not speak
By the bottle?s end
We may have done our time

What you want is to stay away from people like me
Who twist most everything they see
And leave the grey old world behind you

So sow it up kid have some clout
We?ll do some wine and fall about
The sun will shine again tomorrow
Look beyond the parapet
We are just bums lest you forget
We can beg steal and borrow

Well you said the pills would sort me out
Embolden me against the
Manifestations of fear and doubt
I just forgot who I used to be
So now I?m strung somewhere between a dream
And humdrum day to day routine
A laurel wreath from the door to my heart

What you wants to wash your face and try to breathe
Forget your mind and shut your eyes so that you can see
And leave the grey old world behind you"

Dirty Pretty Things - Truth Begins

I?m in to myself
On uncertain terms
I put gin in my milk
To kill all the germs
As I pray for the day
That life will return
And I pray for myself
But I never learn
No I never learn
See I really like you
But I?m nothing like you
I try oh so hard
But don?t get so far
You get my respect
But we don?t connect
Were in it together
So I?ll love you forever
I love you forever
And so it rains on
No one gives a fuck about the values I would die for
Not the faceless civil servants
The rudimentary crack whore
No one gives two fucks about the values I would kill for
Give them something to die for
Give me something to die for
You won?t really see me
I live in old movies
Cloaked tightly in sin
So they wont come in

Its like spying on cities
Through cracks in the floor
Thought I knew what the blag was
But now I?m not sure
What do I know anymore?"

Dirty Pretty Things - Gin & Milk
23 Mars 2011
3 125
2 360
1 654
J'aimerai choisir quelle partie je préfère dans cette chanson mais chaque mot résonne en moi avec autant de forme que le précédent alors je met tout...

Si tu aimes les soirs de pluie
Mon enfant, mon enfant
Les ruelles de l'Italie
Et les pas des passants
l'éternelle litanie
Des feuilles mortes dans le vent
Qui poussent un dernier cri
Crie mon enfant

Si tu aimes les éclaircies
Mon enfant, mon enfant
Prendre un bain de minuit
Dans le grand océan
Si tu aimes la mauvaise vie
Ton reflet dans l'étang
Si tu veux tes amis
Près de toi tout le temps

Si tu pries quand la nuit tombe
Mon enfant, mon enfant
Si tu ne fleuris pas les tombes
Mais chéris les absents

Si tu as peur de la bombe
Et du ciel trop grand
Si tu parles à ton ombre
De temps en temps

Si tu aimes la marée basse
Mon enfant, mon enfant
Le soleil sur la terrasse
Et la lune sous le vent
Si l'on perd souvent ta trace
Dès qu' arrive le printemps
Si la vie te dépasse
Passe mon enfant

Ca n'est pas ta faute
C'est ton héritage

Et ce sera pire encore
Quand tu auras mon âge
Ca n'est pas ta faute
C'est ta chair, ton sang
Il va falloir faire avec
Ou plutôt sans

Si tu oublies les prénoms
Les adresses et les âges
Mais presque jamais le son
D'une voix, un visage
Si tu aimes ce qui est bon
Si tu vois des mirages
Si tu préfères Paris
Quand vient l'orage

Si tu aimes les goûts amers
Et les hivers tout blancs
Si tu aimes les derniers verres
Et les mystères troublants
Si tu aimes sentir la terre
Et jaillir le volcan
Si tu as peur du vide
Vide mon enfant

Ca n'est pas ta faute
C'est ton héritage

Et ce sera pire encore
Quand tu auras mon âge
Ca n'est pas ta faute
C'est ta chair, ton sang
Il va falloir faire avec
Ou plutôt sans

Si tu aimes partir avant
Mon enfant, mon enfant
Avant que l'autre s'éveille
Avant qu'il te laisse en plan
Si tu as peur du sommeil
Et que passe le temps
Si tu aimes l'automne vermeil
Merveille rouge sang

Si tu as peur de la foule
Mais supporte les gens

Si tes idéaux s'écroulent
Le soir de tes 20 ans

Et si tout se déroule
Jamais comme dans tes plans
Si tu n'es qu'une pierre qui roule
Roule mon enfant

Ca n'est pas ta faute
ton héritage
Et ça sera pire encore
Quand tu auras mon âge
Ca n'est pas ta faute
C'est ta chair, ton sang
Il va falloir faire avec
Ou plutôt sans

Benjamin Biolay - Ton héritage
21 Mai 2011
Once shes got you in her sight
You're the one shes after

Shes the blade and you're just paper
You're afraid cause shes got closer
You're back-steppin and back-stabbing everything in your life

She stole everything your heart desired
Now you want it back
She stole everything your heart desired
Now you want it back

Sugarcult - She's the blade


It's the wrong kind of place
To be thinking of you

It's the wrong time
For somebody new
It's a small crime
And I got no excuse.

9 Crimes, Damien Rice.
29 Décembre 2005
10 133
6 333
8 434
Heart is in the right place, brain is in the dirt
You live life like everyone's an enemy
(MGMT, Indie Rokkers)

I'm not half as I wish I was
I'm so angry, I don't think it'll ever pass
And I was bad news for you, just because
I never meant to hurt you
(Elliot Smith, Pitseleh)

My soul is painted like the wings of butterflies
Fairy tales of yesterday will grow but never die
I can fly, my friends
(Queen, The Show Must Go On)

Your love is like a studded leather headlock
Your kiss it could put creases in the road
You're rarer than a can of dandelion and burdock
And those other girls are just post-mix lemonade
(Arctic Monkeys, Suck It And See)


I wish I could die in your arms tonight.
There is a part of me leaving
Believing the hype.

I wish I was a bird
Wouldn't that be absurd
To flap at your window
To breathe you the word

The Charlatans - Bird/Reprise


"She told me she loved me
Which means she must be insane
I've had my face dragged in fifteen miles of shit
And I do not, and I do not, and I do not like it
So how can anybody say they know how I feel
The only one around here who is me, is me

They said they respect me
Which means their judgement is crazy
I've had my face dragged in fifteen miles of shit
And I do not, and I do not, and I do not like it
So how can anybody say they know how I feel
When they are they and only I am I

He said he wants to befriend me
Which means he can't possibly know me
The voices of the real and the imagined cry
The future is passing you by, the future is passing you by

So how can anybody possibly think they know how I feel
Everybody look and see pain and walk away
And as for you in your uniform, your smelly uniform
And so you think you can be rude to me
Because you wear a uniform, a smelly uniform
And so you think you can be rude to me

But even I, as sick as I am, I would never be you
Even I, as sick as I am, I would never be you
Even I, sick and depraved, a traveller to the grave
I would never be you, I would never be you"

Morrissey - How Can Anybody Possibly Say They Know How I Feel?

"I was a good kid
Through hail and snow I'd go
Just to moon you
I carried my heart in my hand
Do you understand?
Do you understand?
But Jesus hurt me
When he deserted me, but

I have forgiven Jesus
For all of the love
He placed in me
When there's no-one I can turn to with this love

Monday - humiliation
Tuesday - suffocation
Wednesday - condescension
Thursday - is pathetic
By Friday life has killed me
By Friday life has killed me

Why did you give me
So much desire?
When there is nowhere I can go
To offload this desire
And why did you give me
So much love
In a loveless world
When there's no one I can turn to
To unlock all this love
And why did you stick me in
Self-deprecating bones and skin
Jesus - do you hate me?
Why did you stick me in
Self-deprecating bones and skin
Do you hate me? do you hate me?
Do you hate me? do you hate me?
Do you hate me?"

Morrissey - I Have Forgiven Jesus

Satan rejected my soul
He knows my kind
He won't be dragged down
He's seen my face around
He knows Heaven doesn't seem
To be my home
So I must find
Somewhere else to go"

Morrissey - Satan Rejected My Soul
20 Septembre 2010
4 794
I remember you well in the Chelsea Hotel
you were famous, your heart was a legend.
You told me again you preferred handsome men
but for me you would make an exception.
And clenching your fist for the ones like us
who are oppressed by the figures of beauty,
you fixed yourself, you said, "Well never mind,
we are ugly but we have the music."

(Chelsea Hotel #2, Leonard Cohen)

It's a still life water color,
Of a now late afternoon,
As the sun shines through the curtained lace
And shadows wash the room.
And we sit and drink our coffee
Couched in our indifference,
Like shells upon the shore
You can hear the ocean roar
In the dangling conversation
And the superficial sighs,
The borders of our lives.

And you read your Emily Dickinson,
And I my Robert Frost,
And we note our place with bookmarkers
That measure what we've lost.
Like a poem poorly written
We are verses out of rhythm,
Couplets out of rhyme,
In syncopated time
Lost in the dangling conversation
And the superficial sighs,
Are the borders of our lives.

Yes, we speak of things that matter,
With words that must be said,
"Can analysis be worthwhile?"
"Is the theater really dead?"
And how the room is softly faded
And I only kiss your shadow,
I cannot feel your hand,
You're a stranger now unto me
Lost in the dangling conversation.
And the superficial sighs,
In the borders of our lives.

(The Dangling Conversation, Simon & Garfunkel)

And the sign said "Long-haired freaky people need not apply"
So I tucked my hair up under my hat and I went in to ask him why
He said "You look like a fine upstanding young man, I think you'll do"
So I took off my hat, I said "Imagine that. Huh! Me workin' for you!"

(Signs, Five Man Electrical Band)
16 Janvier 2011
1 444
" Des jours qui ne ressemblent qu'à l'ombre des nuits
Des silences qui résonnent à l'âme comme un cri
Quand les paupières n'ont même plus la force des orages
Quand porté par les flots je ne vois plus rivage
Des amours qui sont nés aux mauvaises saisons
Quand printemps a tardé à ouvrir ses bourgeons
Des lunes toujours pleines qui ne me sourient plus
Comment jouer aux échecs quand la reine est perdue ... "

Que tout est noir
- Saez

" Oh la la la la la life is wonderful "

Life is wonderful - Jason Mraz

" Never mind, I'll find someone like you.
I wish nothing, but the best for you too.
Don't forget me my babe, I remember you said,
Sometimes it last in love but sometimes it hurts instead. "

Someone like you - Adele

" You're a partime lover and a fulltime friend. "

Anyone else but you - The Moldy Peaches

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