Right this second



I have to do my Fitness Master Class video but I'm so laaaaaazy ! (I think I need someone to kick my ass) :non:
12 Janvier 2014
1 038
1 082
shinypony;4733136 a dit :
matie;4732932 a dit :
tom-chaton;4731357 a dit :
@Matie      @Diantre      @Bullshit
So I went hunting on Tumbr and I found this really cute one : "Why are they called tea parties we could literally just call them parteas"

By the way, the fact that Matie uses ridiculously adorable nicknames is really strange and soothing at the same time.
Hey hon. (I am only trying ok ?) :lol:
It's not ridiculous x_x ! Everyone uses them where I live (Cardiff) and not only welsh peeps !
A friend of came to see me, the last day I bought her a sandwiche for the journey (9 hours of coach ><;)
The guy told her something with "darling" at the end.
She was like "He called me "darling" ? What an asshole, I never asked him to call me like that". And I didn't know what I should answer because I never saw someone calling a guy "darling" :erf: and at the same time  a lot of people call you "darling" or "sweetheart" so you can't tell everyone to stop :dunno:

Your friend is a he ?
The cashier was certainly just being kind, I do think your friend made a big fuss about it, he shouldn't have been offended :chat:. The cashier was probably far older than him, it was just affectionate.

I mean, it's kinda sexist, in a certain way. So girls could be nicknamed by anyyone but guys shouldn't ? Sure, 'darling' is not very commonly used towards guys, but seriously... It's nothing like "gat stuff" or anyting

I call a male buddy of mine "Cutie" or "Sweetie" sometimes !
12 Janvier 2014
1 038
1 082
shinypony;4733179 a dit :
matie;4733172 a dit :
shinypony;4733136 a dit :
matie;4732932 a dit :
tom-chaton;4731357 a dit :
@Matie         @Diantre         @Bullshit
So I went hunting on Tumbr and I found this really cute one : "Why are they called tea parties we could literally just call them parteas"

By the way, the fact that Matie uses ridiculously adorable nicknames is really strange and soothing at the same time.
Hey hon. (I am only trying ok ?) :lol:
It's not ridiculous x_x ! Everyone uses them where I live (Cardiff) and not only welsh peeps !
A friend of came to see me, the last day I bought her a sandwiche for the journey (9 hours of coach ><;)
The guy told her something with "darling" at the end.
She was like "He called me "darling" ? What an asshole, I never asked him to call me like that". And I didn't know what I should answer because I never saw someone calling a guy "darling" :erf: and at the same time  a lot of people call you "darling" or "sweetheart" so you can't tell everyone to stop :dunno:

Your friend is a he ?
The cashier was certainly just being kind, I do think your friend made a big fuss about it, he shouldn't have been offended :chat:. The cashier was probably far older than him, it was just affectionate.

I mean, it's kinda sexist, in a certain way. So girls could be nicknamed by anyyone but guys shouldn't ? Sure, 'darling' is not very commonly used towards guys, but seriously... It's nothing like "gat stuff" or anyting

I call a male buddy of mine "Cutie" or "Sweetie" sometimes !
No, she's a female and feminist.
And I'm feminist too and I always liked this "darling" because it's so british but yeah, I think it's sexist :erf:

Sorry, I totes misread it !

Well, actually, your friend is not very aware about british culture I think... There was nothing to be angry about :dunno:. She was thinking the french way, and that's something you shouldn't do while being in a foreign country.
It's like, I dunno, this is a stupid example, but it is commonly known that often when visiting northern african countries, it happens that local people ask your parents to trade you against camels or so. It shouldn't be taken as offending, it's just a cultural thing !

Sure, if you think about it, why guys couldn't be called the same ? It's quite unfair. But unfair for them, because being nicknamed is a pure mark of kindness and guys can't really enjoy it :chat:

Being nicknamed by british peeps doesn't sound the same at all than being nicknamed in France. Firstly, the intention is completely different, and secondly, it's not a redneck-like kind of habit in UK because french assholes just wanna hit on you.

It's like in Canada, I've been told that people just nickname you all the time, calling you "Pretty" or things like this, but it's just a mark of kindness.

And we lack kindness in this world, so my point of view is that we should just enjoy it :chat:

But that's my personal point of view, wouldn't force anyone to think like this if they disagree !
In my mind it is just a matter of cultural point of view. A feminist view sounds irrelevant to me in that case.
12 Janvier 2014
1 038
1 082
shinypony;4733212 a dit :
But it can be cultural AND sexist :dunno:
She was there for few days and only once someone called her like that.
I find nicknames sexist too, but it has an old charming thing, but it reminds you "OH LOOK YOU'VE GOT A VAGINA!"
I nickname my vagina-less buddies as well with "feminine" names.
But still, I can see we definetely don't agree over that, but let's not take it too seriously :fleur:


I just realized I put the toilet paper roll in the fridge when I was emptying my suitcase.
My exams have not even started yet but it seems like I am already zonked. :hesite:


piscouette-20;4735186 a dit :
Hi Ladies !

Who can help me to find series/movies with English subtitles :fleur: ?

Have a good night !
http://www.betaseries.com/ :fleur:

If you need help...
21 Septembre 2009
10 124
11 218
8 544
piscouette-20;4735186 a dit :
Hi Ladies !

Who can help me to find series/movies with English subtitles :fleur: ?

Have a good night !

There's also Addic7ed.com for series subtitles :) You can find movie subtitles in any language on websites such as Podnapisi. Regarding torrenting/downloading movies, I just want to remind that it's illegal to share this kind of links on the forum, if you want to give some downloading sites to Piscouette please do via private messages ! Thank you :bouquet:


@Piscouette 2.0  You have to register to get subtitles on Betaserie. If you do not want to, you should use the websites Addic7ed or U-sub. Which kind of series are you looking for? Are you searching for a specific lexical field? :fleur:
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