Right this second



Personally when I make lists I'm just wasting my time because it take time, plus it stress me because I'm never able to follow them ! :fleur:

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Sorry I'm discovering the pleasure of Tumbr (yeah I'm a little bit late)


@Blopinette Oh sorry I didn't understant that :red:
So I will change my message: DO LISTS :lunette:

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Oh stop it you :red:

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I actually love this topic !<3 I'm going to spend some time here...


@Matie   @Diantre   @Bullshit
So I went hunting on Tumbr and I found this really cute one : "Why are they called tea parties we could literally just call them parteas"

By the way, the fact that Matie uses ridiculously adorable nicknames is really strange and soothing at the same time.
Hey hon. (I am only trying ok ?) :lol:


tom-chaton;4731357 a dit :
@Matie     @Diantre     @Bullshit
So I went hunting on Tumbr and I found this really cute one : "Why are they called tea parties we could literally just call them parteas"

By the way, the fact that Matie uses ridiculously adorable nicknames is really strange and soothing at the same time.
Hey hon. (I am only trying ok ?) :lol:
I don't understant your post :goth: (I feel bad...)

@Mooi haha Malta is almost the only one I  have seen :lunette: it was not that bad ! Who does win finally ?


@Mooi :stressed: it was so obvious he was the the winner (even for me who didn't watch...)

Every year I hope the performance of France will get better :rolleyes:


shinypony;4732897 a dit :
It was nice but I think we'll just ecome friend. She was talking sooo faaast I had to ask her to repeat every 5 minutes :erf:
But we talked a lot and I wasn't stressed anymore.
After that I saw firends that's why I just arrived home.
That's pretty cool :cretin: But you're sure about the "just friend" thing ? :winky:


@ShinyPony why this number ? Are you  mathematicgirl or is it your lucky number (ok I just made this up I don't think we could translate "chiffre porte-bonheur" like this):hesite:
EDIT: it's getting late my English getting bad :halp:
12 Janvier 2014
1 038
1 082
tom-chaton;4731357 a dit :
@Matie    @Diantre    @Bullshit
So I went hunting on Tumbr and I found this really cute one : "Why are they called tea parties we could literally just call them parteas"

By the way, the fact that Matie uses ridiculously adorable nicknames is really strange and soothing at the same time.
Hey hon. (I am only trying ok ?) :lol:
It's not ridiculous x_x ! Everyone uses them where I live (Cardiff) and not only welsh peeps !

You're doing great bubble ?

Well, I'm totally, ridiculously drunk, gurlz ('MURICA).
My friends just said "Let's get out of this club" while I still wanted to dance and throw some shapes :gonk:

(Screw them, seriously, they were playing Green Day songs... :gonk:)

The friend I was dancing with was so attractive... Managed to keep my shit together and not to act to awkwardly. Enjoyed dancing with her though :cretin:

At least I sorta' managed to get a taxi to go back home, and now I'm curling up in my amazingly comfy duvet (yeah, british people do use "duvet" :yawn:) and waiting for my nighty mighty pizza to get delivered. (Yeah, that's the magic of UK. You can get food delivered straight to your place anytime at night)

Gosh, my english is quite great when I'm smashed.

Send you lots of love, you bunch of amazing lass ?
Love you all :dowant:
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