Right this second



@Matie About the ridiculous thing, I do not mean it I nice it IT WORKS. It only seems odd to me because in France it is not that common, is it ? :shifty:

@Bullshit What is it that you do not understand ? :fleur:


matie;4732932 a dit :
It's not ridiculous x_x ! Everyone uses them where I live (Cardiff) and not only welsh peeps !

You're doing great bubble ?

Well, I'm totally, ridiculously drunk, gurlz ('MURICA).
My friends just said "Let's get out of this club" while I still wanted to dance and throw some shapes :gonk:

(Screw them, seriously, they were playing Green Day songs... :gonk:)

The friend I was dancing with was so attractive... Managed to keep my shit together and not to act to awkwardly. Enjoyed dancing with her though :cretin:

At least I sorta' managed to get a taxi to go back home, and now I'm curling up in my amazingly comfy duvet (yeah, british people do use "duvet" :yawn:) and waiting for my nighty mighty pizza to get delivered. (Yeah, that's the magic of UK. You can get food delivered straight to your place anytime at night)

Gosh, my english is quite great when I'm smashed.

Send you lots of love, you bunch of amazing lass ?
Love you all :dowant:
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In which culb do they play Green Day :caprice: (I've absolutely got to be there !!!!!!!!!)

You're so cute :jv: I love drunk people funny writting !!

I hope you sleep well (and you don't have stomach ache :ninja::fleur:

@Tom Chaton the joke with tea party :red::fleur:
12 Janvier 2014
1 038
1 082
bullshit;4733006 a dit :
matie;4732932 a dit :
It's not ridiculous x_x ! Everyone uses them where I live (Cardiff) and not only welsh peeps !

You're doing great bubble ?

Well, I'm totally, ridiculously drunk, gurlz ('MURICA).
My friends just said "Let's get out of this club" while I still wanted to dance and throw some shapes :gonk:

(Screw them, seriously, they were playing Green Day songs... :gonk:)

The friend I was dancing with was so attractive... Managed to keep my shit together and not to act to awkwardly. Enjoyed dancing with her though :cretin:

At least I sorta' managed to get a taxi to go back home, and now I'm curling up in my amazingly comfy duvet (yeah, british people do use "duvet" :yawn:) and waiting for my nighty mighty pizza to get delivered. (Yeah, that's the magic of UK. You can get food delivered straight to your place anytime at night)

Gosh, my english is quite great when I'm smashed.

Send you lots of love, you bunch of amazing lass ?
Love you all :dowant:
Ce contenu est réservé aux membres inscrit.es. Inscris-toi par ici.

In which culb do they play Green Day :caprice: (I've absolutely got to be there !!!!!!!!!)

You're so cute :jv: I love drunk people funny writting !!

I hope you sleep well (and you don't have stomach ache :ninja::fleur:

@Tom Chaton (I nice it :yawn:)
Oh boy, sorry I took it a lil' too offensive here :fleur:

@Bullshit Oh Dude you should come to Cardiff, you'd just love the magic of it at night !
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It's in live Lounge ! During most weekdays they got cover bands playing pop/rock standards from the 90's and 2000's.
I lost it yesterday when they played Fall Out Boy's Dance Dance :yawn:

I'm alright, no hangover for me today :joy: (Thanks pizza, you were amazing). Altho I can't swallow coke today, reminds me of all the vodka that was in it last night :cretin:


@Tom Chaton ok I must have been tired yesterday :non: but I finally understand this one ! (and I bu you :winky:)

Oh maybe I'll come during the summer ! (yeah I'm like this I'm not planning my hollydays at all :rockon:)
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This sound amazing !! You're so lucky :gnih:

You're lucky ×2 if you have no hangover :clap:

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12 Janvier 2014
1 038
1 082
bullshit;4733041 a dit :
@Tom Chaton ok I must have been tired yesterday :non: but I finally understand this one ! (and I bu you :winky:)

Oh maybe I'll come during the summer ! (yeah I'm like this I'm not planning my hollydays at all :rockon:)
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This sound amazing !! You're so lucky :gnih:

You're lucky ×2 if you have no hangover :clap:

Ce contenu est réservé aux membres inscrit.es. Inscris-toi par ici.

Awww you're the cutie dude ? :jv:

Your english is mostly all right :v:

You just say "it sounds" and I'd rather say "I'm stuck in this lost place called Champagnes-Ardennes" but apart from that it's all great :joy: (and holidays :3)

Well I'm leaving in june x_x


Oh I always thought it was the holly days :yawn:
Thank you for you're help !!

What are you doing in Cardiff ? :lunette:


@Mrs Heisenberg thank you for your intervention :yawn:
Hello :jv: (Does it really seems like I say interesting things here ? Don't worry)
12 Janvier 2014
1 038
1 082
bullshit;4733053 a dit :
Oh I always thought it was the holly days :yawn:
Thank you for your help !!

What are you doing in Cardiff ? :lunette:
Actually it can't be written like this, because it means litterally "holy days" = "jours saints/fériés" = vacances

you're very welcome hun' :chat:

I'm an erasmus here, making the most of my time speaking english with random european people and crazy british peeps :rockon:


Can I say again that you're lucky ?

:bave:I would love to be an erasmus
12 Janvier 2014
1 038
1 082
bullshit;4733103 a dit :
Can I say again that you're lucky ?

:bave:I would love to be an erasmus
I know ! I'd like to be an erasmus forever, don't wanna leave !!

But you can still take a gap year and go somewhere and live like an erasmus, integrating in international students groups and stuff :)
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