Right this second

13 Juillet 2011
2 954
20 900
5 694
@Mrs Heisenberg : You might not have a lot of time to "pratice self care", but in case it helps, here are a few tips to relieve stress/anxiety! Wish you well! :fleur:

I am myself very anxious these days (and fucking angry) : the staff of my university is really the worst, I don't understand how they can be so incompetent and willing to screw students. :stare: This year has been awful and they just never cease to amaze me with their ability to create problems.
I ordered essential oils on Aroma Zone and I hope to receive it soon so I can keep my mind busy with my new toys! Step 1: make a blend of essential oils to relieve anxiety. :chat:
15 Janvier 2014
1 375
4 814
I miss London. I miss being there with my sister, sleeping in cheap bedrooms near random train stations and running to catch the tube. I miss the rush, like I was in a middle of something so huge, so alive and old in the same time. I miss every part of this trip. It was imperfect in the most perfect way ! <3

I just really want to move there :shifty:
28 Juin 2011
1 090
10 495
5 664
I was in the tube, stuck with a lot of people - I hate commute  when I read your post. Got tears to my eyes and suddenly enjoyed much more this suffocating crowded carriage.

When I arrived in London last year I thought I would never make strong friendships with people here. I was so wrong! :jv:
12 Janvier 2014
1 038
1 082
Hello folks :jv:

I had a looked previously in the "Emploi, Etudes & Travail" category but no topic seemed relevant to what I was looking for so I thought I had better chances here as I need english-speaking people, and if they are experienced in working in UK that would be even better :fleur:

I was wondering if anyone would mind taking a look at my british CV and tell me about any mistakes, format details, that sort of things ?

I'm looking for a casual job here in Cardiff for over the summer and I'm not sure I did things right :rolleyes:

You can find it attached, thanks a lot :fleur: ?

I had a great day today !
Eating, exercising and taking naps ! :joy:
15 Janvier 2014
1 375
4 814
Just got back from a party at at friend's house ! It was really quiet and loads of fun as well ! One does not really rule out the other, in the end. It's a rough time for her, she has been dealing with heavy stuff, lately and it is such a nice thing to see her getting better and better ! <3 I'm so happy, right now. Seriously, I don't care about anything, I'm in my private bubble of relief and hope !

@ShinyPony Hey there ! :jv: Take the better out of it, you go girl ! Trips such as the one you're currently experiencing are the ones that stay with you forever ! You lucky thing !
6 Janvier 2013
xmonochrome;4761382 a dit :
tatouuille;4761331 a dit :
xmonochrome;4761305 a dit :
You guys. Never settle for less than a guy/girl who wants to be your vacuum cleaner.
How can someone wanna be a vacuum cleaner ? That's so weird.

I'm sorry I make weird Arctic Monkeys references :lol: It's a song.
Ahahah, no I get it. Can you tell me the same of the song ? I can't wait to hear it !
8 Février 2012
2 104
2 115
1 864
It's done! I've sent several messages to different families to be an aupair in September. Hope to have some answers really quickly. I'm really excited for this new adventure! I've never done something like this before so I hope I'll find a family easily :happy:
11 Mars 2014
1 702
1 774
Gosh, my job is so boring... :gonk:
Nobody ever comes in that stupid shop! And I'm alone to keep it open... So many wasted sunny afternoons!
12 Janvier 2014
1 038
1 082
Glad to see this thread has been brought back to life.

I feel proud today, I have been thinking and dreaming in English for a week or so :paillettes:

Also, I've lost my social life playing Zelda :ninja:

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