Right this second

6 Février 2012
So, I'm currently trying to (nicely) show the way out to a fly who decided she felt good in my appartment.
Go live your life, Fly. I'm serious, we're over.

I need to see real people.

Edit: Sorry, @Shinypony :lunette:
9 Mars 2013
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5 664

Thank you for your input, I was also wondering about CPGE. I suppose the only way for them to really get what it is all about would be to put them through the French education system, and I wouldn't really want to do that to them.

The thing is, I guess I feel more strongly about these things than I should, and feel frustrated at not being able to convey what it really is. And I'm also aware of the fact that it is probably difficult not to come off as pompous when talking about the subject for more than 2 minutes.
6 Février 2012
quinn;4838235 a dit :
It's too hot to cook some real dinner so I'm just gonna have some salad, toasts with cheese, cherry tomatoes, maybe an ice cream as a dessert :happy:

For some reason, I eat more ice cream during winter :hesite:

So i'm currently having a little crush on a guy from work. And yesterday he had to whisper "hello" to me, and he was so close ... I seriously felt 15 again. :shifty:
Now I have to find something to talk to him about, even though we're absolutely not working on the same projects. :hesite:
12 Janvier 2014
1 038
1 082
Well, after those eleven months I've spent in UK, here's something I thought I'd never say or think or feel.

I want to go home. I want to speak my mother tongue and not my second one. I'm tired of stuttering, using gestures, asking people to repeat, repeating myself twice or three times.
I'm fed up with this manager from work who thinks that speaking to me with a French accent is hilarious, as if I've never heard that joke before. (No, shit.)

It feels like I either reached a big step which is harder than every previous one I passed, or I've just reached my own limits, and that I'll never be able to do better and keep improving.

I moslty got this feeling from work. Just realised I can't joke, get involved in chit-chats and everything else that makes it enjoyable to work within a team as easily as everybody else.
The worst might be when a manager or whoever comes and fetch me for some job, and doesn't bother looking at me while speaking, enunciating etc and when I'm like "I didn't get you sorry, can you just repeat please ?" they just walk away waving their hand and nodding because "It's okay, nevermind. It's not important."

I don't know if they realize that for me, yes it is. It is fucking important. I wanna get why this lad over there is smiling as I'm passing by, why bullshit his buddy just told him is really funny.
It's damn important, for fuck's sake.
After 14 hours pouring pints, running around this huge restaurant picking up trays and glasses and rushing to the kitchen to get milk pots and shit, I'm just massively knackered -so is everybody else for sure- and I feel useless and I want to cry.

Finally, I think I've just realized how it feels to be the stranger, and how hard it can be.

I want to go home, because I'm tired of justifying more than usual, over-explaining myself and asking questions that makes everybody pissed-off.
I want to talk to people who will get me as soon as I speak, and stop reminding me that, yeah dude, I have a strong accent. I already know it, no need to mention it, screw off, thank you.


het-kasteel;4857745 a dit :
Does anybody knows why "la honte" et "quel dommage" use the same word in English?

I guess "shame" does not cover exactly the same (lexical) meaning as "la honte" in french. When you say "c'est une honte" in french, it means that it is "shameful", which amounts to saying that the person involved should feel guilty - whereas when you say "it's a shame", you refer to a feeling of regret.
In fact, in both cases, it is related to embarrassment, but on the one hand it is linked with embarrassment regarding one's behaviour ("c'est une honte", "quelle honte!", "la honte!", "you should be ashamed", "you shame me"), and on the other hand, it has to do with the idea of regret/lack of opportunity in general (but in french we would rather say "dommage" indeed). And you're right, in the first case, "shame" is uncountable and is deprived of any article (+ that's the principal meaning of the verb "to shame", that's why you would use the verb with prefixes/suffixes to refer to this idea > "shameful"/"shameless"/"ashamed"), whereas in the second case, it is always associated to the definite article.
13 Juillet 2011
2 954
20 900
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@edlyshtaime : :calin:

I want to do something stupid and watch The Lady in Black. :hesite: Last time I tried, I only lasted 20 minutes until the said Lady in Black appeared and I went "LOL NOPE". But I'm stubborn. :hesite:
Dernière édition :
28 Juin 2011
1 090
10 495
5 664
I miss London. :crying:

(But I come back in two weeks and a half :chat: )

Could anyone share with me some links of good webzines in English?
12 Janvier 2014
1 038
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rosenrot_;4858374 a dit :
@edlyshtaime : :calin:

Oh, you're a cutie ? Thank you :chat:


I deleted the original message because... I never know, it is about work. @Rosenrot_ Would you mind deleting/editing the part of your post talking about my work please ?
Dernière édition :


I'm seriously considering signing up for swedish classes :shifty:
I've been dreaming about going to Lapland for fifteen years (ever since I read His Dark Materials <3 :cretin:.) and I have a certain fascination for Nordic countries (I'd love to visit Scotland as well)!
Actually, it's annoying to have to pick up one specific language (I'd love to learn finnish or icelandic too).
  • Big up !
Réactions : Edlyshtaïme.
12 Janvier 2014
1 038
1 082
Just realized something quite funny recently. Everytime I start hanging out or talking to somebody new more than usual, I just can't help but pick up from their own expressions.

That's how I started calling everybody "Dude" or "Brah" (=Bro) as does one of my workmates.
I really like this guy, he teaches me some new Cardiff slang everyday !

"Dude, it's bee's knees !" ( = it rocks, it's smashing, it's amazing). I'm in doubt bees have got proper knees tho...

Things got slightly better at work, and there are certain people I'd never be grateful enough to for that...
Anyway, caught this strange habit to swear in French while working. People find it quite amusing, and, to be fair, there is very little risk somebody could fully understand me.
Also, it striked me how all the vocabulary I learnt from work was really specific and how I would be unable to translate it in French I think...

Would anybody be interested in that ? I could list some vocab sharpish if asked.

On a completely unrelated topic guys, anyone here to give a quick recap of what subjunctive form is supposed to be in English ? I believe it to exist, but since verbs don't change that much -even though it's not the same tense-, confusion is much easily brought !
6 Septembre 2013
edlyshtaime;4877913 a dit :

Dunno how to say it (that?) properly, but Matie (I've just realised that all this time you were Matie) you rock! Your English tastes better than Garett Hedlund's legs. Seriously.

I feel like a sock lost in an ocean of stilettos on this topic.
  • Big up !
Réactions : Edlyshtaïme.

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