Right this second

12 Janvier 2014
1 038
1 082
potiron;4796315 a dit :
Oh I haven't seen this topic before, that's a great idea, thanks Trigger !
I haven't speak English for a while (more than one year I think, it's hard to come back, please apologize for mistakes !)
@Edlyshtaïme.  I've never dreamt (sorry I'm not sure with this verb) in English, how does it look like ?

[Yeah, it's dreamt :chat:]

It feels a bit weird, but also very natural now I mention it !
3 Juin 2014
3 774
This is exactly what I needed. I came back from my study abroad year in the USA exactly two months ago today (already two months!:oo:) and I miss speaking English soooooo much! (Also, I totally lost all the improvements I made on my oral accent now that I don't speak anymore :tears:)
3 Juin 2014
3 774
quinn;4828811 a dit :
kaelys;4828770 a dit :
This is exactly what I needed. I came back from my study abroad year in the USA exactly two months ago today (already two months!:oo:) and I miss speaking English soooooo much! (Also, I totally lost all the improvements I made on my oral accent now that I don't speak anymore :tears:)

Same, I just came back from my year abroad as well :) Where were you in the US ?

trigger;4828795 a dit :
quinn;4828757 a dit :
@Trigger your thread is kinda dying, plz do something :drama:

Don't worry little thread, Mummy's here :puppyeyes:

I've never heard about that song, I'm such an old lady :facepalm:

Tadaaa !
I only know it cause my boyfriend fancies pop culture :drama:
A small town just an hour away from my dear New York City :) And you?
I love this video clip, the choreography and the dancer are perfect!
13 Janvier 2011
4 354
39 818
5 664
trigger;4829347 a dit :
maple296;4829276 a dit :
I'm drinking a cup of tea :lunette:
Me too, what a coincidence :lunette:

Mine is white tea, what about you?

Since when there is drinkable tea in the USA? :lalala:

(Hi, I'm a little troll :lunette:)

I didn't count how many times I wanted to yell "throw that Lipton, throw that Lipton!" in that country, but coming back to France I realised that we have the same brand :lol:
Dernière édition :
13 Janvier 2011
4 354
39 818
5 664
trigger;4829521 a dit :
lady-stardust;4829414 a dit :
trigger;4829347 a dit :
maple296;4829276 a dit :
I'm drinking a cup of tea :lunette:
Me too, what a coincidence :lunette:

Mine is white tea, what about you?

Since when there is drinkable tea in the USA? :lalala:
I'm a posh spaz, I drink white tea and jasmine green tea imported from China :lunette:

Indeed :lunette:

Well I'm imagine that there is no tea fields in the USA, so that's logic :lalala:

But I remember, I was surprise by a lot of tea brands: tea without tea (no, hibiscus is not tea, people), tea from... nowhere (no indication at all), chili tea (super spicy, I spit it "discretly" :lol:). And Lipton everywhere :lol: (well, as in France
13 Janvier 2011
4 354
39 818
5 664
trigger;4829568 a dit :
lady-stardust;4829550 a dit :
trigger;4829521 a dit :
lady-stardust;4829414 a dit :
trigger;4829347 a dit :
maple296;4829276 a dit :
I'm drinking a cup of tea :lunette:
Me too, what a coincidence :lunette:

Mine is white tea, what about you?

Since when there is drinkable tea in the USA? :lalala:
I'm a posh spaz, I drink white tea and jasmine green tea imported from China :lunette:

Indeed :lunette:

Well I'm imagine that there is no tea fields in the USA, so that's logic :lalala:

But I remember, I was surprise by a lot of tea brands: tea without tea (no, hibiscus is not tea, people), tea from... nowhere (no indication at all), chili tea (super spicy, I spit it "discretly" :lol:). And Lipton everywhere :lol: (well, as in France
Talking about that, M. Trigger and I took a tea class and the "tea teacher" was telling us "we don't grow tea in the US, can you imagine? :oo:" No shit Sherlock :lol:

What is chili tea? I've never heard of that.

I miss the delicious chai from India, I was drinking gallons of it (and then I wondered why I put on so much weight :facepalm:).

Well they grow at lot of stuff in the US, so now they can say everything to me, I'll be like, mmmmh, okayyyy (when I saw that Oregon is "famous" for wine, I was like, wut?).

But if they can grow more sugar canes, it will be better :lunette:
How can you survive in a country where they put high-fructose corn syrup everywhere :halp:

Chili tea is tea with super spicy chili, you think it will be a nice tea with spices like indian chai, and no, it's really chili :goth:
3 Juin 2014
3 774
quinn;4828846 a dit :
@Kaëlys.  Toronto, Canada ! Just across the boarder :d

@Trigger I didn't watch the videoclip to be honest, I'm bored with those... But it took me a while to like the song.
Your sexism sensor is not responsible for all sexists of the planet :shifty:
Oh, I did a road trip to Toronto (and the Niagara Falls)! It was nice but rainy haha
12 Janvier 2014
1 038
1 082
trigger;4829521 a dit :
lady-stardust;4829414 a dit :
trigger;4829347 a dit :
maple296;4829276 a dit :
I'm drinking a cup of tea :lunette:
Me too, what a coincidence :lunette:

Mine is white tea, what about you?

Since when there is drinkable tea in the USA? :lalala:
I'm a posh spaz, I drink white tea and jasmine green tea imported from China :lunette:

Nothing important to add, but I just love this expression you used ! Tried to pronounce it properly and my ears feel delightfully ticklish :lunette:

Well, nothing important to mention today apart from me going to work being massively hungover (you don't wanna party with german peeps after world's cup finale, trust me you really don't), then going back home and going through two hours of preps for a date this d*ckhead canceled ten minutes before I got on the coach. :tears:

I made my hair and skin all silky-smooth for nothing :drama:

I also found out I had been hired on a full-time basis so, eh, drink to my health guys ! Brace yourselves and let me make you the fanciest cocktails on this Earth :lunette:

Speaking of tea and various drinks, I'm still quite negatively amazed by people lack of skills when it comes to pour a läger properly :drama: My pint wasn't even fizzy :tears: No foam, nothing (you know nothing Jon snow)

voilààà :lunette:
12 Janvier 2014
1 038
1 082
trigger;4829967 a dit :
edlyshtaime;4829936 a dit :
trigger;4829521 a dit :
lady-stardust;4829414 a dit :
trigger;4829347 a dit :
maple296;4829276 a dit :
I'm drinking a cup of tea :lunette:
Me too, what a coincidence :lunette:

Mine is white tea, what about you?

Since when there is drinkable tea in the USA? :lalala:
I'm a posh spaz, I drink white tea and jasmine green tea imported from China :lunette:

Nothing important to add, but I just love this expression you used ! Tried to pronounce it properly and my ears feel delightfully ticklish :lunette:
It comes from Peep Show -aka the best TV show on Earth- it's so British it makes its own crumpets :lunette:

You know you feel truly integrated when you can understand and laugh to this joke :lunette: ?

13 Juillet 2011
2 954
20 900
5 694
My neighbours loooooooove music and it can be nice sometimes, but at other times I just wish I had a flamethrower, maybe. :goth:
Annoying neighbour n°1 tends to play very loud raï music and I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who wants to kill him. So today, neighbour n°2 decided to play very loud Rage Against The Machine to express his discontentment. I like the idea, but as expected, this only resulted in neighbour n°1 playing his music louder. :cretin: (<- Don't get me wrong, this is a "I want to to murder someone" smile.)
And now, neighbour n°3 decided to join the battle and sing. She has a beautiful voice, really, and it is quite enjoyable sometimes, but does she have to sing so often and play drums at the same time?
This is war. (And that's also the title of the AC/DC song I'm really tempted to play right now.)

EDIT : Nirvana and Vivaldi's Summer? I think I like you, neighbour n°2.
And it sounds like neighbour n°1 finally stopped his music. :worthy:
Dernière édition :
9 Mars 2013
1 272
10 689
5 664
I was trying to think of a way to translate/explain "agrégation" to a non-French (and obviously English-speaking) person. Do you have any ideas ? Linguee translates it as "degree" but it falls short of expressing how hard-to-get it is meant to be.

"highly selective teaching examination" ?
" highly selective, traumatising, teaching examination"  ?

Dernière édition :


@Chasc  : usually, when talking about l'agrégation to english-speaking people, I would describe it as a "competitive exam to hire teachers".

@Trigger  yeah, I would describe la khâgne as you did, as a "preparatory class". If the mention of it occurs in a conversation, I also account for the fact that it is meant to prepare students for the Ecole Normale Sup' competitive exam which is supposed to test our knowledge and skills in a few humanities subjects. And then you have to explain what l'Ecole Normal Sup' is... the joys of the French education system :cretin:
Dernière modification par un modérateur :

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