mungo Christ, you just found out ? Although it is both mentioned under my pseudo (is pseudo a proper english noun tho ? Hmmm, need to clarify this

) and in my signature ?

Yeah Sherlock ! ?
A hundred thanks for you dear, your compliment is dearly appreciated

. Your english is not bad either ! Indeed, you just proved your ability to create your own metaphors, and that's something I noticed british peeps do fairly often ! Come on, let's all celebrate our bilingual inner part !

(Nah, this lass ain't no crazy.

Shield I really like reading your english 'cause it's amazingly different from mine

I always enjoy picking up some new inspiration from the way people I speak with/read build up their own ideas and sentences.
Your english is absolutely fantastic.
Mrs Heisenberg Confidence and skills come both from practice ! I'd like to see you more often in here, hair-messing buddy :chat:. Oh, by the way, didn't you write a whole dissertation in English ? You should feel proud !
1337 What do you call the "end weight principle" ? Here's another mystery I'd like to resolve !
Well, my last recommendation will go to @
Shinypony. Daaaaw'lin', I'd not like you to play 'round with pointy tools if you don't mind
Off I go, budz, time for a cheeky pint and some silliness with international peeps for me !
Love y'all ?