Right this second

28 Décembre 2012
9 284
120 240
4 854
Hello !
I have to translate this sentence and i don't understand the second part. Is there somebody to help me ? :puppyeyes:
" I take three shots with each phone and pick the best of the three for comparison (to rule out hand shake even though all three phones have OIS). " (to rule out hand shake... ?!)

Thanxxx <3
13 Juillet 2011
2 954
20 900
5 694
@Pinceau_ : I found that "hand-shake" in this context means "contrôle de flux" (whatever that is). So.... "afin d'exclure le contrôle de flux"? (In the sense that the comparison is not based on this hand shake thing but on whatever came before the sentence you quoted, I think.)
28 Décembre 2012
9 284
120 240
4 854
@Rosenrot_ Thank you !! Well I don't know what is that, but it should help me found the correct translation. Because "exclure une poignée de main" was really meaningless :lol: Thanks ! :fleur:
  • Big up !
Réactions : Rosenrot_
6 Septembre 2013
@mungo Christ, you just found out ? Although it is both mentioned under my pseudo (is pseudo a proper english noun tho ? Hmmm, need to clarify this :hesite:) and in my signature ? :cretin: Yeah Sherlock ! ?
A hundred thanks for you dear, your compliment is dearly appreciated :puppyeyes:. Your english is not bad either ! Indeed, you just proved your ability to create your own metaphors, and that's something I noticed british peeps do fairly often ! Come on, let's all celebrate our bilingual inner part ! :cheer:
(Nah, this lass ain't no crazy. :cretin:)

@Shield I really like reading your english 'cause it's amazingly different from mine :jv: I always enjoy picking up some new inspiration from the way people I speak with/read build up their own ideas and sentences.
Your english is absolutely fantastic.

@Mrs Heisenberg Confidence and skills come both from practice ! I'd like to see you more often in here, hair-messing buddy :chat:. Oh, by the way, didn't you write a whole dissertation in English ? You should feel proud !
Ce contenu est réservé aux membres inscrit.es. Inscris-toi par ici.

@1337 What do you call the "end weight principle" ? Here's another mystery I'd like to resolve !

Well, my last recommendation will go to @Shinypony. Daaaaw'lin', I'd not like you to play 'round with pointy tools if you don't mind :ninja:

Off I go, budz, time for a cheeky pint and some silliness with international peeps for me !
Love y'all ?

Punaise je dois te répondre, j'ai trois mois de retard... Jeudi soir promis! :vieux:
  • Big up !
Réactions : Edlyshtaïme.
12 Janvier 2014
1 038
1 082
Good morning munchkins ! :rainbow:

Light schedule for me today. Just got my head out from under my wonderfully comfy fluffy duvet and now it feels like I'm ready to take over the world :supermad:
Only got this single lecture, then lunch with my dad, and back to the library for a little more revising, finishing my CV and cover letters !
24 Février 2013
2 509
11 514
2 074
Oh wow what is it I see here? Not one but two English-speaking topics :caprice:
By the way thanks @Edlyshtaïme. for posting about this one on the other topic (also I love how sometimes a bit of your Welsh accent shows in your writing, it's so fun to read!)

Aaand I'm off to bed :dodo:
Good night, sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite! :cretin:
  • Big up !
Réactions : Edlyshtaïme.

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