shield;4879571 a dit :
Edlyshtaïme. Thanks a lot, it sure means a big deal coming from you! Your english is really idiomatic, it sounds very natural to me - the more so as I know mine is quite formal.
You're so sweet you'd give me diabetes

My english might sound really idiomatic, but on the other hand I'd be completely unable to use half of the structures you naturally put here and there when you write. I know it's probably more than deserved if
you pull your socks up every day of those last past two years (if I remember well ?) in order to take agreg' exams, but I feel a tiny bit jealous. Which is a good start, as I feel I could learn a lot from you :chat:.
Maybe I put myself too much pressure on my own shoulders as my dad's english teacher himself

. But still... Being a teacher's daughter
has its perks as well !
Now you've mentioned it, I do think that club idea you came up with is absolutely brilliant, and I'm totally up for it.
My apologies for my mistakes Ma'am. I already did this very one on many occasions for sure, but I'm afraid most british people couldn't correct it themselves

Anyway, don't verbs tend to be used more and more as regulars, at least orally? It sounds quite a fair explanation as the most spoken form of English, which is used worldwide, tends to go global (you probably heard of Globish before right ?)
Mrs Heisenberg I know how disappointing it must have felt for you

But, you can also see things from the bright side : if you had given the right copy of your dissertation, you probably would have got a higher mark. Consequently, the mark you received is not representative of all the efforts you put in your writing
If any of you is interested, I can randomly share some slang or idiomatic expressions down here. Just remember that they might not be convenient if used in an "international" context as some of them are either really proper to regional slang or just fashionable at the moment. If you give it some thoughts, the same thing happens in French !
Here is a short list of slang and rude words I use/hear regularly have fun
Here are those which came straight to my mind, but there are many others. Feel free to ask me about any particular topic/idiom, I still have some native first hand material around me for twenty more days