Right this second

13 Juillet 2011
2 954
20 900
5 694
Note for self: Hide the knives. :cretin:

@Shinypony : Killing your host is very bad manners.
Dernière édition :
12 Janvier 2014
1 038
1 082
@mungo Christ, you just found out ? Although it is both mentioned under my pseudo (is pseudo a proper english noun tho ? Hmmm, need to clarify this  :hesite:) and in my signature ? :cretin: Yeah Sherlock ! ?
A hundred thanks for you dear, your compliment is dearly appreciated :puppyeyes:. Your english is not bad either ! Indeed, you just proved your ability to create your own metaphors, and that's something I noticed british peeps do fairly often ! Come on, let's all celebrate our bilingual inner part ! :cheer:
(Nah, this lass ain't no crazy. :cretin:)

@Shield I really like reading your english 'cause it's amazingly different from mine :jv: I always enjoy picking up some new inspiration from the way people I speak with/read build up their own ideas and sentences.
Your english is absolutely fantastic.

@Mrs Heisenberg Confidence and skills come both from practice ! I'd like to see you more often in here, hair-messing buddy :chat:. Oh, by the way, didn't you write a whole dissertation in English ? You should feel proud !
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@1337 What do you call the "end weight principle" ? Here's another mystery I'd like to resolve !

Well, my last recommendation will go to @Shinypony. Daaaaw'lin', I'd not like you to play 'round with pointy tools if you don't mind :ninja:

Off I go, budz, time for a cheeky pint and some silliness with international peeps for me !
Love y'all ?
  • Big up !
Réactions : mungo


@Edlyshtaïme. Thanks a lot, it sure means a big deal coming from you! Your english is really idiomatic, it sounds very natural to me - the more so as I know mine is quite formal.

I wrote so many essays in english, I'm much more confident with my writing than with my oral skills. The first year I took the agrégation exams, I made such a mess of the oral part of the exam as I was sooo frightened - plus a teacher once told me I was unable to speak either english or french, which never helps when it come to feeling self-confident as you can imagine - fortunately, since then other teachers complimented me on my english. Studying a language can really complicate things as you become obsessed with little details and you have to achieve the best quality of language that you can.

If you want, I'll check it up in my grammar books, but if I recall, the question of the "subjunctive form" is something that is debated among english linguists.
Oh, and if I may, be careful, "strike" is an irregular verb (strike, struck, struck/stricken). I tend to mix those up even after years of learning english :stare:

Otherwise, I think sharing some English idioms/expressions would be a brilliant idea! Last year, I bought a book with idioms and prepositional verbs organised according to themes (for instance "feelings", "debating", "describing characters", "economy" and so on). It would be a really good opportunity to learn that vocabulary as I've never had the time/courage to bring myself to it!

If some of you are interested, we could try and start a translation club as well (I know I'm going to miss my translation classes)!

@Het Kasteel Alright, you're the third person to encourage me to learn swedish, so I guess I'm definitely going to sign up for swedish lessons!
28 Juillet 2014
mungo;4878765 a dit :
edlyshtaime;4877913 a dit :
I feel like a sock lost in an ocean of stilettos on this topic.
I come here just in order to visit the forum (maybe forum it isn't an English word but Google Translator isn't my friend), and I read it and I... :rire::worthy::boire:
Oh! I've got an idea: how do we said "à la tienne" in English?
Don't slap me please, I had just used 3 little French words :d
12 Janvier 2014
1 038
1 082
shield;4879571 a dit :
@Edlyshtaïme.  Thanks a lot, it sure means a big deal coming from you! Your english is really idiomatic, it sounds very natural to me - the more so as I know mine is quite formal.

You're so sweet you'd give me diabetes :yawn: My english might sound really idiomatic, but on the other hand I'd be completely unable to use half of the structures you naturally put here and there when you write. I know it's probably more than deserved if you pull your socks up every day of those last past two years (if I remember well ?) in order to take agreg' exams, but I feel a tiny bit jealous. Which is a good start, as I feel I could learn a lot from you :chat:.
Maybe I put myself too much pressure on my own shoulders as my dad's english teacher himself :cretin:. But still... Being a teacher's daughter has its perks as well !

Now you've mentioned it, I do think that club idea you came up with is absolutely brilliant, and I'm totally up for it.

My apologies for my mistakes Ma'am. I already did this very one on many occasions for sure, but I'm afraid most british people couldn't correct it themselves :shifty:.
Anyway, don't verbs tend to be used more and more as regulars, at least orally? It sounds quite a fair explanation as the most spoken form of English, which is used worldwide, tends to go global (you probably heard of Globish before right ?)

@Mrs Heisenberg I know how disappointing it must have felt for you :erf: But, you can also see things from the bright side : if you had given the right copy of your dissertation, you probably would have got a higher mark. Consequently, the mark you received is not representative of all the efforts you put in your writing :fleur:


If any of you is interested, I can randomly share some slang or idiomatic expressions down here. Just remember that they might not be convenient if used in an "international" context as some of them are either really proper to regional slang or just fashionable at the moment. If you give it some thoughts, the same thing happens in French !

Here is a short list of slang and rude words I use/hear regularly have fun :cretin:

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Here are those which came straight to my mind, but there are many others. Feel free to ask me about any particular topic/idiom, I still have some native first hand material around me for twenty more days :happy:
9 Mars 2013
1 272
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5 664
maple296;4899603 a dit :
I once tried some spaghetti with Marmite (and butter and parmesan cheese) but i only use 1 teaspoon of marmite for 2 persons. The marmite taste wasn't that strong. It wasn't bad but it wasn't the best thing i had ever tasted either.
Even if it wasn't an awful experience, i'm not sure i would like the taste of Marmite on a toast :hesite:

I would never have thought of using it anywhere else than on toast (except maybe as flavouring in a bouillon: it might make a pretty good alternative to meat-based ones), so I think you're pretty adventurous. I might try it, actually. :hesite:
But I think you have to like the taste to eat it. It's very yeast-y and goes very well with unsalted butter and cheddar. It must be something of an aquired taste, like dropjes in Holland, Cenovis in Switzerland and stinking, crawling cheeses in Corsica -or France in general, for that matter.
3 Avril 2012
2 909
5 118
4 384
Wow I just found this topic, such a great idea !
Maybe we'll make it as popular as the original one :frotte:
9 Mars 2013
1 272
10 689
5 664
My roommate (kitchenmate, rather) is a secret slob in that he would'nt strike you as a dirty person : his clothes seem clean, he probably showers everyday, he shaves everyday -and I don't mean I consider people who shave less often to be slobs, just that it does take a certain pain and effort to achieve that "cleanly shaven" look-, he dosn't smell...
But his dishes have been sitting in the sink for weeks (I did ask him to clean them), he has never managed to clean the stove or the sink and seemed totally indifferent to the fact that he'd let something rot in the fridge (the stench was unbearable and filled the whole place each time you opened the door). He did get rid of it but didn't wipe his shelf (so the fridge no longer stinks, it just smells). But that was just because I asked him to.
He steals the washing up liquid (what for ?).
I wonder what is wrong with him, too, or if he does it to spite me -which is irrational, I know but is getting at me.

I wish he could get run over by a bus.

But then, the next one might be worse. :goth:
  • Big up !
Réactions : Edlyshtaïme.
13 Juillet 2011
2 954
20 900
5 694
I can't believe I spent days trying to find a new avatar and then it was deleted with the new forum design. :gonk: So I picked an ugly renaissance baby (as a sign of protest, you see) but I can't even change the frame and no one will see how ugly that renaissance baby is. Very uncool.

Also my aunt just decided to throw a dinner party tomorrow for my dad's birthday, meaning I can't go to roller derby practice (which I am already very addicted to). I'm trying to come up with an excuse to avoid it, but I'm afraid my absence would be deemed rude. Did I mention my dad and I don't get along and this dinner will probably be awful for me? When I could be having so, so much fun with my fellow roller girls instead? I'm so frustrated. :tears:
  • Big up !
Réactions : Edlyshtaïme.

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