Right this second

I've seen it used for both. I personally never minded being called gay even if I'm not exactly gay (if you see what I mean :lunette: ). That is curious.

Oh. @van.i.ada are you straight? If I can ask. Or are you a mogai person? If so what is wrong with calling you gay? I do not mean to be insulting in any way and I hope I am not. I sincerely just want to know and learn. :fleur:

Ada or ardor

Get out my hay
6 Septembre 2010
4 406
29 990
5 894
I feel like a social justice warrior tonight :lol:.

@AprilMayJune : I'm not sure :hesite:. I'm used to hang out with people who highly prefer having their specific words. Long story:yawn:, but to sums up the gay (men who like men) community is much more represented / with more money / more place to go (sorry my english :happy: !). You can use the word "gay" to talk about all the community but .. :cretin:.
Look : "gay pride" is also called "la marche des fiertés" to avoid the global term "gay".
@van.i.ada oh okay, it makes sense. It's funny, I never thought much about it even though I replace "homme" as a generic term by "humain" as much as I can when I write (because I'm human but I'm not a man rawr!) :rire: And it's true that I never worried much about erasure that way in the lgbt community, but that may be because transgender right issues seems to be so radically different from gay right issues that it feels weird to be lumped in in the first place anyways :rire: (I am also probably too tired to write something coherent too.) And we're both bi! :highfive:
I must be one of the only persons who can go to sleep right after having coffee :rire: Still makes my mind less fuzzy during the day when I'm tired though.

And I drink mine black. No milk no sugar - it taste fine with both (but icky with only one of them) but it's just not the same, and it's better without anything added to it, imho.
I have ... Apparently a big chunk of my family is french. I have italian ancestors, english ancestors (both of them great grand-parents) a lithuanian dude somewhere in the family tree who gave us our last name, and probably a bunch of other ethnicities mixed in somehow. I wonder if I have non-white ancestors somewhere but I don't think I do. So I'm ... american :cretin: and I drink my coffee like a REAL american! Watery! :rire: but without all that creamer nonsense.

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