Right this second

@Tératogène Maths can be fun - but the way schools treat it kills any possibility of it. Math is a logical exercise, and it's fun to actually throw a problem at someone and try to find a solution to it - but school just tries to teach you a rule and apply it dumbly before moving on. There is no exploration, no trial and error, and no elegant solution to be found in math exercises in school. It's like learning how to paint with those kid booklets where shapes are numbered so you can color them a certain way.

That being said, I don't have the right kind of mind to find math fun anyways. :lunette:


Je suis faillible, mais je suis capable.
18 Août 2010
16 457
91 573
7 169
@AprilMayJune You make a point. One of my friends is to become a maths teacher and he has the perfect mind for that. I think I'm simply not made for that and school doesn't really gives it to us the right way.

I must tell you something: since I'm in this engineer school, I don't get to practise English a lot like I used to in prep school. So I'm basically losing my accent and oral skills, which is making really sad. So I'm reading your posts out loud, or stuff I read on the Internet, so that I keep actually speaking.
Yes. I'm this obsessed with the English language :cretin:
@Tératogène I have the exact same problem - I don't live in the States no more and it's amazing the difference it makes. My english is cringe worthy, and I sorta wish I could use it more often - people speak english at work, but it ain't the same, it's a second language for just about everybody there (as is french, funnily enough).

@van.i.ada Night night ! :hello:


Je suis faillible, mais je suis capable.
18 Août 2010
16 457
91 573
7 169
@Tératogène I have the exact same problem - I don't live in the States no more and it's amazing the difference it makes. My english is cringe worthy, and I sorta wish I could use it more often - people speak english at work, but it ain't the same, it's a second language for just about everybody there (as is french, funnily enough).

@van.i.ada Night night ! :hello:
:yawn: your natural flow is showing :cretin:

I was told like 2 years ago that my way to speak English was "close to a native's" and a couple of months ago, a teacher told me: "You were born to do this". Which are.. So far the best compliments I've ever been given :puppyeyes:
Dernière édition :
@Lafastod Well, I was born in the States, and I'm supposed to be bilingual. I naturally hop from one language to another with my girlfriend and my family when I speak, and sticking to one of the two severely limits me sometimes. So my english is ok, but it's awful for somebody who's supposed to speak it fluently :sweatdrop: There's a reason I'm always nicknamed "frenchie" when I work in the States :cretin:

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