Right this second


Je suis faillible, mais je suis capable.
18 Août 2010
16 457
91 573
7 169
@AprilMayJune oh wow :cretin: On my mother's side, they're all Italian as far as my knowledge goes, but on my father's there are.. Belgian and German ancestors. Maybe more origins I don't know. Actually on the family tree the generation of my parents is basically the first to be born French on paper and marry French people.

Ada or ardor

Get out my hay
6 Septembre 2010
4 406
29 990
5 894
I'm jealous of you guys ! My family is mostly french since 3 centuries (I've read on the papers of my dead grand-father, one of my ancestors made a very bad deal selling alcohol to some Napoleon's troops:yawn:). My father is half spanish though. Anyways, it's boring:yawn: !


Je suis faillible, mais je suis capable.
18 Août 2010
16 457
91 573
7 169
@AprilMayJune For the story, I originally come from the North Eastern side of France. During and after WWII there was a massive Italian immigration up there because of the factories who hired a lot of men. That's why a lot of people I've known since I was a kid have Italian ancestors :happy: Which is not the case where I live now.
11 Février 2012
4 750
23 087
6 204
Le Mans
@AprilMayJune yup, apparently :yawn: Not even on purpose.
@Lafastod I just moved, will you hold it against me? :lunette:
With this picture I would hold against you. Literally.
@Tératogène for me it's actually quite common a story as well. My paternal grandfather is american (he was adopted, so I don't know anything about his ancestry) and married my grandmother when she moved to California - her mother was french and her father english, and I don't know why she moved there but she did. She had a son (my dad) (and already had a daughter then, and then had another daughter) and my dad met my mother while she was studying in California (I guess the both of them speaking french helped). My mother was french, with italian ancestors from the immigration waves of the beginning of the century.

And I guess that's it :cretin:

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