Right this second

24 Juillet 2009
1 687
3 072
4 974
@Aunbrey. Yes if it's not more some times ! It's just crazy, and Ryannair is closing all off its small connexion during winter time. So I might take a bus to Paris like I did last year and then taking a flight or a train. I live in north England and spending christmas in south of France, it's just hell.

Well I'm preparing for my 4th day in my new school, I don't bother making efforts today...It's pouring all night with thunder and lightning and I can't wear my wellies at school :stressed:
  • Big up !
Réactions : Rosenrot_
13 Juillet 2011
2 954
20 900
5 694
@Alphonse : Oh, fuck. I'm trying to stick to British English, but I guess I fail miserably. :lol:
Good luck on finding affordable tickets, though!

@Tératogène : Were you in NYC on holidays? How was it? (Besides the obvious fact that you loved it. :nod:)
  • Big up !
Réactions : Tératogène
24 Juillet 2009
1 687
3 072
4 974
@Rosenrot_ my bad ! I was talking to @Tératogène ! Sorry for this I was probably to sleepy to write correctly !

Tonight we are going to a fancy bar with a friend of mine(the crush could't come:stare:), we will have some good IPA's and they are showing a film about Fela Kuti <3
  • Big up !
Réactions : Tératogène


Je suis faillible, mais je suis capable.
18 Août 2010
16 457
91 573
7 169
@Rosenrot_ I was. For 8 days. It was my 2nd time there but my first trip alone. And it was a BLAST :dowant: :gnih: There's so many things to do in NYC. Each neighborhood - if not each block - has its own atmosphere. You can literally travel everywhere by staying in a single city whether it's with the shit ton of different restaurants and food, or by talking with random strangers. I never felt like an actual tourist there, I don't know if you see what I mean but I was just so comfortable in those streets. Taking the subway was so easy, taking directions was so easy, blending in was so easy - if you forget about my camera :cretin: I still need to make progress and put aside some of my very French attitudes but it was.. Home, really.
Tbh the want-to-live-there-one-day I've come home with 3 years ago became a real need, if you know what I mean. Kinda the same phenomenon @Aunbrey. was talking about earlier :tears: <3

Edit: Aw @Alphonse really it's a great compliment to me :puppyeyes: It just shows that only a week there and I get to speak kinda like those NYers :yawn: Which I find is such a nice thing since I felt like one of them somehow. (even if my English has always been highly influenced by the American one)
Dernière édition :


Je suis faillible, mais je suis capable.
18 Août 2010
16 457
91 573
7 169
I have a friend who lives in NYC
I just woke up :dodo:

I'd really like to visit New York City one day, but I don't wanna live there - it's not the same as the rest of the States (and it's pricey :ninja: ) though @Tératogène you should definitely go live there so I can come visit :cretin: and crash on your couch, for free, because hotels are expensive :cretin:

I'd like to live in Chicago. Or Portland. Or something like that. With @Merry June we're still hesitating. Hopefully we'll move next year. I can't wait. :caprice:

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