Right this second


Je suis faillible, mais je suis capable.
18 Août 2010
16 457
91 573
7 169
@Beezarre OMG I just read your inbox message and wow I just, I. I really, really need to take time to send you a proper answer but I'm working tomorrow so I'll do it when I have time. Now I'm only heading to bed - and trust me, I wish I could stay here and talk even more with you tonight.
Also, you did put a huuuuuge grin on my face too, that's completely crazy :yawn:
See you tomorrow, make sure to stay tuned cause I bet I can beat that half novel you sent my way :rainbow:

Edit: Okay I just can't stop smiling and giggling like a teenager
11 Juillet 2015
1 167
@Tératogène :cretin: :cretin: :cretin:
You work tomorrow? What are you still doing up! :non: To bed with you! (No, not THAT way!:taquin:)
I'll be looking forward to your answer then (f5 is going to suffer tomorrow, me thinks!)
I'm glad I made you grin too! It's payback for making me grin! :cretin: Also, 'completely crazy' should totally be my middle name(s)!
(Also, technically, it's already tomorrow :yawn: )
You think you can beat my half novel? Careful there, because if this is going to turn into a 'who can write the longest', you're up against someone who can type VERY quickly and very effectively :d (I really look forward to that, too :d)
Now, :dodo:!
  • Big up !
Réactions : Tératogène
17 Décembre 2014
Hi girls (and boys) !
I'm currently revising to sit the Cambridge Advanced exam. So I bought a workbook to have an idea of what will be expected of me. In each unit is a writing exercise and there is no correction for it. The problem is that I can't correct it all alone... So I thought maybe you could help me, and give me advice :innocent: Thank you very much!

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Dernière édition :


Je suis faillible, mais je suis capable.
18 Août 2010
16 457
91 573
7 169
Heyyy long time no see :jv:
I've just changed my avatar :shifty: Terra Juana is SO hot.
Not sure if I fancy her or if I want to be her :hesite: Maybe both :lunette:


Je suis faillible, mais je suis capable.
18 Août 2010
16 457
91 573
7 169
Feeling a little stressed out. Okay, TOTALLY stressed out. I'm so scared of forgetting something important or being in trouble at the airport or losing my luggage or finding out the hotel is actually awful and getting lost and dying and arghhhhhh.
:shifty: :shifty:
(day-before-departure anxiety, no big deal)(uh maybe it is)
  • Big up !
Réactions : AprilMayJune et Kymi
Hey y'all ! :paillettes:

It's nice to see this thread come back to life a bit. Welcome here :caprice:

My significant other seems to entertain the idea of moving to Chicago once again. That's very happy news, we can both daydream about living there now :jv:

(And that's mostly all I have to say :hesite: I just came back from work, and I'm exhausted. I don't really wanna go to sleep just yet though :shifty: )
  • Big up !
Réactions : Rosenrot_

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