Right this second

12 Janvier 2014
1 038
1 082
shield;4721401 a dit :
I realised I'm not completely at ease when it comes to speaking in english. I'm always surrounded by english language as I read in english, watch american and brit series, listen to english radio, attend to english courses... Yet I'm seldom made to speak in english, and I don't have any (close) English native speaker friend, so I'm lacking english-speaking practise, which is a shame considering I'm supposed to teach english quite soon and I'll have to undergo the oral parts of my exams in a month. I'm really not bad but I'm definitely not fluent either.

So I guess I'll have to find a speedy way to find a conversation exchange partner. The good thing is there are a few assistants in my university, so I'll try that first.
Are there some Parisians here who have found a cool and cheap way to meet up with english speakers?

Maybe you could try integrating in erasmus students facebook groups who live in Paris ? You can believe me, they will always be so happy to meet local people, because that's the most difficult :fleur:
I only discovered that during second semester here in Cardiff, but it really helped me meeting and bonding with people even tho all of them were not british considering I'm doing my erasmus in Britain :yawn:
18 Septembre 2011
1 479
1 986
2 144
Thanks a lot, @Mooi !
I have to admit I'm afraid these groups are a little too young for me, as I'm not a student anymore, but I'll look them up anyway, you never know!
30 Août 2011
1 118
4 824
I finally wrote an email to a professor about the master thesis ! I don't want to check my mailbox ever again :halp:


@Mooi and @Matie : thanks for answering!
Actually, I'm preparing for the agrégation, so there are not so many foreign students and since we already had the writing part of the exams in March, we almost don't have any classes anymore.

I've looked up the meetup page for Paris and there are many groups. Actually I was more interested in getting feedback about a specific group from someone who joined it!

Matie : I've lived a year in Oxford (as a French assistant in highschool), and I know how difficult it is to meet local people when you spend some time abroad! At some point, I joined couchsurfing (you don't have to share your couch to take part in the events), but since it's not such a big city, they all knew each other and I didn't really fit in :erf:
12 Janvier 2014
1 038
1 082
shield;472197 a dit :
Matie : I've lived a year in Oxford (as a French assistant in highschool), and I know how difficult it is to meet local people when you spend some time abroad! At some point, I joined couchsurfing (you don't have to share your couch to take part in the events), but since it's not such a big city, they all knew each other and I didn't really fit in :erf:
 I totes know what you mean. I've been lucky 'cause I met two guys online on Badoo, and we got along very well, just started to meet up without dating actually, and I met their friends etc.

I've made up my mind. After graduating from Master I'll go back to Cardiff, find a lousy job and have fun :gnih:
11 Février 2012
4 750
23 087
6 204
Le Mans
2 days, 13 pages. You girls are efficient  !

12 Janvier 2014
1 038
1 082
xmonochrome;4722243 a dit :
matie;4722237 a dit :
Now it's been 40 minutes that I'm looking for great latin phrases in order to get one tatooed :hesite:
I did that once. I found 2, beginning with "Memento". The wikipedia article is kind of handy in this situation.

My head hurts soooo bad :sad: I try to get out and get some fresh air everyday but it keeps hurting. I planned to spend the week working at the uni library but I think I'll have to get some meds before :rotate:
 Memento Mori you mean ? :cretin:
This one is defo great, but truly common.

Some I found nice so far :

Fide, sed cui vide
[Trust, but be careful to whom]

Tempora mutantur et nos mutamur in illis
[Time is moving/changing, we're moving/changing with it]

Ut ameris, amabilis esto
[To be loved, be loveable]

Compos mentis
[Master of my mind/spirit]

Damnant quod non intelligunt « Ils condamnent ce qu'ils ne comprennent pas. »
[They blame what they don't understand]

(holy shit, this one sounds great in english too :puppyeyes:)

De profundis clamavi
[From the bottom of the abyss, I screamed]

Hodie mihi, cras tibi
[Today for me, Tomorrow for you]
12 Janvier 2014
1 038
1 082
xmonochrome;4722251 a dit :
matie;4722246 a dit :
xmonochrome;4722243 a dit :
matie;4722237 a dit :
Now it's been 40 minutes that I'm looking for great latin phrases in order to get one tatooed :hesite:
I did that once. I found 2, beginning with "Memento". The wikipedia article is kind of handy in this situation.

My head hurts soooo bad :sad: I try to get out and get some fresh air everyday but it keeps hurting. I planned to spend the week working at the uni library but I think I'll have to get some meds before :rotate:
 Memento Mori you mean ? :cretin:
This one is defo great, but truly common.
Nope. Memeto Mori doesn't appeal to me. Doesn't ring a bell or makes me think about/feel something special.

what were they, then ? :)
12 Janvier 2014
1 038
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xmonochrome;4722253 a dit :

I guess some people got them already but I'd like to keep them to myself, hence the spoiler :cretin:
They won't be in place anyone can see. Secret tattoos :ninja:
 They sound great ! My latin skills are not good enough to get them tho :cretin:

I'd like to get mine underboob, but I heard it really hurts :gonk:

I'd like to get something betweens my fingers too :)
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