Right this second

9 Mars 2013
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5 664
hey there, I hope you're enjoying your Sunday. Mine was very sunny and family-oriented (a rarity these days).
Anyway, I'd said I'd come back to post about the English conversation group I wanted to try out as a way to make myself accountable. Well, I went last week and it was pleasant. No overwhelming awkwardness.
There were fewer people than I'd expected, and more guys, too. And my age group (I often end up with 40 somethings, I guess my tastes skew old-er). Not a bad thing in itself. It's very organic in that there is no set topic and things kind of flow -or don't- from one topic to the next. They have a great tea selection and a different patron buy biscuits for everyone each night.
I'll make sure I exit earlier next time (just because it makes for a slightly late evening if not), though. It's a skill I want to hone, anyway.
Oh, and I learnt that other places are offering the same activity, so I'll definitely investigate.
So, success! :v:
13 Juillet 2011
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@Rosenrot_ soooo, what about this kitty? :puppyeyes:
She's adorable! :puppyeyes: (Turns out it's a she.) She follows me around everywhere, I had to set up a chair so she can sleep next to me while I'm at my desk. :yawn: I don't know how old she is, but she's very playful (which is super cute, but goddammit, now I remember why I wanted to adopt an old cat – very demanding :cretin:).
The only thing I'm afraid of is she doesn't seem to me like a cat that would have been abandoned, I don't think it's unlikely she was just lost and someone is still looking for her. :erf: I'd feel terrible to keep her from her original owner if there is any. The people who had her for the past month said she doesn't have a chip but I'll try to go to the vet next week to check.
13 Juillet 2011
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I barely read anymore since the new year started and it makes me really sad. I told myself that I just needed a break for a few weeks, because I had some tough months last year and I feel like I'm "burning out" in a lot of activities I used to enjoy. But it's been a while and now I feel like I lost a little piece of myself. :erf: I'm trying to motivate myself again with the Madmoizelle reading challenge but meh, I barely feel any excitement. And I have a shelf full of books waiting to be read, I can't just let them there waiting!
19 Juin 2014
3 610
4 864
(Okay, just two messages above I say I have no time for english anymore, and here I am ! :facepalm:)

Reading has always been a part of me. Since I was able to read, I always had a book open next to my bed. But with the grown up life style, I had less time. I also had a period where I was no longer happy with my boyfriend, and where reading was clearly an escape; it was not safe at all. And after I broke up with him, I couldn't read anymore while almost a year. Because I now was happy, and I had associated lecture and pain together... It took a while before I feel safe with books again. Now I accept I have periods of "bulimia" and "anorexia" of reading (it's not the right choice of words but you see my point). So don't be too rude with yourself, maybe it's just not the right time for you :fleur:

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