Right this second

13 Juillet 2011
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So I'm in the "food crew" for a week-end trip with friends, and we have to plan meals and buy groceries for about 12 persons.
As usual when you plan meals for a large group, we will plan for a few extra people for fear of not having enough food (:rolleyes:), so 15. Yet, one of the girls in the food crew is still afraid we might not have enough food.


I mean. Has it ever happened in the history of humankind that people planning meals for 10+ persons didn't end up with enough leftovers to feed a family for a year? I believe not.
It's not like we're going to be in a remote area or something, we'll be in the city. If we're really starving despite the 15 portions of food per meal AND million snacks, we can always order a pizza. :lol: I'm just hoping we manage to end the trip without an insane amount of leftovers but I'm afraid I'm dealing with an overenthusiastic food shopper.

Ada or ardor

Get out my hay
6 Septembre 2010
4 416
30 015
5 894
I've been puzzled at cheese for weeks, but today I knew it : Philadelphia :coiffe:.

(Puzzled at the supermarket because : I usually eat cheese, but I didn't feel like it lately. Each week at the supermarket I was looking at the cheeses but couldn't pick one, because of the weather I guess. But yeah Philadelphia is the perfect cheese for hot summers. It took a month for me to figure out :lunette:).

Weirdest message ever :ninja:.
13 Juillet 2011
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I really miss having a cat. :sad: I kept telling myself my flat is not very cat-friendly and I should wait to move out before considering adopting one, but IDK, I was thinking about it yesterday and I guess I could make it work. And now I'm just OBSESSED with the idea, I can't think about anything else this morning.
I miss the petting, and the kisses, and the cuddles, and the waking-you-up-in-the-middle-of-the-night, and the cuteness, and the playing, and the suddenly-tearing-your-hand-to-shreds, and the looking stupid, and the ignoring you, and the meowing for food.
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13 Juillet 2011
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@Casspinosaure : I guess it depends on your rental conditions, it's written on my contract and I'm almost sure my landlord reminded me of that before I signed it. :hesite: Like "If you want a pet, ask me and we can talk about it". I don't think he would say no because other people in my building have a cat (he owns all or most of the flats in the building), and anyway I'm prepared to answer to any of his doubts because my brain is like 100% focused on cat adoption since the week-end and I literally thought about everything. :cretin:

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