Right this second

13 Juillet 2011
2 954
20 900
5 694
*shamelessly double-posting*

(and Latin, but well... not very useful in everday life :nerd:)

I saw this today: Report: Students Who Take Latin Have Better Chance Of Summoning Demon Later In Life
It made me reconsider my stance on Latin, and now I feel sad that I didn't take it more seriously when I was young. :erf: Think about how things would have been different for a lot of students if Latin teachers mentioned this… This is such a shame.


sauvage illettrée banlieusarde.
12 Juin 2008
4 689
Don't be so hard on yourself girl, your english is good :top:
To answer your question, yes I'm fluent in english. How do I know that you may ask? I actually speak and write better english than I do french (It's fucked up, but it's the truth lol). The state failed real bad to teach me (and so many other people around me) french properly, but I successfully taught myself english in my adulthood lmao

That's the quality of education in french ghettos. "Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité" my ass. So many of our schools are jokes, plain and simple.

@Ignis Aurae See, you are now contemplating learning spanish too haha. (Oh and btw, italian can be very useful, I'd love to be fluent in this beautiful language... so I could visit Italy and get me some Hot italian man 8)).
8 Février 2016
4 543
1 784
Hi :hello:
I come here because I think it's a good way to practise my english. Sorry if I disturb you because I make mistakes in english :ninja: but I'm able to have discussion and I would become fluent in this nice language because I plan to move to England in a while :puppyeyes:.
And I nearly forgot HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!
10 Octobre 2016
1 869
2 324
@mt ok I'll try :cretin: soooo I mainly listen to podcast on culture, or self development, or stuff like that. At the moment I quite like Earn your happy, Good Life project and Daily Boost for Kinda "better life" stuff, then I have the Guardian Today in Focus for daily news and Guardian UK Politics, No such thing as fish which is quite funny, Freakonomics Radio and Stuff they don't want you to know for interesting stuff about everything, and finally Song Exploder which I love, it's artists going through the process of creating one of their song. Oh and also Ted Talks obviously, podcast version :happy: that's all for now I think ! Also I use the Castbox app. Let me know if any questions :taquin:
10 Octobre 2016
1 869
2 324
@mt ahah great ! Yeah for the time it really depends, self development are usually about an hour, sometimes they do smaller one like tips which are between 10-20 min. Ted talks are about 15-20 min I would say but also depends. Everything depends :lunette: Castbox is the app on which I listen to them :happy:
  • Big up !
Réactions : Irene Adler et mt

Ada or ardor

Get out my hay
6 Septembre 2010
4 416
30 015
5 894
@mt : Right ? :puppyeyes: I should try to listen it again !

Something disturbs me since a long time in English. It's the way they say "Ma'am". I always wondered where the contraction comes from and its meaning. I've always seen it widely used with the contraction (never heard "Madam" actually). At the same time it sounds quite disrespectful (in my mind) to say something supposed to be formal with a contraction.
Can someone explain that to me ? :halp:

(Reminds me of that afternoon I spend trying to understand the point with the word cunt)
  • Big up !
Réactions : mt et Wyvern.
8 Février 2016
4 543
1 784
@mt. I'm great! :) I was in vacation last week so it's nice to go back to a productive routine and more social life :yawn:. And you how is your day?

@LolaN22 Thanks for your podcast tips :puppyeyes:. I look forward to listen it.

Bdw yesterday evening I trying to watch the serie "Sherkock" in english‚ I thought it would be easy because I had already seen it in french but no :coiffe:. So I realized that I'm more exposed at the american accent that at the english accent so it's harder for me to understand english. Do you have tips for help me to understand english accent?:hesite:
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