Right this second

Ada or ardor

Get out my hay
6 Septembre 2010
4 416
30 015
5 894
Trying to rent a room on my flat. Appointment with a German guy. Who is so polite, calm and disciplined, that's crazy.
When I get home with him (outside he was walking behind me, not by my side because the alley is narrow and maybe he didn't want to be too close), my mother shouts at him "don't take your shoes off!!" :facepalm:.
She talked and talked and talked. Maybe the guy wanted to go away, felt stuck but I couldn't read him.
At the end, he stood up when I did, and I apologized for "any cultural misunderstanding" :shifty:.

I have a lot of stereotypes on Germans (good ones), and that Frederik was a confirmation (except that he was not tall, bald and nudist).
13 Juillet 2011
2 954
20 900
5 694
So I have a Deezer account to listen to music. Turns out it sends you a monthly email with your "listening statistics".
Thank you Deezer, I really needed to be told that my top song listened so this month is Angels by Robbie Williams.

It try to be all like:


But truly I feel like:


(Spiderman is the allegory of the email.)

What has my life become?

Ada or ardor

Get out my hay
6 Septembre 2010
4 416
30 015
5 894
I realized earlier, I spend so much time on the internet (that's lame) that I read and watch a lot in English every day.
I was also one more time in a "speaking English misses me" mood. I speak to myself in English sometimes.
I'm learning useless words : "frosting" for instance (yay! Cooking TV reality shows on Netflix. Have you ever learn the history of cake's decoration?)

Also, I just finished Persuasion by Jane Austen, (witch was... uneasy at the beginning :shifty:). And I might read other books in English. My concern is.. it's not so easy to find in library :gonk:. I wanted to read How to be both by Ali Smith, now I'm looking for Alias Grace by Atwood (:puppyeyes:), well I gotta travel into Paris to grab that pussy. Sorry :ninja:

(Sorry if I just repeat myself with my "I miss speaking English", while you would say I not so good when writing :lunette:)

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