Right this second

12 Janvier 2014
1 038
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xmonochrome;4722256 a dit :
@Matie : Oops sorry forgot the meaning!
1st: Remember that you are only dust
1st: Remember to always dare

Roughly translated from latin to french to english :hesite:
Can you remove just the spoiler please ? :fleur:
Oh sorry love, sure ! *done*

Both are great indeed:hesite:

But before getting anything on my body, I'd like to be fit and proud of it.

That's a long and tough path to go :cretin:
27 Janvier 2014
Hello everyone !! I can't sleep because of many problems that happened, few years ago.
You all seem so cool, I don't know how to introduce myself, I should hide my face under a blanket. :cretin::gnih:
12 Janvier 2014
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snowswoon;4722262 a dit :
Hello everyone !! I can't sleep because of many problems that happened, few years ago.
You all seem so cool, I don't know how to introduce myself, I should hide my face under a blanket. :cretin::gnih:

Welcome hun'  :joy:

Don't be shy, I'm sure you're lovely and fun ?

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27 Janvier 2014
What a lovely welcome ! This makes me giggle like a little girl :puppyeyes:
Yeah, I'm really disappointed by the french school system that doesn't really care about people who fail at almost every maths tests and so can't go in a section, where maths are important to have easily the A-Level.
Especially as my father is since more than ten years, a math teacher ... So, I knew since the beginning that my poor grades in this subject, weren't a good thing for my future studies.:facepalm:
12 Janvier 2014
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snowswoon;4722276 a dit :
What a lovely welcome ! This makes me giggle like a little girl :puppyeyes:
Yeah, I'm really disappointed by the french school system that doesn't really care about people who fail at almost every maths tests and so can't go in a section, where maths are important to have easily the A-Level.
Especially as my father is since more than ten years, a math teacher ... So, I knew since the beginning that my poor grades in this subject, weren't a good thing for my future studies.:facepalm:

Haven't done any maths ever since college, and I'm a student, still \o/

Maths don't get you everywhere, it's such a fake belief X_x
27 Janvier 2014
I feel really stupid right now, my cheeks are red like a yummy tomato :sweatdrop:
I know that many students study subjects, where good grades in maths are not this important but when I arrived at high-school, my first project was to study economy after my A-Level ...
But a lovely and very human teacher, said in front of the class, that I was going to stay in the same class because of my poor grades in maths and her subject (sciences)
So, I changed my plans and added a section where opportunities are very few, if we're not a brillant student.
12 Janvier 2014
1 038
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snowswoon;4722280 a dit :
I feel really stupid right now, my cheeks are red like a yummy tomato :sweatdrop:
I know that many students study subjects, where good grades in maths are not this important but when I arrived at high-school, my first project was to study economy after my A-Level ...
But a lovely and very human teacher, said in front of the class, that I was going to stay in the same class because of my poor grades in maths and her subject (sciences)
So, I changed my plans and added a section where opportunities are very few, if we're not a brillant student.

You should quote me when you're replying to me, it's easier this way :)

Maths in economics are pretty different, as they refer to something real and tangible. Are you still in college ? :)
27 Janvier 2014
matie;4722282 a dit :
You should quote me when you're replying to me, it's easier this way :)

Maths in economics are pretty different, as they refer to something real and tangible. Are you still in college ? :)
I left high-school, two years ago after changed of high-school, because of the bad reputation of the first and the not so good A-Level results ... And, I very regret it because I've passed two awful years in a very select institution, where there are many rich kids who didn't really care of the others if they don't wear brand-name clothes.:facepalm:
12 Janvier 2014
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snowswoon;4722289 a dit :
matie;4722282 a dit :
You should quote me when you're replying to me, it's easier this way :)

Maths in economics are pretty different, as they refer to something real and tangible. Are you still in college ? :)
I left high-school, two years ago after changed of high-school, because of the bad reputation of the first and the not so good A-Level results ... And, I very regret it because I've passed two awful years in a very select institution, where there are many rich kids who didn't really care of the others if they don't wear brand-name clothes.:facepalm:

Aww Bubble, I feel you :sad: ?

I already had a fat pub burger yesterday, but I want another one today :hesite:
12 Janvier 2014
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tardigrade;4722823 a dit :
I'd love to chat with you, but I'm intimidated (is that the right word ? Look like a bad translation :eh:) ! :halp:

It's right but sounds a bit odd. You can say "shy" or "nervous":3

No worries bubble, you're welcome here ?
8 Février 2009
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@matie I completely agree with @Mooi "bubble" is so cute :puppyeyes:

(The "I agree" thing I put above made me think about all the silly debates we had to do during English class :fear:)
12 Janvier 2014
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@Mooi That's the best compliment I've ever been told :puppyeyes: (Ain't you supposed to become a teacher ? :hesite: If so, it makes me even happier :gnih:)

@Sloppy Massive thanks :puppyeyes:

I guess it's because welsh people like giving affective nicknames to everyone including strangers. I kinda got that habit too, because it's so lovely and cute and adorable. :dowant: (I love it when barmen say things like "No prob's lov' !" :chat:)

Last week my welsh friend made fun of me because I said "boobies" instead of "tits", "boobs" or "breast" and told me I sounded like a 5 year-old :lol:

My "english bestie", as he likes me to call him, told me I was his "Broob". As in "Bro with boobs" ineh :yawn:.

Another adorable word is "soonies" for "soon". Like when saying "see you later" on fb, you can use "speak soonies" :3 !

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