Right this second

12 Janvier 2014
1 038
1 082
shinypony;4725040 a dit :
xmonochrome;4725031 a dit :
("I'll propose" is enough, no need to add "marriage")
I was thinking about it but I wasn't sure.

Anyway my female model is SoKo :yawn:
(actually no. That's a model in internet Mia Lepson )

.... I'd do her :culotte:.

@Mrs Heisenberg Only in a positive way I swear :cretin:
12 Janvier 2014
1 038
1 082
Cheers gurlz ? I'm now halway through my marketing chapter, and I wrote and learned my oral presentation in japanese :goth:

@Lafastod I've just found out about it. This is hilarious :'D

@Diantre That's for the greater good :winky:
23 Mars 2014
1 790
matie;4726201 a dit :
Please someone tell me to go back to my damn revising work instead of watching Parks and Recreation episodes :goth:

This is what's gonna to happen if you don't go back to work !

Works for me :P

By the way, her videos are pretty funny !
12 Janvier 2014
1 038
1 082
margooniett;4726989 a dit :
Hey I wonder if I am the only one who got problems breathing while reading a text out loud ?:dunno:

I'd rather say it's pretty common :v:. Reading out loud is something way more difficult than it seems actually !
12 Janvier 2014
1 038
1 082
shinypony;4727404 a dit :
matie;4727387 a dit :
margooniett;4726989 a dit :
Hey I wonder if I am the only one who got problems breathing while reading a text out loud ?:dunno:

I'd rather say it's pretty common :v:. Reading out loud is something way more difficult than it seems actually !
Really ? But there's the ponctuation to know when you're supposed to breathe :dunno:
It's not a question of comma or dot. You have to find the right tone, how to raise or lower your voice correctly, and that's pretty difficult to me...
8 Février 2009
1 544
4 409
4 994
@margooniett It can be hard if you hardly did it before. But you don't have to read quickly, take your time, it should help :)

I just bought Mickey leggings :lol:
18 Septembre 2011
1 479
1 986
2 144
I've just cleaned and tidied my whole apartment. I've reorganized my kitchen. I've done two sets of laundry (I'm in a bit of a doubt here: do you think we can say "two laundries"? For some reason it doesn't seem right to me). ​
I'm burning a scented candle right now. ​

I feel so...accomplished! :happy:
12 Janvier 2014
1 038
1 082
glouns;4727757 a dit :
I've just cleaned and tidied my whole apartment. I've reorganized my kitchen. I've done two sets of laundry (I'm in a bit of a doubt here: do you think we can say "two laundries"? For some reason it doesn't seem right to me). ​
I'm burning a scented candle right now. ​

I feel so...accomplished! :happy:
As laundry is an uncountable, you'd rather say "I did some laundry" and maybe "I filled the washing machine twice !" :)

My day started the worst way it could have, but I'm feeling better now and I'm eating mikan :chat:

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